Thursday, December 27, 2012

Diet #likeaboss

Thinking about about on a diet to shed those extra pounds? Without giving up on your favourite food nor skipping meals? This might just work for you...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Christmas Gift.

They say be careful of what you wish for and now, I'm starting to kind of believe that and I should start planning for next year's gift *grins*. All I wanted for Christmas is...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


A pretty unique date, a hundred years in the making, and I had to just missed both occasion when the clock struck 12:12:12. Sim2 did mention that I could always rewind the time on my watch/phone/PC to "re-live" that moment (or I could fly "back in time"). Quite creative of her, I have to admit.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


어느샌가 하루 이틀 날이 넘어가
작은 방에 난 시간을 붙잡고 있어

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Movie Time.

I enjoy movie outings very much, yes I do. It's just that everytime, my experience is totally messed up by such incidents. Or by Rames who brought me into the wrong cinema.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Deadly Combo.

Don't you just hate it that when you fall ill, 2 of the most contradicting viruses have to "attack" at the same time?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday.

The title says it all, my life is just that miserable at times. And I have great friends, they say I'm just having some #firstworldproblems. Awesome, aren't they?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hello World, Again.

This is like the n-th attempt I'm trying to revive this little personal space of mine, really lost count. Lots of clean up to do.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Give Up.

The things that I would give up to be able to just sit next to her, listening to her enchanting voice, accompanied by the soft plucking on her guitar. The soft, warm sunlight seemingly glowing on her with the light autumn breeze passing by once in a while, caressing strands of her hair ever so gently. Catching glimpses of her mesmerizing glances and lovely smile, as she continues with her serenade... *melts* 

I would give up drinking coffee, I would give up watching anime and reading manga, I would give up my ride, I would give up drinking, I would give up pork, hell, I would even give up this blog for a chance like that. And I would definitely take up Korean, seriously. Sigh...

Sunday, November 04, 2012

The Live Great Run 2012.

Today, I ran a 12 km race. I can no longer use the word marathon because my sister, who has upgraded herself as a full marathoner said to me that there's only full marathon or half marathon, anything other than that does not count. Fine. So, I ran a race.

My last race was back in 2010 I think, SCKL - retired after that, told myself that I don't ever want to suffer like that anymore! So why am I doing this again? One, race was organized by the company sis is working in, so, support a bit. Two, few of us were planning to run this - which in the end, 1 had commitment, 1 FFK and 1 never registered. Bah.

How was the race? Surprisingly, I enjoyed it and I had fun. When crossing the finishing line, I felt a pretty strong sense of accomplishment and I smiled to myself. I was thinking back on all my previous races when I always failed to finish in time/walked most of the distance - and all the training finally paid off. I felt good - no, I felt awesome!

Then I went to get ice cold Milo and it was heaven.

And now, I want to run more and improve on my timing. At the same time, I'm thinking of running a half marathon in 2013. The running bug has bitten me once again.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Doodly Doo.

Been having this thought of doing web comic for a while and ever since it - as in the thought - started, ideas have been flowing in here and there. This must be a sign! So, spend my Saturday afternoon doodling away in search of characters and being angry because it rained before my laundry dried!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Letter to Seoni.

Dearest Seoni,

At this point, I think you've seen it coming and yeah, I've finally gathered enough courage to do this. Just wanted to let you know beforehand that I've actually given this a lot of thought, how to be polite yet direct, how to do this amicably so things won't turn sour, how just to put it nicely - and I think this is the best. So, here goes. 

I think we've been spending too much time together, so much that it's starting to drive me cuckoos. I've given you my week nights, my weekends, off days and even meal times but still, it wasn't enough for you. I think you did notice at times, I fell asleep right in front of you and yet, you pretended like nothing happened and went on. 

Trust me when I say I've even researched on how to speed things up but to no avail. This is really unhealthy for me and I'm seriously suffocating! This has to stop! I should be spending more time with my family and friends or even random gatherings - I need to take my mind of you.

Until we meet again, goodbye Seoni, and take good care of yourself.

Yours Truly, Jed.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running Man.

Thoughts of a man - yours truly to be precise - when running:

During first km: I can do this! Let's run the furthest and fastest today!

During second km: Still doing good, just a little more... pace down a little...

During third km: *puff*pant*puff* What am I doingggggggg?

Subsequent kms: wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf...

Wish me luck next weekend...

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Hello there, long time no see. Did you miss me? I bet you do.

I've been bitten by the writing bug again. It has been crawling all over me, causing enough itch to stupidly start another blog - which I've just closed down because writing anonymously is just so not me. So, here I am.

And yeah, if you've noticed, I'm no longer an angry person. Hence, the URL and blog name change. Just a little so called, re-branding *ahems*.

Lots have happened over these past 2 years, though the ones with most impact were pretty recent. Mostly sad stuff - need to find me some happy pills.

So yeah, let's see how long this will last, again.