Sunday, January 06, 2008

Two Years Old.

Random discussion with Jacklyn:
Thinking of combining our blogs into one since lately, most of the posts in our own blog is of similar contents. I've brought it up before but didn't come to any conclusions at that time. We'll see how things go. No plans in getting our own domain yet though.


On this very day, Seeds Of Life @ turns two. Let me take a minute to recompose myself as this is quite an emotional moment for me. Just kidding. OMG! Can you believe it, that I've actually managed to maintain a blog for 2 years? Never have imagined that I could! I would like to thank myself for making it this far and thank Jacklyn for making me making it this far. Not forgetting all my blogger kakis (eh, too many lah, lazy want to put all your links here) who kept on layan-ing my lame posts without complain and also thank those who frequent or infrequent my blog and since this is a special occasion, I'll be super generous and just everyone who's reading this.

Ze Apple Pie from Modesto's! Happy 2nd Birthday to my blog and many, many more to come (hopefully, ahaha). Sorry no candles later ruin the cinnamon ice-cream.

Truth to be told, I started blogging with the sole intention of making it big, seeking attention and having a legion of followers *drools*. I can't really recall what actually influenced me to think that way. Looking back, I would say that things were definitely pretty messy back then *shame*. But as time passes, being exposed to more blogs along the way as well as all the frequent meet-ups with bloggers, I begin to discover being the real joy in blogging, that is, being able to share with others occurences in my life in my own way, and at the same time, learning about others. On how being myself is the most unique trait ever achieveable, instead of following what others are doing. On how large and wide the world of blogging is, and can be, and I exist just as a small, tiny fragment of it. All these little lessons of life, would have never been known to me, should I have not blogged. I think I'm kinda losing track of what I wanted to say, better stop now.

Some facts for the year 2007:
Total Pageviews : 18,995
Total Visits : 15,760
Average pageviews/month : 1,582

Same as last year, I'll be looking forward to another great year of blogging ahead. Blog On!