Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Announcements // Dinner.

Before I start with anything, please be reminded that the Blog Meet this coming Saturday is still on. If you've forgotten or have no idea what's that, click here. If you have yet to register, click here. Else, click here.

And then, if you have any duplicate stickers from the Shell contest that you wanna exchange or better still, plan to donate them, do inform me. I think I have duplicates for the first and 3rd picture. Please be informed firsthand that I am not interested in "purchasing" your stickers.

Next, I finally completed watching "The Melancholy of Haruki Suzumiya" last night, its an anime I stumbled upon while searching for "Death Note, episode 15". The unique part of this series is that the episodes are all jumbled, but the ending made sense. However, if I go chronologically, the ending seems kinda funny, while the other episodes made sense. And so, at this moment, I'm kinda confused, wondering why I even watched it in the first place...

K. Y'all knew I went back to SG last weekend for the company annual dinner right? Headed down by bus, it was the older model of Aeroline buses, which sucks! I am so going to complain! Anyway, upon reaching SG and parting with the girlfriend, I told my colleagues there's no need to head there so early since we'll probably be loitering around for at least an hour before the event officially begins. I was so right, but then, in a way, I had to thank him for forcing us to head there earlier, which you'll soon find out why. The dinner was to be held on board a lil' ship, an idea by the VP, I think, to do things differently.

The Falcon Princess. That's her name. From far, I was wondering how she could actually fit in close to 250 individuals.

Upon closer look, it is actually quite large.

Final picture before boarding.

By 6.15pm (after close to 2 hours of aimless walking), we were finally ushered to board the mini cruiser. Upon boarding, we were served with drinks, to be precise, soft drinks and booze. There's no need to guess which one I took right? (Coke lah, I don't drink on empty stomach one). There were games and performances, and most importantly, free flow of booze!!!!! It wasn't until half past 8 that the buffet dinner was finally served (I manage to fill myself with some bread before boarding, I know I'm smart, thank you very much), which somehow reminded me of the typical chinese wedding dinners in KL.

View of the interior :: the seating arrangements as well as the DJ Console area to the left.

Another view of the interior.

I wanted to take more pictures of the view from the deck, but it was raining, dem sad okeh? Not only that, I had a hard time adjusting and composing myself throughout the rocky journey. Sea-sick. Fortunately, able to maintain and didn't throw up. One thing I learnt is that to keep myself occupied at times like these, to take my mind off the motion sickness.

We were in Indonesia momentarily. Ignore the picture on the mobile please.

Now the juicy part, in between the games and performances, there were lucky draws. The numbered tokens were passed out during registration, and since I was there early, I got #9. During the top 5 prizes, on prize #5, the token drawn was ambiguos, cause it could be #6 or #9 as there wasn't any clear distinction. In the end, it was decided to be #6, so, I was left empty handed loh, sad right? But then, during the draw for the second prize, a similar token was drawn, and this time, it had to be MINE!!! MINE!!! First time I got something from a lucky draw weh! That's why I had to thank my colleague for forcing me there earlier to register. Scroll down to have a look at what I got.

Canon Pixma MP180. I wonder if its worth all the lugging arounds. I needed a printer anyway, so, yahooooo!

For participating and winning the game.

Door gift. It was kinda weird to receive a laptop bag since the company doesn't provide each and everyone a notebook. Perhaps, a hint of changes to come?

After more booze, it was time to say goodbye. I headed off to Chinatown to join the girlfriend and her friends for karaoke while lugging the printer as the cab driver wasn't sure of the exact location. It lasted till 4 in the morning, and fyi, the previous Saturday was spent at RedBox Sunway with Ryan, Jen, Jen Ni and the girlfriend till 4am as well. Next day, after a meal of chicken rice, we headed home... that's all. The end.

How I wish this was the magnificent sunset.

Finally, returning to HarbourFront Centre. I have never been happier to see land.

Last but not least, tomorrow, for those in the Federal Territory, Happy FT Day! To others who celebrates Thaipusam, Happy Thaipusam! To others, enjoy your holidays, lah.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I apologize for the lack of updates recently. Was really tied up with work.

Driving to work today WAS. ABSOLUTELY. HORRENDOUS. Worst I've experienced in years, all thanks to the road closures in view of parade rehearsals for the Federal Territory Day. I headed out earlier today, thinking of escaping the jam and have a smooth drive to work for a change. Mana tau, I ended up arriving to the office much, much later than I normally do. Talk about making the wrong choice at the wrong time! I think my blood pressure shot up a few levels due to my inability to comprehend with the 'no-brainer road closures during peak hours' to accomodate parade rehearsals.

Sometimes I do question the purpose behind these supposingly 'patriotism-instilling-parades' which is supposed to make the rakyat feel proud of their state/country whenever they see multiple lines of individuals marching pass wearing colorful and sometimes plain weird attires. Anyway, from the view of a selfish, non-patriotic, not-so-bright individual living in KL:

parade rehearsals = road closures = traffic congestion = late for work = reduced productivity on massive scale = economy affected

If you think I am exaggerating, think of the number of people around you that was affected by the jam and multiply it with 10K. Those 'atasan' who approved the closure wouldn't know what the daily commuters are experiencing since they get escorted around, which is another reason that traffic congestion occurs. Sigh... Before I head anywhere further or deeper, I better stop here. Don't intend on spending time in any 'enclosed' locations.

Anyway, I felt that I'm getting very forgetful lately. Just yesterday, I drove to work, forgetting my office keys and notebook. Only have way through did I realize about it, jam all the way to make a U-turn and jam all the way back to office. Still, I arrived earlier than today! That's not all, when I headed out to lunch, I actually forgotten to bring my keycard and both my colleagues were in Singapore. O_o In the end, I had to request my admin to return all the way from Subang to pass me his keycard, dem paiseh weh... Seriously, I have no idea what's causing it, maybe its the constant pressure from the girlfriend to get married incomprehensible amount of pressure from work or maybe its just lack of sleep. Somebody help/save me!!!

I was asking the girlfriend (blogging from her house currently) on what other things that should be talking about, she gave me these:
"Blog about how I got sick, and took MC for the day, but ended up eating McD and drinking cold chocolate milk, and still able to lay my wrath upon you loh"
Frankly speaking, without any sarcasm intended, I felt that even though not in the optimal state, she's still hyper and energetic. -_-"

I rest my case.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Will be in SG for the weekend.

Seriously, I've been spending too much time in Singapore, and I foresee there'll be more. Sigh. I'm experiencing one of those moments where I wish I could holler "Enough IS Enough", and everything will then go according to how I want it to be. Alas, it is but a childish thought. I'm heading to the Land of the Merlion again, like for the 78402847201 times, tomorrow but fortunately, its for a short duration. For the company annual dinner, will be back by sunday, definitely exhausting cause out of 48 hours, I'll be spending 10 hours aboard a coach, which is like 20% of the total time. On the bright side, the girlfriend will be heading down with me, extra financial burden weh at least I have company.

Nothing much has happened lately. Nights are spent sweeping and mopping as the house is undergoing bits of renovation here and there. I'll talk about that later when I have the time to take some pictures. Work has been horrible, I'm so loaded that if every minute I spent working can generate some cash, I'm already a millionaire. Erm, okeh, maybe a lil' exaggerated but really a lot of work leh... Being 'granted' a notebook from the company may not be such a good thing after all.

Notebook = mobility = can work anywhere, anytime = more work = stress giler.

I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me on this. The worst of all is, more work does not equal to more pay; graphically, its an expponential graph. The work indicator is rising high, while the pay indicator is horizontally static. Sigh. And at the current rate that I'm going, there no chance for part-time work for extra income. My life is screwed, doomed, fated to work like a buffalo donkey assembly machine programmer for life.

I'm so sad that I shall stop now to prevent myself from drowning in despair. Somebody cheer me up please!!!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Have fun through MSN.

How to annoy the girlfriend: Lesson 1

jed @ KL says:
am drinking frappucino now
jed @ KL says:

yum yum
Laurel Jacklyn: says:

Laurel Jacklyn: says:

y tell me arr
jed @ KL says:

to tempt u
jed @ KL says:

Laurel Jacklyn: says:

Laurel Jacklyn: says:

i ate in old twn again just now
jed @ KL says:

i ate prosperity burger just now
jed @ KL says:

yum yum
Laurel Jacklyn: says:

ok fine

How to annoy the girlfriend: Lesson 2

jed @ KL says: Laurel Jacklyn: says:
u so bad!!!
jed @ KL says:

Why not to be sweet to her: Lesson 1

jed @ KL says: jed @ KL says:
something to cheer u up
Laurel Jacklyn: says:
honey u that free arr?
Laurel Jacklyn: says:

jed @ KL says:

Laurel Jacklyn: says:
but ur drawing quite nicee

jed @ KL says:
i draw for u, u say like that
jed @ KL says:
so sad...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Not so ordinary lunch..

From my personal experience, most of the food courts in major shopping complexes (referring to Singapore) are either franchised to The Kopitiam or The Banquet. Or maybe I haven't patroned enough complexes yet to be able to draw this conclusion. Anyway, I was quite surprised to witness something different in ViVoCity the other time back, the layout, the design, the concept, as well as the environment was distinguished, to the extend that even the variety of food differs.

Classical Chinese Environment setup for the layouts.

From another view, notice the costume at the background? Kinda scary, ain't it?.

Endless waves of hungry shoppers frequent this place. So, you really have to be quick and alert. Else, say bye-bye to empty seat and be prepared to stand for a long, long, long time. E and I consider ourselves lucky, we got a table in just 15 minutes; I could see the same group of people who came earlier, but were still wandering around looking for empty seats.

From the Dim Sum Lady. Lesson learnt: whatever you plan to eat, ask for price first. These costs 4SGD, though it was really superb, the price is really way above expectations.

Various edible items.

Huge variety of Dim Sum, sometimes, a lady pushing a cart-load of dim sum will pass by and you can just vuy it off her. There are "Yu Tiao" with Soya, "Slipper" Noodles, Satay and Grilled Chicken Wings, Claypot curry/laksa and etc. It was so different that I took nearly 30 minutes to decide what to have.

The curry or laksa noodle. According to E, it was quite good.

My dry noodles with minced meat sauce. I actually placed the wrong order and since it doesn't suck, what the heck, just eat lah!

After a hearty meal, while walking around, I came across this particular outlet and decided to take a picture of it. m!ss s!mple, this is especially for you. And maybe to Leech as well...

This outlet considered big ah? Just in case you feel like denying the fact, its a Forever 21 outlet.

That's all for now, I need to get some sleep cause tomorrow is still a working day. I seriously need a holiday...

Monday, January 22, 2007

The 2006 tag.

Only because she tagged me, freaking loooonnngggg weh...

Glad to see 2006 go?
Nope, it was one of those memorable years that I had. Lots and lots of them.

Did u change your hair in 2006?
No, cause its not detachable.

The best part of 2006?
KK Trip! Getting to know a bunch of great people.

The worst part of 2006?
Spent too much time in SG (at times alone) due to work, missing lots of great times. Bang my car.

Any new crushes in 2006?
Scarlett Johansson. Droooooools...

Who will you never forget?
People whom I have yet forgotten.

Who do you wish you didn't meet?
No one in particular. Been a good year, no one really ticked me off.

Did you have a boyfriend in 2006?
If I did, I might find myself waking up with a few forks attached.

Did you fall in love in 2006?
Yes. I fell in love over and over and over again with the same person.

Did you catch someone in lie in 2006?
I think so, couldn't really recall.

Did you call them out?
Guess not.

Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?
Plenty of times, petty stuff.

Funniest moment of 2006?
The time I laughed hardest.

Most embarassing moment of 2006?
Mistaken someone as a friend, quite malu-fying.

Did you take any vacations in 2006? where?
Just a few, the best was definitely the KK trip!

Any new hobbies of 2006?
Blogging. Photography.

Did you get a new job in 2006?
Yah, still sticking at it currently.

Did you lose a job in 2006?
Did not lose, but resigned.

Did you host a party in 2006?
No. No sponsorship for booze.

Where did most of your money go?
The girlfriend. *Runs.....*

What song will always remind you of 2006?
James Blunt - You're Beautiful. Because it seems to be playing everywhere, everytime!!!

What do wish you'd done more of?
Exercise. Shed those fats.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Thinking too much before making a decision.

Biggest Achievement in 2006?
Reaching the summit of Mount Kinabalu.

Biggest Failure of 2006?
Under-achieving in my first job.

In 2006, did u lie to miss a day of work/school?
I did! Surprised?

Did you move in 2006?
I was living everywhere, but temporary cases. So, no.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Justin Lo.

What was the best book you read?
Angels and Demons.

What was your favourite movie of the year?
Love Actually, I only watched it last year.

What did you want in 2006 and got?
A new job!

What did you want in 2006 but didn't get?
I would not want to bore you to death...

Did you make out in public in 2006?
No lah, I shy.

What's the ringer on your cellphone?
Currently? David Tao - Susan said.

What kept you sane?
The girlfriend.

Who did you miss?
Some of my housemates during Uni.

Who was the best new person you met??
Mostly everyone.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more exciting?
Winning a lottery! But I don't buy any. Exciting, ain't it?

Your favourite commercial in 2006?
I think its the CNY commercial, all the aunties were bragging about their son, then the son of the aunty who did not brag came to visit her something like that. Or was that in 2005?

Something you couldn't leave home without in 2006.
My wallet.

How did you spend New Year's eve 2006?
Countdown at The Curve with a bunch of friends.

Valentine's Day 2006?
@ TGIF, dinner with the girlfriend

Easter 2006?
when was Easter?

Halloween 2006?
Had no idea.

Thanksgiving 2006?
Working in SG

Christmas 2006?
@ Singapore, various locations.

Your Birthday?
I think I was working, followed by dinner with the girlfriend

Tell us a valuable life lesson that you learnt in 2006?
Action really speak louder than words, and to cherish each and every moment that you spend with loved ones, family and friends.

Tag(8 bloggers):
8 bloggers


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

BigBlogMeet, Cooking is Fun.

/* Announcement ----------
Return of the blogmeet. This coming early February. Below are the details:

Date: 3rd or 10th of February (tbc)
Venue: Fasta Pasta, Ikano Power Senta (tbc)
Time: 15:00 - 18:00, please arrive earlier or on-time, else, Doc shall lay his wrath upon you
Price: RM20++ per person, advertising fees on my blog (for food and drinks lah doink)

So, if interested, please head over to Doc's site and register, further instructions will be available there. Else, if you're too lazy to even click on that link, leave your details here. I'll gladly assist you and its only for 1SGD.
---------- Announcement */

If you've been living out for long, I'm sure that once in a while, you'll get sick of your favourite Chicken Rice stall or that must-have daily dose of char kuey teow. Instead, you suddenly develop a craving for home-cooked food, be it as plain as a plate of white rice with stir fried vegetables or steam fish, because it has been a while since you last had some. It might also be due to the constant hair loss that you're experiencing lately, cause by truckload of MSGs daily. Then, you headed into the kitchen; a sense of guilt and regret for not helping your home's queen of kitchen, enveloped you. Back then, the only form of 'help' offered was finishing off the dishes. Absence make the heart grow fonder (applicable to food as well), things you once thought of as insignificant suddenly becomes top priority.

Anyway, E and I had one of those moments back then, and heck, we decided dining home, western style. First, some sirloins (it wasn't exactly sirloins, cause the cuts were thinner but I forgot the actual name, so I'll just use it), potatoes, baby carrots, cheese and black pepper sauce. Simple but sufficient, and I got a baguette too, just in case I'm not filled. Just so you know how absolutely, amazingly, unbelieveably, easy it is, here are the steps:

La Baguette or French Loaf (bought in Giant). Baguettes from Delifrance are quite good cause its crispy on the outside while soft and smooth on the inside.

Noobies guide to Black Pepper flavoured steak with side dishes by Jed, noob in kitchen

Sirloin steaks x any amount (used 6)
Potatoes x any amount (used 4)
Baby carrots x any amount (used a handful)
Black Pepper sauce x 1 jar (use as deemed suitable)
Cheese x any amount (used 4 slices)
Salt, Oil, and whatever other things that you think you need

The steaks
In case you don't/can't consume beef, use your choice of meat but some of the steps might not be applicable due to the difference in texture.
1. Defroze your meat, you can either use a microwave, or just soak it with water.
2. Marinate your meat with the black pepper sauce. For better effect, poke some holes on your meat with a fork before applying the sauce.
3. Leave your meat alone for some time, the longer, the better the flavour absorbed :: 2 hours for me, I'm hungry
4. Heat your pan, add some oil. You can also use butter for flavoring. Medium-Low fire will do but if you're uncertain, use low for better control.
5. Slide your meat in, depending on the size of pan, you can either go one or few at one go. Your choice.
On an unrelated note, do wear something when you're cooking. Once I did it topless, my nipple had an unforgettable experience.

I believe I can fry. Please pay attention when cooking, don't try this at home.

6. Flip the meat(s) once in a while, this to ensure both sides of your meat are cooked evenly. Its hard to estimate the cooking time since everyone has their own preference, mine took about 12-15 minutes.
7. Once cooked, place it aside and repeat steps 4-7 until everything is done. No gravy cause I was lazy, okeh?

The side dishes
Mashed potatoes with cheese
1. Clean your potatoes with water. Place them into a pot of water, add a pinch of salt and boil for about 20 minutes.
2. Peel off the skins, cut into slices. Place them into a container (with large opening) or a bowl.
3. Mash them, you can use a fork or something similar to it for this process.
4. Add a little warm water if you feel that its too dry (you can also use milk, but some may not like the taste).
5. Place a few slices of cheese on top of the mashed potato, put it in the microwave and heat em up. Medium heat 10 - 15 minutes should be enough to melt them.

Mashed potatoes with melted cheese as topping.

Baby carrots
1. Clean the carrots with water and place into pot, then add a pinch of sugar. Boil them for 15 minutes.

And there you have it, a home-cooked meal so simple that even a kitchen noob like me could do it, and the result was edible pretty good. So, if you're free and feel like having some home-cooked food, why not give it a try.

The final outcome.

Please don't hold me responsible should you suffer any traumatizing experience from trying to cook your own meal or from consuming your own cooked meal.

Credits to E.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I was bored.

I was going through some MVs on YouTube when I came across this one...

I don't think she had much formal lessons on the piano, but still, comparing noobish skills with noobish skills(me), its much better than me laying fingers on the piano. Do take a look at the amount of Views.

One of the responses to the video above. There are some other videos as well, but in my opinion, this looks the most authentic. For more, just search for these keywords: Harder Tetris on Piano

No, I don't have a version of my own. Sorry to disappoint you all.

Anyway, as a conclusion, it'll never hurt to act cute.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Jed in Geylang, Part 2.

Here's the long awaited Part 2.

Since KYtheMonkey couldn't recall the exact location of the femes Frog Porridge (fp) stall, we settled for Fried Kuey Teow with Beef (fktb) instead :: I was later told that fp is just opposite fktb, O_o :: and Jen kept reminded me that the fp served with cold beer is dem syok until can die dot com, -_-". Initially, we had no idea that the stall we patronized was 'the one' (until we were told later), we just spontaneously decided to eat there.

Hot Plate 'Oh Jien' (oj). OJ is a dish made out of battered eggs with flour with oyster as toppings. Normally, its cook thoroughly before served but in this case, its 70% cooked then placed on the hot to let it simmer. Quite nice. Not for those who dislikes rawness.

Look at the size of that oyster! In KL, you're lucky if its visible.

Last but not least, the fktb. Might not look appetizing but I can assure you that its sedap giler babi!

The trip to Geylang would not be complete until you experience, I mean have a look of what its really famous for, other than the food. After the hearty meal, the adventurous KYtheMonkey decided to bring me for a walk along the Even-Numbered streets (yes, the numberings has meanings), just for fun. Before that, he advised me to ignore anyone that approaches me, just to be on the safe side. The 'service providing' houses have distinctive features, standing out among the rest of the structures there. How things works: Male 'fetchers' are outside while getting customers while female 'providers' will be waiting inside. And that was all I saw and learnt.

Really! That's all. End of my Geylang trip. No more, the end.

Next time I'm there, I'll make sure I experience them, no regrets. I was referring to the Frog Porridge served with cold beer lah.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Random updates.

- I'm back in KL, but not for good. Most probably I'll be back to SG after the CNY celebrations (and I don't think it'll be until 'Chap Goh Meh').

- You have no idea how bad the flood is in Johor until you see it with your very own eyes, that's what I did on my way back to KL. Though it was just plantations, the sighting was able to give a rough estimation of the actual situation.

- My second wife was dirty beyond recognition. That's what happens whe you leave your belongings in the care of others. At least she's still in one piece.

- She's always late. Forgive her.

- The first meal that I had after arriving in KL was at Shakey's pizza, thanks to the same person mentioned above.

- The first thing I did after settling down at home was sweeping and mopping the whole house. I hate renovations.

- Went for a small meet-up with some friends which turned out to be a full-fledged gathering in the end, at a place where eating bread and drinking coffee can produce a bill with the total some of close to rm90. Drinking session adjourned into tarot reading sessions which lasted till somewhere around 6am the next day. I am fully utilizing my days here.

- Tarot reading is my current obsession, please let it fade away quickly before my impulsiveness overcome me.

- One of my favourite restaurants has opened a branch near my house, withing walking distance. Serves Chinese and Thai cuisine.

- I've finally watched Step Up. I feel like... like... like... dancing!

- I. Seriously. Need. A. Break. The last time I took leave was in August. O_o

- Its the 57th month. Love you always.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm coming home.

Hi all,

I interrupt the normal post flow to bring you this very interesting news.

I am coming back to KL tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow. Please stop rubbing your eyes.

That's all. Thanks for dropping by and wish you all a great weekend. I know mine would.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jed in Geylang, Part 1.

You can't say that you've truly experienced Singapore until you visit one of its red light districts. I can now proudly say I did as I had finally stepped into Geylang. I know what's running through your mind but rest assured, I was only there for food, okeh? Hey, what's with that look? Anyway, I was there way back in mid of December, paying KYtheMonkey, who lives there, a visit.

First stop, the "Yu Tiao and Soya". I tell you, this is the first time ever I see a shop spanning 2 lots, selling purely Yu Tiao and Soya. So we ordered Soya Bean drink, Tau Foo Fah (topped with baked groundnuts at no extra costs), and of course, Yu Tiaos. And because we're such gluttons, we ordered 4, which is like, dem stupid. The length of the fried dough critters here are twice of what we see in KL, that means each of us is like, eating 4. -_-"

Seriously. Very. Long.

Soft crispiness on the outside but soft in the inside, hence chewing does not tire your jaws. Taste good too, just right, not too salty nor bland.

Tau Foo Fah. Just smooth and somehow tasted great with the groundnuts. Yummy!

Soya Bean Drink. Cold. Nothing special though, tasted like Soya Bean loh. Although cold, but still complemented well with the Yu Tiao. Yah, I dipped 'em cold, cannot ah?

After the mouthfuls of flours and soya, we headed a few blocks futher in search for the femes Fried Beef Kueh Teow. Else, it will be the Frog Porridge. Hence, I'll end this blog letting you guys guess which of those ended up in my tummy. Cause I gotta run for more good food now, had an appointment with friends of the girlfriend.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year Eve, Part 2.

Its true when they say, the best is kept for last. After hours and hours of performances by unknown local/foreign artists, finally, the big shots came out. Oh, I'm talking about Jaclyn Victor and Reshmonu. But once they were on stage, it was worth all the waiting and suffering endured earlier. However, they were only out for such a short duration, dem sad case weh, although we really had loads and loads of fun during the performance, especially Lames who did some special moves to entertain us. The girlfriend was so fascinated by Jaclyn Victor that she's planning to get her CD. After Reshmonu (the finale), the countdown began, followed by fireworks.

Some unknown band from Indonesia.


Firework 1: Standing at a bad location taken from a bad angle.

Firework 2: Still standing at the same location, only worse angle.

The duration of the fireworks was the longest I have ever experienced, I think it lasted more than 12 minutes. But definitely not the best. And it also concludes that I take bad pictures of fireworks. Then, if not mistaken, the stage had some carnival-themed performances, then, the crowd dispersed, and the traffic congestion begin, which lasted forever. To kill time, the remaining of us walked somewhere very far only to walk back to the McD next to The Curve, not that I'm complaining. Only after that we headed home, to which fortunately, Ikano's parking charges was flat rate on weekends, I think.

That somehow just felt like the crappiest entry I have ever posted. Don't mind me.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Year Eve, Part 1.

I was back in Kl for the New Year, and was I glad I did. Many days back before the Eve, I published an invitation to a year end gathering at The Curve, which didn't seem to have attracted anyone. Maybe the dresscode should have been something more revealing... Anyway, we had dinner at Marche before heading out to the ongoing performances.

The fresh faces (in exception for the two individuals squatting down).

Standing(L-R): Smashpop, Lames, Jen, Jacklyn, Adrian, Me
Squatting(L-R): Ruben, Uncle Ryan

We finally decided on Fooxion's very first official mascot, Uncle Ryan. Initially, it was Adrian but he managed to slip away.

Everyone's favourite question: What starts with the alphabet "F", ends with the alphabet "K" and brings causes anxiety as well as excitement? A Firetruck!!! Though I didn't manage to capture a photo of the whole thing, but trust me, its really a firetruck, albeit an old model. Hence, it really got everyone excited, except me, maybe. Unlike others, I don't have firetruck fetish...

Girls just wanna have fun, but Michelle muka maintain siut!

So do guys.

Much, much, much camwhoring later, we finally proceeded to the concert arena. Last but not least, a photo to show that Adrian can really be a babe magnet if he wanted to...

Adrian, scoring all the girls that night.

Considering the performance of the Internet at current time, I decided to be considerate and break the post, in order not to kill your bandwidth. Please adore and worship me. Next post, the concert as well as the fireworks.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I had. Have you?

Due to lack of time as I'm meeting up with KYtheMonkey later, I'm gonna have to postpone my New Year celebration post.

This post is just to inform all of you that I finally watch Death Note 2 already. You guys in Malaysia wait until February 2007 lah, okeh? Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

No worries, you can read on, I'm not writing anything here except that if you've watched the first chapter, the storyline is kinda predictable. Not so much of character development anymore.

Anyway, my ticket cost 9.50SGD, which is like, super expensive (sorry, I still have the habit of converting everything). But the screen, I tell you, is HUGE, like freeeeaaaaking H-U-G-E! Its so huge that its kinda intimidating. I've warned myself not to watch any horror movies in cinemas here.

But then the seats are not really comfortable, seems to be forcing you to sit up straight, unlike cinemas in Malaysia where u can slide halfway down. Gave me a little backache.

Like I said, the screen was way hhhuuuugggeee. Okeh, I think you get my point already.

Gotta run, bye!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

One year old.

Today is a very special day, die die also must blog, because it marks the first ever anniversary for Seeds of Life @!!

Happy Birthday to my blog!!! Fireworks are best for ushering the year ahead.

*Blast those horns* *Throw those confetti*

It turns one today as exactly on this date, one year ago, I published my first post and from that moment on, there has been no stopping on the "Publish" button, literally. Had to let go of my initial plan of a revamp due to limited time and resource here in Singapore. Sad case.

While blogging didn't exactly morphed me into a different individual, it has indeed influenced me to change a little bit here and there:

Also many thanks to her that I am still blogging today.

1. I learnt not to delay onto tomorrow what I can finish today, because there'll be something else waiting for you tomorrow as well. In sum, I'm more initiative now.

2. Speak up! Just say it out! Share your joy, rant your anger, voice your displeasure. No one will ever know if you keep things to yourself, hence none will be able to help.

3. I felt that I can write better now. I laugh at my previous writes, which was kinda ridiculous. I wonder how I came up with those.

4. Be myself. I am unique and exclusive in my own ways, nothing good will come to me if I keep imitating or trying to be like others.

5. More approachable, and able to approach others. Previously, I would just shrink to the corner, then look and listen. Now, I make my presence felt. Hahaha!

One of the best things that ever happen to me since I blogged would definitely be getting to know a great bunch of friends, many whom I've grown pretty close to. What more could I ask for? I am truly grateful being able to know each and everyone of them.

Love each and everyone of you. I tried to include all, but if I left out anyone, its because I don't have your picture. Dun emo okeh?

Is me. If you think I look stoopid here, I felt the same way...

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to everyone who had spend time at Seeds of Life, know that you being here is a factor that keeps me going on. Thank you. For me, I'll be looking forward to another great year of blogging ahead.

Blog On!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Resoluted Resolutions.

I figured that it would be better to seperate desires and resolutions, its never good mixing pleasure (hehehe) with personal goals. Before this, I never really did keep track of my resolutions, couldn't really be bothered. I was one lazy, ignorant individual.

But things will be different this year! I shall change, and instead of myself keeping track of my resolutions, I shall post it up for everyone to see, hohoho! Self-inflicted-pressure, kinda stupid but I guess it works, at least for me.

Since I'm not over with the new year hype yet (hey! even Christmas has 12 days, so let me be, can?), some of the things that I still remember, from 2006:

- to get an increment for the first time in life, got me pretty much psyched for the whole day
- to reach the peak of KK
- to expand my social network a bit, and not be so shy
- to get a programming certification, was lucky

- to lose 10kgs, only managed 7kgs, mainly due to the KK trip.
Bonus: able to fit into my old jeans
- to achieve 5 figures in savings, not even close
- to improve my programming skills, still suck like shiet
- to have better control of my temper, still hot like fire, cold like ice and hard like rock
- to achieve 10k pageviews, have 200 posts on my blog
- to be more active in Fooxion
- to stop procrastinating, till now, my project to set-up an about me page has yet to be implemented

At this point, I'm pretty much demotivated to go on... Now you see why I lose the initiative and drive?

Anyway, let by-gones be by-gones, sweeping those aside, for 2007, I must work hard, to achieve at least 80% of the list I put up, which will also be updated from time to time when I see fit. Wish me luck everybody!!! Okeh???

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A trip back 2006, Part 2.

I've updated my previous entry with bits of links here and there, to make reading a little more interesting, should anyone choose to read them. Anyway, here's Part 2.

July 2006.

I moved back to KL on July 2006 and began training intensively for my upcoming trip to KK. Also blogged about the worst possible Japanese buffet at Ichiban. Met with some long lost close secondary school friends (he was overseas for studies). Attended my first ever Blog meet, which made me realize that I actually enjoy blogging more than I know, hence, me still being here today. Some grew closer, while some drifted away.

August 2006.

Sliding into August 2006, I got myself a Panasonic Lumix FZ5, courtesy of Ah Pop, which I love very much. Went for my virgin flight, virgin KK trip, virgin mountain climbing, virgin KK peak experience, virgin hot springs trip, and virgin set sunset pictures. I truly enjoyed every moment of that trip!

Moved my blog to Blogger Beta as well. Attended MMU's 7th convo to attend a few of my friend's graduation. Also attended Fooxion's second official gathering, which was held at Murni SS2, again. Participated in the a Merdeka Celebration Project for fun.

September 2006.

In September 2006, I received my first ever personal invitation to a wedding dinner, kinda scary cause it somehow denotes that I'm getting old. Attended another Fooxion Gathering, since we're getting closer to one another, hence the more frequent gatherings. Posted the first ever non-money making ad in my blog (a recruitment drive) for the girlfriend. And I finally reached my 100th post, it took too long.

I realized that I can be pretty creative at times, and I began to take nicer pictures. Finally, I was able to meet up with some of the bloggers, after a very long absence, special thanks to m!ss s!mple for helping me out!

October 2006.

October 2006 was pretty bad, my car was involved in a minor bang, after an accident free year, and I screwed up an interview. Was quite an emo month for me.
The Fooxion gang: Had a gathering cum Chris's Bday celebration @ Steven's Corner, A Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering @ Bukit Komanwel, a DimSum review gathering @ Legend Hotel.
The Blogger Gang: A Bday gathering for Ah Jen and Calvism @ Soul'd Out, attended Kelli's Bday Party @ her crib as well, Rames's house for kick-ass curry mutton on Deepavali.
At this point of life, I realize that my social circle has suddenly expanded by a few folds, judging from all the outings. I'm not complaining, in fact, I'm loving every single moment of it.

November 2006.

In between the end of October and the beginning of November 2006, I blogged about Eddy&June's wedding, after the initial wedding dinner. I bitched about being fat. By the mid of November, I headed back to Singapore again, and am currently still there. -_-" The girlfriend celebrated her birth too, and I did plan a little surprise for her, since I was unable to be physically present on her special day.

December 2006.

On the final month of 2006, I was still in Singapore. I did return early in the month, where coincidently, Uncle Ryan was celebrating his birthday. For the first time in my life, I won something from a contest *Shit, again I realize I haven't claim the prizes, hola. Haro Kitty, help me!!! * The girlfriend was in Singapore on two occasions, for business and leisure trip, which I have yet to blog about. Celebrated Christmas in Singapore too, yet to blog as well. Limited access, had to layan the girlfriend also, no choice.

I returned to KL for the New Year countdown, couldn't bear the thought of celebrating it alone in SG, and it was absolutely fantabulous!!!

I think that pretty much sum up what happened to me in 2006. Overall, it was quite a good year, nothing unwanted major incidents happening. And I'm still blogging, which kinda surprised myself as well, knowing that I'm the type of people who sometimes give up quite easily. This blog will be celebrating its first ever anniversary in 2 days time, I'm quite excited about it.

Anyway, let's make 2007 an even more fruitful year, with lots more great memories to cherish and lots more people to meet. Once again, Happy New Year!