Showing posts with label Tying the knot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tying the knot. Show all posts

Thursday, December 04, 2008

More Pictures.

From the Goh Dai Lai - more details can be found here - Crikety Clickety Click

Stuff to be brought over to Jac's house - upon closer inspection, you would notice that all of the items inside the two red plastic basins have the 'xiong hei' sticker on it. And of course the dowry HUHUHU - nope I have yet to get over it after all this while - was in cheque form, siao meh bringing so much cash running around.

Lepaking with my aunt at Jac's place while waiting for her Dad Father-in-Law to return, surrounded by her relatives.

Some of the stuff to be used during the prayer and offering session - notice how in the modern days, even these stuff are sold pre-packaged.

This is me preparing for the praying and offering session - adjusting the candles because the images should be facing out for whatever reasons - that's Mum and Sis in the background.

This is still me - NO I am NOT goofing around - it was due to glare from the reflection of sunlight of a passing vehicle.

Jac's turn for the prayers - pretty sure that she has totally no idea on the what and why she's praying - notice the clueless expression lols.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank You All.

First of all, before everything else, just let me inform everyone out there that Jed is officially - legally, religion wise and custom wise a married man - so, really sorry to all those out there who's still harbouring hopes to date me or anything else etc LOLS. Okay, muka tebal moment over.

I would like to extend the highest gratitude to our parents, family members, soon-to-be family members, relatives, fellow friends who have helped me out so much in the morning, you know who you guys are - in a midst of rushing now will do a proper post later, and also to all those who took time off to attend our wedding dinner - it really means a lot to us.

Also thank you all for your congratulatory messages! I'll be heading off to Bali later - so, there still won't be any updates till later this week - but then you can always head to the others' blogs - sungguh efficient sekali - to see what happened during the big day also lah. And once I return, be prepared for a huge change... hehehe... shall remain a secret till then.

Once again, a big thank you to all - see ya'll soon...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sehati Sejiwa.

Jed and Jacklyn finally tied the knot on this very day - after started to plan about one year and 3 months back (I think), after proposing about one year and one month ago and after having signed the legal papers 6 months and 13 days ago. Can't really believe that so much time and effort has been spent for this one day - and it passed just like that.

Anyhow, from this day onwards, Jed can be referred to as Mr. Wong - I'm pretty fine with it - and Jacklyn shall officially be referred to as, voluntarily or not - Mrs. Wong LOLS! Or Wong Tai, Wong Si Lai, Aunty Wong, Wong Sou - all these also can.

And thus, a new chapter begins in the life of Mr. Wong - as well as Mrs. Wong - and not forgetting, this blog as well. Would life be the same for Mr and Mrs Wong now that they're seeing each other every single day? Would Mrs Wong be able to adapt to life in a totally new environment? Stay tuned to find out! *lagu TVB drama series playing in the background - just think of any songs from those big family fight for status and money series*

* Jed welcomes Jac to the Wong Family with open arms - this might look fun but you can go ahead and try to carry Mrs Wong if you ever have the opportunity - can wipe smile off face lols - and if you thought of carrying Mr Wong instead - can lose ability to smile for 1000 days*

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Night Before The Big Day.

The tradition restricts the bride and groom from meeting each other the day before marriage and for us, it was mission impossible so we met anyway - had to get the still pending items like decorating the bridal car, finalizing the ang paus, collecting the bouquet and other miscellaneous stuff done - once and for all.

But, as a sign of respect to this long time tradition, we limit our meet-each-other session to only half a day - the rest was spent preparing our houses for THE BIG FEAST, busy, busy, oh so busy.

Is the big feast part of the tradition I don't know because to me it looks more like a local culture possibly introduced by people in catering businesses - relatives and friends were invited over for makan and nothing else. Just, makan, chit-chat, drink, makan, more chit-chat, drink again and then makan summore.

Typically chinese to the roots.

Sis, CL and a few of my aunts were here early to 'decorate' the house - with balloons, ribbons and all stuff - really have to salute them for having such patience and level of enthusiasm for all this - I think they kinda expected me to throw in similar effort for them next time, no matter the type of celebration.

Instead of getting ample rest like every groom should - I was running around on errands ala office boy CIS CIS CIS right until the very last minute.

And that was not the end, being the host, I am automatically assigned with the responsibility to layan the guests - then only get to makan around 9 something and I didn't even had the chance to have a bite on my favourite Ice Kacang, woe is so me.

Hence, dessert = cans of beer, no thanks to my college mates.

After the above still had to take a bath of water filled with pamelo leaves then don myself in long sleeves and pants of white in colour in the heat of Malaysian weather, wait till midnight then pray and have my hair combed during which auspicious words such as happiness till old age, many children and all that.

Yeah, I myself never knew that a groom had to go through this hair-combing ceremony until then - all this while I thought this was a girl thing.

And FINALLY after a bowl of tang yuen (a must) and chasing all the college mates away - I was able to call it a day and get some well deserved rest. It did take a while to fall asleep due to nervousness coupled with a pounding heart but I guess the tiredness kicked in soon after.

Anxiety almost killed the great jed.

Family, relatives and friends in this picture.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Goh Dai Lai.

All I seem to be able to understand and digest from the whole goh dai lai thing is that I'm gonna lose a hell lots of money on this one - the very first time I heard of the amount that my parents were planning to propose a few months back, which according to them is the latest market rate, I almost dropped dead.

That time they proposed the amount to Jacklyn's family during the official "meet-up" - during the meal before the solemnization - I almost dropped dead, again.

And the night before I'm supposed to hand over this sum of money to Jac's family, I cried myself to sleep thinking of all the hard times I've been through for my savings - clubbing nights I've missed, the all new Nissan GT-R, all the latest gadgets and PC upgrades I refrained from buying, the trip to Japan I've been dreaming of, those car accessories that could've scored me some chiqs I've been longing for - sigh.

Anyway, on a more serious note, I really have no idea on the history as well as purpose behind this goh dai lai practice - from my own observation, its like a form of compensation to the bride's family for taking her away.

My parents glared so sharply at me that I swear I felt some pain that very instance - when I told them of the abovementioned opinion. According to them, its more like a gift of appreciation to the bride's family for having raised such a wonderful daughter and thus, our family being fortunate enough to have this wonderful daughter-in-law.

Lucky me.

Usually, the goh dai lai would be set about a week before the wedding day - but one still has the option to consult those Feng Shui masters or Sifoos or Mediums or the lunar calendar for an auspicious day, chinese being chinese. Other than the dowry HUHUHU, there's supposed to be loads of other items for this occasion as well such as bridal cakes, pair of male + female poultry, golden coconuts? wine, tobacco, sweets and sugar, fruits and loads of other unknown stuff.

Honestly, the tradition is dying fomr one generation to another - none of us were able to come up with the exact list of items required. The wiser (and older) generation when consulted, gave a similar response - haiyah, no need one lah so troublesome. Since they know best, we heed their advice and kept things simple yet meaningful - in total agreement of the bride's family. You happy, I happy, all happy - easy job.

So, what happened exactly on that day, in chronological order was - I arrived at Jac's house with my aunt (parents cannot follow) to deliver the goods - fruits, wine, liqour, some praying stuff, a piece of red cloth (to be hung above the entrance on the wedding day - kwa hung) and the dowry HUHUHU. Sat and chit-chatted while waiting for her dad which couldn't make it back in the end so exchanged gifts - received cakes, orange flavoured soft drinks - some how must be orange though I totally prefered Coke, fruits and some other stuff. Then went home for some praying plus ancestral offering session and went out for dinner with my family and aunt at night.

That's all gau tim settle close shop.

A sneak peak - this was taken during the ancestral offering session - more to come when I find the time LOLs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wedding Bells Are Ringing.

Its just a little less than a month away. If you ask me how I'm feeling right now, I can honestly tell you that the excitement, anxiety and not forgetting, the WORRIES have really started to kick in. There's the usual OMGs there's so much left to do with so little time but no idea where to begin - also the waliao still got so much stuff to pay for but where to get the money borrow from loan shark meh no lah just kidding.

I think it would be much easier (not forgetting to mention - much safer) for me to set-up a Donate to Jed's Marriage foundatin - which actually has already been around for quite sometime but has been receiving very cold response - than approaching the lintah darats, LOLS.

Or maybe I can even start my very own line of marriage-loans to help ease the financial burden of those planning to get married but having a headache thinking about all those money to fork out - lowest interest guaranteed. Not only that, can also rope in restaurants, bridal houses to chip in discount vouchers to be given away to loan applicants - depending on the amount borrowed. Also can provide contacts for freelance photographers, videographers, make-up artises once loan approved and all that.

Fuh - *starts searching for and approaching potential investors*

Anyway, the countdown begins till the big day, roughly just 29 days to go...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Ze Mattress Hunt.

I had the assumption that it would be a fairly simple process, like, you know, look at designs, compare prices, meenee-meenee-mainee-moo and you're done, something similar to dining table or a wardrobe set or a bed frame selection. Perhaps, plus a little bit of user acceptance tests as well (as recommended by many mattress buying guide 101 - which I only came to know of much later). Well, I can tell you that I will never ever be more wrong than this! Below accounts the steps that I went through before finally arriving to a decision.

Step One: Deciding on where to get the mattress
I don't seem to be able to recall why in the world did we not get the mattress together with the bedroom + wardrobe set. So, it was either back to the Furniture Mall or some furniture shop that my parents has been dealing with for a long time since Mum was planning to get some stuff as well, bundled delivery = cheaper. In the end, it was the furniture shop, hence, no testing.

Step Two: Deciding on the brand
There's Slumberland, Dreamland, Vono, KingKoil, Getha, Dunlopillo, Wtfgotsomanybrands or mattresses that comes with water, feather, etc. Hello I just want something comfortable to sleep on so f**k the brand lah. Some Fatherly advice was seeked, KingKoil recommended due to dunno-whatever-coil which is supposed to be good stuff. Also to get something with pocket springs (I only know something that is the other way round - in cantonese), whatever that means.

Step Three: Comparing the price
O.M.G! Even after the best buy deals plus a personal discount from the shop owner - hehe - pocket spring mattresses still costs a bomb! Make that two! I know, I know, a good night sleep is very important, blah-blah, should invest more on the mattress, blah-blah, more friction resistance less noise when *ahems* blah-blah. But 4K plus is still insane - the chinese in me almost vomitted blood and died. And 14 inch of thickness, how the hell am I supposed to get the bedsheet, stitch myself ah?

So, we settled for something else more affordable for poor-old-me instead - which comes the next step.

Step Four: Deciding on the features
Die lah - buy car also no need to go through so many features - what damask ticking later, then everlast foam thing, rubber latex thing, chiropractic coil wtf is this, dunno what quilt latex foam, turn-free technology, argh! Then some comes with similar features but different naming and pricing *faint* Jacklyn pulak go out and buy soya bean drink leave me alone there - tak tolong langsung - and I thought she lovesssss shopping. Angry, angry, angry!

Step Five: Downpayment
Much, much questions later, finally managed to settle for one that is recommended yet affordable, too bad cannot test. Paid the downpayment then headed home happy yay!

Step Six: Sudden uneasy feeling
Due to a certain feature - called the shopowner to enquire on the thickness of the mattress - 11 inch. Reached home, measured the bedsheet set that Jac bought for a bargain and the nightmare comes true - it was too thick - O_o" Called the shopowner the following day to hold the order - had to browse through the whole freaking catalogue again, luckily can find online else need to head to the shop again. Settled for something cheaper with almost similar features - sigh - don't care already lah, comes with 10 years warranty what.

And thus, ladies and gentlemen, ends the mattress hunt ordeal - my advice for all who seeks a mattress - do some research online first then head to those proper mattress sellers, provide the sales personnel with your requirements such as size, price and features - let them do their recommendations. Then, try - I think you're allowed to do so, roll on them if you want to before deciding - confirm comfortable and suitable loh. Mine ah, I guess its a risk I am taking, lols.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wedding Cards.

Or to be more precise, the invitation cards to one's wedding dinner and in the chinese community, it is also more commonly referred to as the Red Bomb for reasons that I am not really sure of as well. Perhaps in the near future, this term would not be applicable anymore as designs for these invitations cards have reached a new level. Not being limited to only red & gold, some are white or ivory or cream with pink or red linings and design, or black with golden linings (quite pantang hoh?) and many other, creativity certainly knows no boundaries in this case.

As for us, there were some valuables lesson learnt here and there during the whole process of, uhrm, how should I put it... requirement gathering? Fortunately, the lady attending to us was really patient and helpful, perhaps she has reached the ultimate level in dealing with clients like us, total noobs. Anyway, allow me to share some of the experience gained:

- The variety of designs available for us to pick from were really, really limited, even much less than we have expected since most of it would be free (voucher from the dinner package). Terasa especially after browsing through all the choices available in the outlet.

- These cards are really costly.

- Of course, we have the option to opt for other designs but by doing that, each card would only be subsidized with a miniscule amount from the voucher and that would result us having an additional cost to bear. Considering these cards only lasts a few weeks, I would rather spend the money on other stuff, like a chest drawer *lols, inside joke*

- These cards, two words, really costly.

- Everything can be designed, from the envelopes to the card itself, to the layout of the contents, the background, hard or soft cover, coloured or non-coloured and much more but also know that everything mentioned above comes with an additional cost, some as lum sum, others, charges would be on a per card basis.

- Needless to say, these cards are really costly.

- Another reason to regret on for not learning mandarin even though its a one of thing because we totally had no idea on what should be printed on the mandarin side of the card (neh, chinese wedding cards have the english version on the left and mandarin on the right). I learnt that I should be referred to as the only son rather than the youngest child and there's some notation for the grandparents if they are still alive and some other stuff. Sigh. Basically, we were either just agreeing or requesting her to make the decision for us, lols.

- Again, these cards are really costly.

- It is important to check on the draft of card design, especially the madarin part where the characters might be incorrect, you know how in mandarin for one word there might be 300 ways of writing them, huh?

Okay, now we're done with the cards, I guess we can start worrying on the guests list once again, sigh. Btw, when we were done with the cards the other day, we saw one lady selecting the wedding cards on her own, don't know why but suddenly felt very kesian for her loh, having to go though this stuff alone. I wonder if Jacklyn used to feel the same way back then or it didn't matter cause she really enjoyed them as she's finally getting married lols sure kena pukul one when she read this later.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Munch, Munch.

Finally, we're done with the food tasting, albeit being a little late, at the restaurant where our wedding dinner would be held. It happened last Friday, there goes another day of my annual leave but what to do as they were unable to allocate any weekend slots for us, so good business hoh perhaps I should venture into F&B sector.

Yalah, I also know these tasting stuff not totally realiable one since its only catering for 10 individuals now but during the actual dinner, the guests would be multiplied by 500%, food quality sure jatuh one. Then again, free food mah, who could resist, maybe you but definitely not me, LOLS.

I tell you what I think. These food tasting are specially created to cater for the older generations because our parents would insist on ensuring that the food is good. The reason, 50% of the guests would be their invites who do not know us or might not even seen us before, so, other than tumpang gembira a bit with my parents, they would be spending most of their time eating (and drinking). That's why our parents would kan jeong on the food so much lah. End of theory tak sah.

Of course, other than the free makans, we were there to discuss on decorations for the tables, seats, dining hall and all that stuff *I can almost see visualize my savings flying away* which reminded me that the GUY had yet to send me the quotations, sheesh. Also hoh, the manager liasing with us all these while had be off-site that particular day, my assumption was her being afraid to deal with Jac face-to-face anymore, those who know Jac well enough should know why hehehe.

Hence, Jac had to return the following day not accompanied by me cause I needed to work got deployment to production mah what to do. The purpose was to clear our doubts on some uncertanties as to get the card printing vouchers (free woh, don't want ah, can really save a lot here) as well as the map for table arrangement which she managed to wrestle away from the manager who was unwilling to give until we finalize the number of tables initially, wahrao.

I think Jac is really keng one loh, don't know what hidden super power she has always able to get what she wanted one, of course nothing that is too melampau one lah. Like free stuff, discounts, more free stuff, more discounts, her skill in haggling is almost absolute, perhaps second only to Jen, kap kun krap!

Come to think of it, printing and distribution of wedding invitations is kinda behind schedule, considering there's only about 2 months plus left. Nevermind, worst comes to worst, I'll just confirm your attendance and pass the card to you on dinner night itself for you to stuff in the angpau money, muahahahaha. Perhaps I can consider online transaction or credit card services as well considering how many feel insecure lugging so much cash around kan?

Okay, that's all for now, have been very much deprived of sleep lately. If you didn't see me update for some time, it's either I'm too occupied with the wedding preparations, too loaded with work or too busy attempting to finish Summon Night: Twin Age on my NDS.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Beh Tahan.

A phrase commonly used to express dismay or intolerance, in a joking way of course, towards certain actions from another party or a situation that causes uneasiness. An example of usage would be a wife talking to a husband regarding her inability to tolerate the scent of durians: I beh tahan already, faster throw it away! Or getting stuck in a traffic congestion for the longest time ever: Waliao, really beh tahan already lah how come so jam one?!?!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Of Late.

# my house is finally wireless-enabled after such a long time, blame it on my lack of initiative and the absence of a laptop back then, what's the point right? I feel so contented knowing that I can now watch TV and surf the net at the same time, in the comfort of the living hall

# thinking of doing a total revamp on Seeds Of Life

# this morning, as I reversed my car into position, I had a sudden realization that something is missing from the passenger's seat leg compartment. A split second later, to my horror, I finally realized that my leather shoes were not where it was supposed to be, total ZOMGs. A quick search on the boot later provided much relief, the old pair was neatly tucked in the corner. See darling, its not always a bad thing to be keeping old/unused stuff

# its always good to have back-ups eh? Just so you know, there was once that I even forgot to bring along a pair of socks to work because normally I drive with slippers or sandals, more comfortable. Since then, I always have a spare pair of socks in the glove compartment of my car

# monday blues enhanced due to lack of tasks and also a ruined sunday morning, read previous post's ending to find the reason behind it

# here's another update on the progress of my little dwelling which hopefully will be completed as scheduled, looking at the current status does not give me much confidence on that though, sigh

As you can see clearly in the picture, the rows behind ours are progressing much more faster, even the bricks have been laid. Nvm ler, better late than never

# Last but not least, this post was written early in the morning while taking a dump in the toilet, talk about multi-tasking. Don't you just love being wireless enabled?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Neck of a Bottle.

Just a little less than six months before the actual day, feels like there's so much left to do but at the same time, nothing left to do. Contradicting, yes I know but that's how I felt. Its like how we have yet to get our temporary furnishings but can't proceed since the renovation has yet to start at my parent's house, mine still have a long way to go. Or how we have yet to compile the guests list and make the table arrangements, guests count from our parents still pending. Or how I have yet to complete the slideshows for the dinner because, well, kinda lazy to do them, okay I'll count this out. Decorations for the venue can't be confirmed as well since we still can't confirm the actual headcount yet, the food tasting session. Selection of gowns for the actual day, can't be done too early since new arrivals come every now and then.

Unless its coming from the older generation, whoever told you getting married is a fairly simple affair, you can shove your to-do list down his/her throat.

See what I mean, there are really lots of stuff to be taken care of but nothing to proceed with because most of the things are in pending mode. I'm just worried that we'll have to rush through everything in the end due to the bottleneck that can't be cleared at the moment, that's every couple's worst nightmare. Perhaps I should start sourcing for a professional wedding planner to take away all my worries *rubs chin*.

Just received news from Jacklyn that the wedding photos are ready for the 2nd viewing, all photoshopped and complete with designs, I'm so excited, I hope the pictures turn out good. Can hardly wait for Saturday to quickly arrive. Hence, if everything's alright, another task can be striked off from the never ending list of to-dos before the dinner *beams*. Oh, guess what, I haven't even put up a proper entry of our marriage registration day. Woe is me.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kahwin Sama Saya.

I interrupt the posting of Krabi Trip series to bring all of you readers a very special announcement. As of the 10th of May year 2008, Jed, the person behind Seeds Of Life that often bored his readers to death with non-sensical and mundane posts, is no longer legally single nor available. I deeply apologize to all who have harboured hopes of dating me all these while, you can finally rest your case, I'm still up for casual talks and occasional drinks *ahems*. Anyway, just so you know, I am now legally married, signed the papers, taken the oaths/vows (the yes I do thingy), all those stuff you know and all that's left now is the customary stuffs which is starting to give me a headache. Anyway, I'll blog more about this later and in the meantime, here's a picture of us, courtesy of Jen who became our official photographer of the day.

Taken right after the solemnization. I wonder how come I didn't do the kissing thing, hhmmm... But I tell you, everything is so rushed that its even difficult to pause for a while for a breather

Monday, April 28, 2008

Snap and Select.

Because I am lazy, I'll just bundle the wedding photo shoot as well as the photo selection post together-gether, save my time writing, your time reading thus everybody also happy-happy. Also, since there are no images since picture taking was strictly disallowed, there are a few stolen shot but they're with jacklyn. So I guess we'll just have to wait until every thing's ready from the studio before any sneak peeks.

Pre-requisite for the shootings:
For the guys, you'll have to bring along attires like black slack, socks, leather shoes, collared shirts of multiple variance, jeans and so on. The studio will basically provide you with just the coats, vests, tuxedos etc, etc.

April 19th, 2008 - Saturday - Photo shoot Day 1
The plan was to do shootings for 2 wedding gowns, 1 traditional costume, and finally the night shots from one in the afternoon onwards. I regretted not bringing anything along as I spent the initial 1 1/2 hours sitting there doing nothing, just staring at jacklyn getting her hair and make-up done. SIENS. I can tell you its not an easy job, one must have the ability to be super patient and at the same time pay attention to the finest details, to Yen, our stylist and make-up artist, I salute.

Mine was done in less than 15 minutes and the shooting begins, fortunately for us, we were the only couple having photo session on this day, lucky. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, in exception for the second costume where I was requested to wear some transparent shirt with a coat which I find really awkward hence decided to ask for something else. Don't you even date to start imagining anything. Oh ya, a lot of waiting since with every gown change, jacklyn needs to get her hair restyled.

We only managed to head out to Putrajaya late in the evening for the night shots due to the earlier thunderstorms. One thing I really don't understand is why still so humid and warm at night in Putrajaya, benci. Anyway, it was a fun though awkward (taking pictures in public at night) and tiring experience, you cannot imagine how happy I was hearing the words 'final shot' from Lucas, our photographer. Upon returning to the studio in Sunway, it was already 10 plus late into the night.

April 20th, 2008 - Sunday - Photo shoot Day 2
Started off with another make-up and styling session at 11 in the morning before heading out to some hutan rimba in TTDI for the outdoor shots in the afternoon. Oh, something different this time around because, there's Kim, our video man! Our tasks include squatting, sitting on stones and pebbles, shouting, running, giving piggybacks in which both of us fell, hiding behind bamboo shoots and leaves, fighting off insects, avoiding mud and pools of water and so on.

And all the while, I was sweating like a pig to the extend that the sweats were dripping off me OMG, I alone used up 2 packets of tissues. I was like a burst pipe. Oh the indescribable joy when the outdoor shootings were finally and we return to the studio. Around 3 plus in the late afternoon, it was finally a wrap, kau tim sau kung fan kau. It was time to go home, my jaws felt as though they were gonna lock and my bones nearly crumbled. At last, the ordeal is over.

April 27th, 2008 - Sunday - Photo Selection
Started at 1 in the afternoon and lasted close to 2 hours, ended up paying extra for 8 additional photographs, no thanks to Lucas who took so many excellent shots that we felt were a pity not to include in our album. Actually, we were pretty anxious initially, fearing the photos not turning out well, the journey to the studio was clouded in silence. Choosing 60 out of 240 something, if I'm not mistaken, is much, much harder than anyone can think of. Now we'll have to wait for another month or so before all the designing and photoshop-ing is done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Application Submission.

And so, we headed over to the Marriage Registration Office in Thean Hou Temple last Saturday, early in the morning, to submit our application and also to slot in our appointment on some specific dates, upon the insistence of Mum. She seemed to have spent quite an effort looking for dates suitable for marriages that falls on Saturdays and way before the Hungry Ghost Festivals. To think that she used to say any dates will do and no need so mafan (troublesome), sheesh.

On reaching, I headed into the office to have our documents verified, dunno why Jacklyn refused to come in and waited outside initially. Then I was given the registration form and instructed to head to another office nearby (Syarikat Megah) to have them filled and submitted, you can request for them to speak in English, in case you dunno. Had to pay RM29 there in which I totally forgot to ask what for since I was, ahems, overly-excited I guess. With the receipt in hand, I was to head back to the main office to slot in the date.

Had to take the queue number this time and while waiting for our turn, we see couples arriving for their solemnization and that somehow made me feel very anxious all of a sudden. Soon enough, it was our turn; we booked our slot (Mum gave us a choice of either 10th, 21st or 30th of May) and paid another sum of money before heading back to Syarikat Megah again to show our proof of payment and finlly, the whole submission process is officially over. Now we just have to wait for the BIG day.

A picture of the main registration office taken while waiting for our turn, if you focus hard enough, you might just see our reflections there, lols.

Okay, here's a list of items that will be required to submit an application:
# 2 copies of IC of bride and bridegroom, each - one for main office, another for Syarikat Megah
note: both front and back of IC should be on the same page of an A4 paper and preferbly copied on a top-bottom position

# 1 copy of IC of each witness
note: same as above, both front and back of IC should be on the same page of an A4 paper and preferbly copied on a top-bottom position

# 1 copy of Birth Certificate of bride and bridegroom, each
note: both front and back of Birth Certificate should be copied on the front and back page of an A4 paper

# 1 passport photo of bride and bridegroom, each
note: must be the normal processed ones and not the instant type

# bring along the original Birth Certificate as well as IC
note: for them to verify the originality

# bring more money
note: RM29 for the Syarikat Megah one, you can help me ask what's that for and RM99 for the Registration office

Other notable items/instructions:
# the A4 papers should not be cut, just leave it as it is

# the fees mentioned above is only applicable to registration at Thean Hou Temple, I heard its cheaper elsewhere

# there's a florist shop next to Syarikat Megah where you can do your photostatings, be prepared for her blabbering/marketing as well

# you can bring along video-men, camera-men or whatever-men during the solemnization ceremony, for recording purposes

# the solemnization date should be at least 21 days after submission but within 2 months and can only be between Tuesday to Saturday

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'll Be Your Fantasy

Schedule for today, Saturday, 19th of April 2008:

# Morning
Submit the forms to book a date for our marriage registration at Thean Hou Temple, hopefully there'll be no queue for doing this. Join the others for Dim Sum breakfast around Imbi if can make it.

# Afternoon
Head over to Star East Wedding at Sunway to begin our two days ordeal of getting our wedding photoshoots (for the album) done. Super anxious now, butterflies, dragonflies and flies in stomach. Must pray for a rainless day as well.

# Evening
Should be heading over to Putrajaya to continue if everything goes accordingly, must continue to pray for no rain as well.

Monday, April 14, 2008

6th on 14th.

Its about us again and guess what, today, the 14th of April 2008 marks our sixth anniversary of togetherness. 6 years of long distance relationship when I'm in Singapore or elsewhere and normal ones when I'm home, such dynamicism. Anyway, I'm kinda speechless now because my mind is still occupied with thoughts of how we actually manage through that all, especially tolerating with each other's behaviour for such long durations. It's almost, magical or maybe it was just me giving in to her tantrums all the time.

This day shall mark our final annivesary on the 14th as well because starting from next year onwards, we shall no longer be able to maintain our status as a couple. Unable to continue withstanding the pressure from her, as well as our parents anymore, we'll be... getting married at the end of this year lah. Lols! Did I manage to scare anyone? Perhaps not since most already know about it, sigh; therefore, the change of date in accordance to the wedding day loh, simple as that.

Ah, the wedding bells ring, its gonna be half a year really soon from the day that I proposed and up until now, we have yet to get our marriage registration done, we seem to be doing it in reverse. Not only that, her interest seems to have shifted totally from the wedding to the house renovation ever since the purchase was confirmed. I'm beginning to feel more and more unprepared as the big day draws nearer but at the same time, I have no idea what to prepare. Its like a worry that is empty.

This coming weekend would be the photoshoot and I'm very terribly anxious. I think I've made all the necessary preparations, shoes, matching shirts, black slacks and all that in exception for a handsome face and cun body, hope they have my size as well. I pray for a clear blue sky, rainless night, no cramps due to oversmiling and everything going smooth all the way, Amen. Must practise smiling starting from today.

Last but not least, Happy 6th Anniversary midarling, believe me when I say my life would never be the same without you. *continues to say all mushy-mushy stuff that others won't be able to tolerate so must censor here if not they will all vomit their breakfast, lunch and dinner out altogether* Love you always. I hope you really like the little gift I got you and I should really stop getting you that since your table is really overflowing with them.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Happy Birthday Dad! May you be in good health and filled with happiness always, business also grow summore. Also, may your stocks triple and your 4Ds strike prizes more often. Hope you will lose some weight by next year then I sign you up for the Astro Veteran singing contest lah, alright?

Happy Birthday to Cherrie as well, since its your special day, dun want to call you aunty lah okay? Wish you good health, ample happiness and stay pretty always alright?

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Eunice, younger sister of Eugene, as well. Sorry, last minute cannot make it to your gathering, very regretable. Next time I ganti balik with jacklyn jie-jie okay?

Phew, dedications finally done, there's really quite a number of people I know born in April eh, including *coughs*ahems*myself*coughs* my Mum. Today was pretty hectic because I spent alsmot the whole day driving here and there, starting at 9am from my house to Jln Ipoh - Wisma Central - Jln Ipoh - home - Thean Hou Temple - her house - Pandan Indah - home, I managed to cover close to 140km in about half-a-day.

Thean Hou Temple

Jln Ipoh for car service, Wisma Central to sign some agreements, fetch her Sis to ballet at Pandan Indah and Thean Hou Temple, this one ah, because we wanted to get the forms for our registration, ahahas, but then the office was closed, only half day on Saturdays. So disappointing due to the excitement before that, no one to blame because it was our mistake for not finding out the working hours first. That'll have to wait another day.

Since we can't get the forms, I took a picture of the processes involved instead but then again, its in chinese and regrettably, I can't read chinese. We later found the English version in the notice board at the back, saved!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Gown Selection - StarEast.

For the wedding photoshoots. It was two Saturdays ago when we finally headed over to StarEast to finalize on the dates, the locations and most importantly, the gowns. With such a wide range of wedding and night gowns to choose from, 2 floors of them, I already expected to waste spend at least half a day there.

But miraculously, everything was kau-tim in just two and a half hours, Mid-Valley also cannot finish walk if shopping. 7 gowns were carefully selected out of the 89,372,674 available. It was so freakishly fast that I didn't even get to complete a level of Puzzle Bubble on my NDS. Before leaving, I was slapped with yet another huge bill which accounts for the second part of the 3 phase payment plan, huhuhu.

To find out the reason, a careful analysis was done over the past few days and the result, a guide for all the guys out there on how to survive and avoid absolute boredom during the selection process:

#1 - Have her bring a friend who has similar fashion taste/sense to assist in her selection, it will really, really help! In our case, I thank auntie june from the bottom of my heart for tagging along, a word of advice from you would be equivalent to me blabbering for an hour and still couldn't get through to her. However, the consequence of this would be, of course, you being ignored most of the time, hence, refer to item #4.

#2 - Choose the right person from the studio to assist you, friend-friend him/her also, maintaining a healthy relationship with this individual will prove to be extremely helpful. In our case, any words of praise would not be enough for Ms. Ally, the Asst. Manager of StarEast. The amount of attention and assistance coming from her knows no boundaries, to the extend that she even know the type of cuttings and designs that'll suit Jacklyn. Needless to say, quite a few of the selected ones are her recommendations. Got hidden perks as well, cannot tell here *smirks*

#3 - Other than lending a helping eye, the selection process has nothing to do with us, totally. Other than doing the payments, that is. From what I get to know, the attire for the guys will be selected (by them, not you) based on the gowns, to complement, so to said. How sad it is right? We can probably catch a quick nap on the sofa since there's already #1 to help her out (that's why #1 is important) or you can proceed to #4.

#4 - Bring along something to keep yourself occupied, be it a book, a magazine or a handheld console because dozing off in the studio is still an unsightly behaviour. The advice is to have something that doesn't require that much attention since your future-wife-to-be will still be asking for your opinion although not taken seriously. Hence you can preset yourself with the following automated replies during the selection :: 1) Cannot Make It and 2) Very Pretty.

And there you have it, the ultimate survival guide for guys during the gown selection process. For a totally different view on it, please click here to be redirected to Jacklyn's post which has pictures, stolen from me obviously which I also curi-curi take one, lols so I won't repost them here. Anyway, if you find the above guide helpful, please show me some love but then I'd rather have you donate some cash to Jed's Wedding Fund.

Thank you very much, remember to donate.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Berpeluh Berterusan.

Met up with a few of my high school mates during the Chinese New Year break at Secret Recipe in Leisure Mall. The moment I saw them, I immediately regretted not pulling Jacklyn along (she had her own plans anyway) because all of them brought their significant other along.

How am I supposed to know when no one even bothered to inform me that its a bring-your-partner-along gathering, cilakaks lah lu orang!

Anyway, the thing was, the moment I rested my arms on the table to browse the menu, I noticed that the table was uneven, rocking forth and back. Hence, I requested for something to slip underneath the table to stop the rocking but she suggested to get the table changed with the one next to it instead. Fine by me.

After the whole thing, one of them actually said in cantonese (but for the convenience of all, I've translated it, word by word), "Wah, you see people go overseas come back so different already, not satisfied terus complain. Become like Singaporean already." *proceeded by burst of laughters*


I mean, why not change it immediately when you know the rocking's gonna annoy you in the long run? Its common sense right? *chants mantra to achieve calmness* I know lah it was meant as a joke, so relax, there's no tension or drama that occured among us that day.

Later another friend arrived, sat down, placed his arms on the table and noticed the rocking but chosed to ignore it. Needless to say, the same dude above said, "See, like I said, you've become one of them already" *another burst of laughters*

No sweat because I already saw that coming. See, that's what friends are for.

Random picture of the day, the venue for our wedding dinner in Bukit Kiara. We went there to get the new Dinner Packages for 2008 and truth to be told, this was my first time there although we've paid the downpayment since October 2007.

Just two words to describe that place, very long. Altogether, I'm pretty satisfied with the venue, much to the delight of Jacklyn. Next in line for the venue, decorations, which also means more payments to be settle, adois.

The tension is mounting. That's part of Jacklyn on the bottom right corner of the image.