Monday, March 31, 2008

The Next Quarter.

Its the last day of March and starting tomorrow, we'll be stepping into the 2nd quarter of 2008, already. Sigh, time really flies when least expected and the BIG day draws even closer now. I'm finally starting to feel nervous and pressured by the whole event.

Today is also the day I'm heading back to SG for work, again but just for a short duration, about a week or so. I guess this to-and-fro travelling will go on indefinitely unless the customer can finally be satisfied. Wait, that sounds wrong.

Anyhow, there's something to look forward to in Mid of April as well as Early of May if everything goes accordingly. But till then, the couple of days to come is gonna be hell-ish for me. Wish me luck.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Curious As Jed.

Kena Poison from Jehutyz. After seeing that his results were pretty accurate (or maybe his life is just fated, lols), I tried out the application on Facebook as well since its free anyway. Basically, based on your date of birth, the app generates some details and predictions about yourself, pretty neat huh? Anyhow, I got these:

Let my music heal your soul, lols. I'm actually unable to see myself being in the music industry. This is still a lot better since the last application that I tried stated that I should be doing pole-dancing as my full-time career, like, wtf. Unlike Jehutyz, it didn't seem to be able to work its wonders on me.

BTW, now that you all know my birth date and its just around the corner, I'll be anticipating for something to happen, a'ight? ah ha has.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Did You Know?

Each and every existing job has its own unique scope of work, a project manager manages the client's expectations as well as its team members, a lecturer delivers knowledge to his/her students, so on and so forth. Have you ever wondered what a software engineer in the Information Technology really does?

Since its the IT industry, you might have the perception that SEs sit in front of the machine and does coding all day and all night long, for days, weeks or months. But that is not the case! Let me show you, what SEs really work on in the office, sometimes.

We prepare balloons, using manual labour, meaning, each and every single one was blown by breath. And prepare other nice to see stuff.

We also decorate offices to make them look nicer in preparation for events involving VIPs. Nice or not?

That was a real eye opener, wasn't it? Hence, I hope that I have cleared the common perception of a software engineer's scope of work. LoLs.

p/s :: this does not apply generally, hence, don't take it so seriously. If you did, please format your brain to remove this information.

p/p/s :: anyway, most of the stuff and decorations you see in the images above are done by my colleagues, I just helped inflate a few balloons.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jed was Tagged.

A long time ago that is, by m!ss s!mple but didn't realize until right about just now, kinda weird though since I swear I saw that post with the Paramore picture before. Perhaps I practise selective looking/reading as well, woohoo. The task is to select a band or artist and answer in ONLY titles of their song, sounds fun right? Here goes:

1. Choose a band / artist and answer ONLY in titles of their songs.
Maroon 5

2. Are you male or female?

3. Describe yourself:
The Best Thing

4. How do some people feel about you:
Makes Me Wonder

5. How do you feel about yourself:

6. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Harder To Breathe

7. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
She Will Be Loved

8. Describe where you want to be:
Back At Your Door

9. Describe where you live:
Sunday Morning

10. Describe how you live:
Not Falling Apart

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
The Sun

12. Share a few words of Wisdom:
This Love

13. Any general advice:
Wake Up Call

14. Share a favorite pickup line:
Little Of Your Time

15. And if that one doesn’t work:
If I Never See Your Face Again

16. What secondary school do/did you attend:
Must Get Out

17. Pepsi or Coke:
Nothing Lasts Forever

18. Any pets?

19. Favorite food:

20. Do you drink?
Can't Stop

21. Say goodbye:
Sweetest Goodbye

22. I Tag! - its been a while since I tagged anyone, must do can?
Adrian (must be ayumi hamasaki okay?)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Makan-Makan @ Flower Drum.

Jed's personal message on MSN :: Kenapa Selalu Gagal
Junn's personal message on MSN :: Kerana Kegagalan Adalah Lumrah Kehidupan


One fine Sunday morning, the Tan Family with Outsider Wong decided to head for a Dim Sum breakfast with Papa Tan already having a place in his mind. But then, Eldest Tan butted-in and suggested somewhere else instead! Being someone who has a high level of influence on decision making in Tan Family, Papa Tan eventually agreed to it.

Papa Tan, being an adventurous person himself felt that there's no harm in trying new things. And so, Tan Family with Outsider Wong made their way to Flower Drum @ Jalan Bukit Bintang, much to the dismay of Middle Tan and Youngest Tan because they were craving for some "Kun Tong Kau".

The Interior. I think there's gonna be a wedding dinner that night since some decorations were up and all the seats were nicely wrapped. So, how it looks like normally, I have no idea as well. The lighting reminded me of my own venue a little.

Upon entering, Outsider Wong felt that the place was pretty grand and thus, had a bad feeling about the whole thing. And true enough, upon setting his sights on the menu, he was presented with overpriced limited choices, it was like dim sum, fine dining style. There's like 10 steamed choices, 10 fried choices, some desserts, soups, porridge and that's like, all of it.

Outsider Wong frowned, he felt like strangling Eldest Tan for ruining his beautiful Sunday morning.

Orders were placed and just a few minutes later, they had to switch tables as their section was not smoking prohibited, which is just weird since Outsider Wong thought its illegal to smoke in closed air-conditioned area. Anyway, the waitress should have enquired beforehand, bad service, ish.

The few dishes ordered and that almost covered everything from the Steamed section, lols. See the repetition in orders, that explains it all. The orange coloured bun was filled with something milky and creamy, yucks. The Har Kaws, not bad, fresh and tangy prawns and there's some filling of mushrooms in the Siu Mais, enhancing its taste.

Xiao Loong Baos (Mini Dragon Dumplings). Presentation 99, Taste so-so only. The Char Siew Baos (Pork Buns) were quite good, fluffy on the outside with sweet and juicy fillings yums.

Fried Loh Bak or something. The capsicums were still sweet and crunchy, hence, tastier than the squarish cube things. The only fried dish ordered.

The dessert, pudding of unknown flavour and ice-cream, ordered by Youngest Tan. Kids nowadays, they really know how to eat. It also shows that menu plays an important role in selling your grubs, since kids are more attracted to the images and parents comply to their kid's demands.

The total damage came to about RM140, to which Outsider Wong nearly fainted as the quantity of items ordered were just a handful. He felt that although in the Taste section, it was considerably above average but still, the price was a little over the norm. Great for business meetings and such, not for family outings or gatherings.

Its'll be a long, long time before Outsider Wong returns to this place. BTW, charges for parking is RM2 per entrance, as Papa Tan puts in, not yet eat already need to pay.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Incident.

It was last Thursday. Jacklyn was chattering happily as usual when we made our way to Leisure Mall to get our movie tickets. She suddenly noticed two guys on a bike looking into the car and pointed it out to me. That bike moved on, and we were right in front of Desa Aman when it all happened.

We saw was the pillion rider on that bike tugging the handbag from one lady, also a pillion rider beside them and the next thing we know, both the lady and her friend lost their balance and fell sideways, bounced and rolled twice or thrice on the road before finally coming to a halt.

I was totally stunned! Everything happened so fast that nothing registered at all. I have experienced snatch-theft firsthand, Jacklyn being the victim and coincidentally, nearby Leisure Mall as well but to witness such aftermath causes a totally different feeling. It was traumatizing.

Jacklyn's screamings made me come to my senses as I jammed on the brakes, stopping at just about 2 meters away from them. Jacklyn got down immediately. I put on the hazard lights and killed off the engine while stealing quick glances at the victims. They were trying to get up as people from the nearby stalls rushed over to assist them.

Getting closer, I can see that the guy had cuts and scratches all over his arms, thighs and legs, some quite deep and blood was literally oozing out from his nose and mouth, from broken front teeths, I assume. The lady didn't seem to be suffering from any external injuries but she was holding onto her arms, then stomach.

I tried calling for an ambulance. Upon getting through to someone, I quickly explained and gave the location, passed my contact details (was requested), then was placed on hold because they were redirecting me to the nearest hospital. O_O" About what seems to be a lifetime later, again I had to go through all the above again, and that guy kept asking me to repeat OMG what is this lah!!!

Its a fucking emergency, why am I wasting time explaining again and again just fucking send an ambulance can? *calms down* So, here's my advice, always store the contact numbers of hospitals nearby your home or offices because calling 999 is the last thing you want to do.

I called off the ambulance. One uncle advised to have them sent to the nearby Pantai Cheras Hospital, to the objection of another aunty who butted-in, saying something about the charges being expensive and stuff and that I should send them to HUKM. Heated argument ensued between them.

At that time, I totally ignored her, all that was on my mind then was to get them to a hospital as soon as possible, at least to stop his bleedings. The victims were quickly helped into my car, along with their belongings and I sped off. The distance was short but the journey felt so long.

Upon reaching, the victims were wheeled into the emergency ward as I returned to my car, was blocking the main/emergency entrance. Made my way back in, the nurses were already tending to their wounds. Standing there seeing that they were in good hands, for the first time since everything happened, my rapid pulse was finally able to slow.

Since there's nothing much I can do anymore, I wished him well and told him we're heading off. He held my hand weakly and kept thanking me, to which I told him, anyone at my position would do the same thing. He did ask for my contacts, mumbling along the line of inviting me for meals but looking at his condition, I just said its okay and there's no need for that. Bid the lady, who was tearing in pain, goodbye as well.

We headed off. Only later when informed by Jacklyn, I got to know that they were really worried about the charges in Pantai and he requested a few times to her to be sent to HUKM instead. She did try to offer some financial assistance but was declined, he stated that he'll call his friends over instead. Almost immediately, I felt a deep sense of guilt for making the decision without really asking for his confirmation.

Hope they're doing better now.

And to those snatch thefts, I hope they'll suffer a horribly for the rest of their life and the next time they made another attempt of snatching, they'll fall off their bike and be beaten by a group of passer-by for at least half-an-hour before the police arrives. Then, everytime they ride a bike, they'll definitely fall off.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sleepless in KL.

Haven't been getting a good night sleep lately even though I get to bed early, around 11 plus. The thing is, I never fail to awake once, usually around 3-4am, just like that, each and every night even though there were no disruptions of any sort. Empty bladder, silent alarm, dar surroundings, cool air, optimum environment for sleeping.

It would be another 15-30 minutes before I am able to doze off again. Deeply puzzled, beats me, I am totally clueless on what's waking me up since this never occured before.

BTW, I just realized that the number of entries in this blog has crossed the 500 mark. Never thought that I could keep doing this for so long when I first started. Anyway, here's to more entries, cheers.

Totally unrelated, have a look at the picture below and guess where it was taken. The winner, uhrm, gets nothing, or perhaps a copy of the image without any watermarks or whatnots, lols.

You Guess. You guess. You Guess, Guess, Guess. The top part of the image is a very, very helpful hint. Mr. Viper was able to give the correct answer almost immediately, although just looking at it from my phone. Hebats!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Post-Celebration Entry.

Thank Yous Abang Jin for this piccah :: Jacklyn and I kat Rahsia. Makan okeh-okeh tapi portion memang teramat kecil sangat sangat, fine dining kot. Joke of the day, bukan rahsia lah sebab I memang makan kat Rahsia. Tunggu apa lagi, ketawalah!

Thank Yous Abang Jin for this piccah :: The moment I saw this picture, I already damn sure die-die also must post it up. Don't you just love being me? Sudah confirm I memang cannot pose for a picture properly one.

After makan @ Rahsia, a few of us proceeded to Old Town, for post-dinner gossiping and mengumpat session. Inilah sebabnya I want to be transfered back to the KL branch, how lah to survive without all of them. Anyway, everyone that's present got their muka above, except for myself. I think we very heart Old Town, always yum char there one.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Salam HariJadi En.Pop.

En. Pop yang dihormati,

Setiap tahun, saya bertekad untuk membuat satu post yang lain daripada yang lain untuk menyampaikan salam harijadi kepada anda dari dasar sanubari saya. 2 tahun lepas, saya telah meng-digital-isasikan kad ucapan yang telah saya custom-buat. Tahun lepas pula, saya telah merealisasikan impian anda untuk muncul dengan muka besar-besar dalam belog saya yang tak seberapa ini.

Dengan ini, saya sememangnya tidak tahu apa lagi jenis gambar yang boleh ditaruh tahun ini untuk me-maintain-kan keistimewaan ucapan harijadi yang telah wujud sedemikian lama. Kesulitan ini amat sangat dikesali.

Jadi, tahun ini, saya akan letak je gambar yang telah kamu buat itu supaya post ini tidak nampak macam kosong sangat, agak bagus juga idea ini sebenarnya. Tambahan lagi, dengan berbuat demikian, ada juga peluang untuk mendapat kepala-er yang baru dan cantik-menarik dari En.Pop. Ah, bak kata pepatah, bunuh dua burung dengan seketul batu.

Jadi, En. Pop, Selamat Hari Jadi yang ke-25, agak tua dah ni, sebab kamu tengok, 25 tahun adalah satu perempat daripada satu kurun. Maka, kamu adalah 1/4 kurun tua ni, takut tak? Harap-harap kamu akan bertemu dengan pasangan idaman anda tahun ini, jangan jadi seperti si Rames tu, sampai saya pun dah malas nak menasihati dia dah, biarkan je lah.

Selain dari itu, semoga sihat-sihat dan hensem selalu, segala cita-cita tercapai, segala impian termakbul, bonus dapat 12 bulan, lepas tu kasi saya sikit lah, okay?

Yang lebih muda dari anda,
Jed dari jed-merungut-lagi

p/s: You tau tak, masa I sedang tulis post ni, lagu Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me kebetulan pula start kat Pemain MP3 saya. *hint: Lagu Geografi*

Thursday, March 20, 2008

And it went with a BANG.

Without any sort of warnings or signs, ze battery in Jacklyn's car suffered a minor explosion, just like that. Still, quite scary weh I tell you. Started with the normal routine, insert key, turn to ignite the engine but things ended with a BANG. Fortunately for her, at that time the car was parked right in front of my house, imagine how dangerous it would be otherwise.

When it happened, until the moment I noticed thin layers of white colored smoke emitting from the bonnet, I had thought the noise came from somewhere else. Went into panic mode. I quickly ordered her to get out and stay away from the car because from what I can see, she was still totally stoned, mouth agaped.

Looks normal but is actually a goner. It exploded from the left side which you can see is pried open, scary right? The engine is located just left of it.

Then we waited for a while in the drizzle, fearing that the initial explosion might cause some kind of chain reactions. Mom came out as well, to get a clearer picture of the whole thing. About 5 minutes passed, nothing happened. Feeling that it was safe to pop open the bonnet, I went into her car to pull the lever and release the locking mechanism.

Her car was filled with some kind of weird, pungent, suffocating smell causing me to move away quickly whilst choking and coughing terribly. The same smell lingers in the air the moment I lifted her bonnet and I finally realized its from the leakage of unknown substance from the exploded battery.

Fiddled the cables around, checked the other compartments in the engine bay, nothing else seems to be affected. I breathed a sigh of relief. But of course, the lady didn't trust me later when I told her that its only the battery that needs a change, she preferred to worry her head off since Jed is no mechanic. *rolls eyes*

The night was later spent pushing her car away to reverse my car out before pushing her's into the porch instead. Mighty hard work especially when someone lacks the ability to control the steering wheel and the one that does, too heavy for pushing. ><

The next morning, Dad got one of his mechanic friends to come over and inspect the damages, if there's any then replace the battery. Apparently:
# the unknown substance I mentioned above was acidic, hence the smell
# the previous mechanic who changed the battery misplaced the heat absorber, supposed to be covering the side of the battery closer to the engine but instead, it was placed otherwise
# he didn't say anything about the above being the cause, but we suspected it to be
# had to flush and blow dry the engine bay, fearing the acidic substance might cause damages to other components

A clearer picture after it was removed. Its those non-maintenance type of battery where refills are not required at all.

Talk about experienced mechanic, fuh! For a while, it did get me wondering, how come none of the Perodua service center personnels mentioned anything about this, of the many times she took her car over for servicing. I will definitely give them a piece of my mind the next time I see them.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, do pop your bonnet and have a look around the engine bay from time to time, check on the level of radiator coolent and engine oil, refill the battery, and all those stuff. As you can see, who would've thought even the battery could explode.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Am Really Back In KL Lah.

Seriously! This post is written in KL, Malaysia and uploaded to Blogger via Screamyx. Can't you feel the locality on the contents in my previous 2 posts? So, y'all can start CALLing or SMSing me on my local line anytime, I swear upon my blog that I will definitely layan your calls and reply your SMSes.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact ME! I'm more than available for movies, shopping, yum chas, lunch dates, parties, celebrations, dinner dates and all that! And this is not an AD of anysort, thank you.

Anyway, can you believe that it has been more than 10 months since I last stepped into the KL office? So much has changed, areas partitioned, re-arrangements, re-structurings, new employees but still same old dumb PCs. I'm currently using a machine with P3 processor with 512MB RAM, so yeah, laugh all you want.

As how Jen puts it, that's a DPU (Dumb Processing Unit) I'm using. The next thing I know, I might just be carrying a CPU from Singapore to KL, LOLS but of course I won't.

Salvation is finally here. There's finally chinese food (mixed rice and kueh-muehs) in Plaza Sentral's cafeteria but everything comes with a price, its quite expensive if you ask me. I was charged RM5 for rice, 2 type of vegetables and a few tiny cubes of chicken breast.

How to survive in KL you tell me, earn more then spend more since everything costs more. I should just move to some seaside village and spend the rest of my life fishing, planting vegetables and rearing chickens, should be able to self-sustain. Sigh.

Moving on, it has also been a while since I last drove to KL during the morning hour rush and needless to say, it was ABSOLUTELY. TOTALLY. HORRENDOUS. The mission to find an alternative to Loke Yew failed, even though that route was less congested, it was much further hence, taking about the same time to reach Plaza Sentral.

Speaking of congestion, we have a new Menteri Pengangkutan (Datuk Ong Tee Keat) as well as a new Menteri Kerja Raya (Datuk Ir. Mohamad Zin Mohamed) as stated in the new cabinet line-up. Hopefully, we'll be able to see more improvements and not tolls, in these sectors.

But then again, what can actually be done to ease the current congestion that KL-lites is facing? Road widening? Alternative routes and highways? Tunnels? Extensive public transportations? Cheaper fares? The real question is, will these implementations really help?

I guess I'll leave this for another time, there's so much to say about it that this deserves a post of its own.

And parking. From a mere RM3 last year, then to RM5 and now, its RM6 per entry but bear in mind that this only applies for early birds (before 10am), else, the charges' according to per hour rates. As a victim, I am able to show you just how ridiculously expensive the rates are.

On Monday, I entered the parking area at 11.52am and exited at 6.38pm, want to guess how much I had to pay? Freaking RM 13.00! Open air car park + potholes + slightly flooded roads + 6 hours 46 minutes = RM13.00. I almost fainted.

Then, the journey home was equally horrendous. Sometimes, I wonder how the drivers in KL obtain their licenses. Some of them should just eat shit and die.

Ah, I think I've said enough for today, guess I still haven't lose that ranting touch in me. Remember to call me out yah!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I was stuck at the Tuas Checkpoint for close to an hour during the journey to KL last Saturday morning and nope, it was not due to throngs of people rushing to Malaysia for weekend getaways or what-so-ever. Heck, there were even less than 20 buses in front of the coach I was travelling on.

The real cause, Mas Selamat bin Kastari, JI's leader who escaped from a detention center in Singapore since March 1st due to a "security lapse" (as quoted from Singapore Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng's statement during a Parliament session) is still on the loose, resulting really thorough checkings on the vehicles.

From what I can see, only one or two buses were allowed to alight passengers in front of the departure hall at any given time. More officers with MP5 have been deployed and K9 units were present as well. The whole scene is pretty intimidating. Also, your fingerprint will be scanned when passing through the clearance counters, something not required previously.

A waiting fleet of buses with a boring bunch of passengers.

If you ask me, it was nothing but a TOTAL nuisance for me having to spend an hour waiting just to cross over. I understand that all these enforcements are neccessary for the safety of all and stuff but then again, doing it at the expense of others just doesn't seem right to me no matter how I see it. Call me selfish but its MY time being wasted.

And I thought the word Efficient is supposed to be synonymous with everything Singapore. One thing I don't understand is, why can't the scannings be done in parallel, is there a limitation to that? The waiting time could probably cut by at least a quarter or more, my guess. Again, I need enlightenment.

Perhaps I can still be considered lucky as I heard from a friend of mine that his colleague got stuck for more than 4 hours waiting to cross over. That's really bad.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Was at Tower 2 of the Twin Towers for a little something-something which did not turn out well (truly disappointed at myself) when I took this at Level 43. Its the floor where the sky-bridge is located, in case you didn't know. Initially, I had trouble getting to the destination due to the confusion of the odd-even floors thingy (I still am confused, I need enlightenment) and that was also the first time I went beyond level 30-ish.

There's Berjaya Times Square in a distance. Isn't it great if your office is located in the Twin Towers, on higher floors that is. You get to enjoy splendid views everyday.

Another one. This one's facing the Park as well as the Convention Center.

Images taken using the K770i. The camera seems to work pretty well under ample lighting conditions, especially natural light. Else, pictures tend to turn out grainy. Another fallback would definitely be, no zooming when high resolution is set, sigh. Came across a comment that mentioned the quality is better when cropped and zoomed digitally, something like that.

Friday, March 14, 2008


5th year, 11th month and I asked myself yet again, how long has it been since we last spent time together on this significant day of the month?

How long, since we dined together, on the 14th?

How long, since we last caught a movie together, on the 14th? I think I've watched more movies with E in 2 month than with you in a year. LOLS. Okay, not funny.

How many times, that I've been away, on the 14th?

How many of such absence, is the question that lingers in my mind. Instead of building memories together, we've been doing that apart.

When? When was the last that we managed to keep each other company for the whole day, on the 14th?

Eh, wait. It was last month. I'm SAFE! YAY! No need to continue writing already.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Confession.

The FZ5 have not seen daylight for a very, very long time, even way before the existence of the K770i. And this blog has not been graced by its pictures for the longest time as well, its absence is felt.

But fear not, as it shall once again emerge from the darkness of the waist pouch, and that time is near, really, really near.

Anyway, since I've already made a confession, I'll keep the train running. The next one would be, I have gained weight. Now, only the higher beings will be able to help me. The task of scanning my previous photos when I looked like a stick is not helping at all.

I'm now suffering from the fear of stepping onto a weighing scale. Is there a name for this?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Round 1. Win.

Below is based on a true account, a recent chat log between Jacklyn and I. The main purpose behind this post is to provide guidance to fellow friends so that when such situation arises, a favourable outcome can be achieved. Without further ado, let the tutorial begins...

[15:56] laureljacklyn: btw, just now lunch at menara weld there got guess bag shop
analysis: the subject starts the assault by a sudden diversion in topic, intending to catch the target off guard. It is clear that the subject has experience in planning surprise attacks, judging from the time and method of execution.

[15:57] laureljacklyn: the whole shop full with guess bags... nearly carry out a bag from that shop
analysis: the subject continues by giving the target an overview of the settings, before slowly narrowing the topic into the actual intention, that the subject has set her sights onto a single item, a BAG to be precise. the subject then proceeds to signal her target, she desires the item but has yet to make the purchase.

[15:57] laureljacklyn: poisonous
analysis: the subject tries to draw pity from the target by informing him indirectly that no purchase was made although the temptation was really high. one of the many types of psychological attack, very dangerous.

[15:57] laureljacklyn: my colleague told me that bag so match me *sad face emoticon*
analysis: the final blow. the subject brings in supportive information to strengthen her cause, that others were of the same opinion, the desired item looks good on her, concluding that the target should have actually purchased it. the inclusion of a sad face emoticon is to further enhance the emotional effect on the target.

Well, at this point, we know that the subject is obviously trying to get the target to purchase the item for her. Now, I, as the target, shall reveal the ultimate weapon that can be used to repel such attack effectively, with a success rate of 99.9%.

However, depending on the characteristic of the subject, the result might differ from one person to another. Use at own risk. Please don't hunt or come looking for me later.

[15:59] jed.rants: i did not see that
[15:59] jed.rants: i did not see that
[15:59] jed.rants: i did not see that
[15:59] jed.rants: i did not see that
[15:59] jed.rants: i did not see that

[16:00] laureljacklyn: so bad!!!!!!!!

Success. This concludes that careful analysis yields great results.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Lady has Spoken.

It’s my first time blogging as a ‘guest blogger’ and yeah my honey is way too busy to blog :p

He has no time for ME, blog, friends and family… only got time for his works (just kidding). As he is coming back for good very very soon → this Saturday, I shall punish him for dumping me in KL all alone for so long.

The punishments are: -

# Treat me x100 times better than before
# Make breakfast for me every morning after married
# Tidy and clean the house every weekend
# Love me more
# Sayang me more
# Cannot scold me
# No more throwing tantrums at me
# Kiss me more
# Hug me more
# Listen to me more
# Tease me less
# Find more money so that I can become Siu Lai Lai

And to those who read this entry, you guys should become the witness of this.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Live Like Jed.

early morning wake up, fast fast go office
sit down start PC, boot so slow like tortoise
boss and client all day nag, really no peace
air cond very the cold, suffer brain freeze

busy busy busy, busy like a bee
so much things to do, no time for tea
work keep pilling up, really no eye see
if lucky got break, faster go pee

everybody also come kacau, make you feel dizzy
cannot concentrate at all, everything become messy
client pressure boss pressure, cannot take it easy
finally work finish already, people say lousy

come in early, go back late
go eat dinner, food so small plate
less than 5 minutes, sudah habis ate
reach home already, have to face roommate

weekend also the same, its really sibeh tiring
cannot finish work, later boss goreng
everyday like this, really very boring
but nasib baik, still sempat blogging

Friday, March 07, 2008


I received this in my mailbox sometime back, sent by a Singaporean friend. Let me just say that this post is not politically inclined or what-so-ever, I just find it funny but true at the same time, so, I'm just sharing (which equals to caring which equals good karma coming to me wtf). Anyhow, you might have already come across this before.

Can a family man with RM3,000 salary survive in Malaysia?

Let's do some simple calculations here. In Malaysia, the average family income is RM3,000/month, where father works, mother doesn't.

I understand there are many families whose monthly income does not reach RM3,000 but, to make things simple, let's take RM3,000 as the figure. Ok lah, right?

Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has
Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ....

Calculation starts...

Electricity and water bill: RM100
(No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater ... ok?)

Phone bill ( Telekom): RM100

Meals for a happy family: RM775
(3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons...?)

Papa makan/teh-tarik during working hors: RM155
(RM5/day, RM5 ... can eat what?)

Car repayment: RM400
(A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)

Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam): RM300
(go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running)

Insurance: RM650
(kids, wife and myself)

House repayment: RM750
(low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs, retired still have to work to pay!)

Tuition: RM80
(got that cheap meh? i don't think so)

Older children pocket money @ school: RM20
(RM1/day, eat bread?)

School fees: RM30
(enough ah?)

School books and etc: RM100
(always got extra to pay in school)

Younger children milk powder: RM50
(cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)

Miscellaneous: RM100
(shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)

Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so...
No Astro, no movie @ cinema, no DVD, no CD, no online, cannot KFC, cannot McDonald, cannot go Park walk during weekend (petrol expensive), no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...

Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EH! Shit! RM3,610 already... EPF belum potong, income tax lagi........oledi RM3,610. How to survive lah tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian ???

Our government asked us to change lifestyle? How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study? Which coincides with the following clip I saw from Jolene's blog.

Ubah Gaya Hidup

Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3,000/month!!!

What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh... Sorry ... it should be Malaysians Boleh , because we're still alive and kicking!!

LOLS. Perhaps it felt funnier to me since I was able to relate to it *jed's wedding bells ringing* Well, my dear Jacklyn, it seems like you shall be working as long as I do, you can stop dreaming to become a siu lai-lai at this very instance. Can see above or not? Its impossible to survive with just a single source of income :P

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jed is Robot 2.

Its 0511 now and in approximately 4 hours, I would have worked continuously for 24 hours. Jed is Robot. You know what, I've really been compared to a robot before once, click here to find out more.

Its 0614 now, that leaves just another 3 hours. Eyes are feeling pretty dry now, body aching, tummy grumbling, quite sleepy. I wonder if I'll be able to doze off later since the construction will be ongoing.

Judging by the current schedule, I hope its just gonna be night shift again tomorrow, another 24 hours would be totally unbearable.

Updated Again:
Its 0702 now, 2 more hours! Perhaps the lack of sleep is somehow getting me all psyched up, nasty! Well, I can finally head home now and get some well deserved rest. Phew.

Oh, if you're reading this, do drop by @ Rames's Bollywood Blog and wish him a happy 28th birthday. Remind him to get married soon as well.

Updated Again, Again:
Hello! Its 1708 now and once again, I am back in the office to slug it through the night again. Anyone to stay awake and keep me company? Ahas.

Wish me luck that everything will be just fine so I can head home earlier and start the next day working normal shifts again. Night shifts are quite taxing.

Final Update:
The final one for the day, I've never updated a single post that many times before, this shall remain as a breakthrough for the many days to come. Its approximately 2358 now.

And I think its done, the thing that I've been working on for the past few days might finally be accurate, a little minor tweak will still be required here and there.

How nice if there's OT for IT slaves.

And its official. The phones in the office will ring once, one after another at approximately 1214 every day. Some kind of extension test or whatsoever I guess, kinda spooky especially when you're alone.

Also blog hopping can be quite an experience as well, especially those embedded with songs. Because you don't know, it comes out of nowhere just like that. Scary.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Random Images.

Lean Meat and Century Egg Porridge @ China Square. The porridge there is thick, hence filling and delicious but still not as yummy as the one in ChinaTown. 4 dollars btw.

Root Beer Float and Iced Water @ New York New York in CityLink. Didn't managed to photograph the food because we were too hungry that I totally forgot to do so. Part of Fish and Chips in the background.

Pai Ku (Pork Ribs) Ramen, one of my favourite @ Ajisen Ramen in Square 2. I tell you, this has to be the most quiet in the whole world, I've never seen so few customers in the many times that I've dined in other branches.

Random structure opposite of One Marina Boulevard and the upcoming Ascott Residentials or something like that. Supposed to mean something, there's a description there but I never really took the time to read through it.

Since its a random post, this is just FYI. There's now a new ruling in town (Singapore - only applicable to CBD), one can no longer flag down a cab or drop off anywhere as one pleases. You can now only do that at designated cab stands. On the first day of implementation, all the drivers of the cabs I boarded have nothing else but complaints on this ruling.

Their say, its really inconvenient for both the drivers and the passengers. For example, normally, I would request the cabbie to just drop me off at the side of the building but now, they would have to make a huge detour since they can't just stop anywhere anymore.

Thats a Lose-Lose situation. The passengers would have to spend more time and money on the journey and the cabbie having to make a long detours unnecessarily.

On the other hand, by stopping at designated areas, it can prevent the usual cases of 'cab stealing/hitching' since everyone would have to wait at the same area. Probably, at the same time, ease the flow of traffic a little as well, since cabs wouldn't be able to stop as they see fit.

I guess there'll always be two sides of everything. What say you?

Monday, March 03, 2008

and she just went on and on...

And on. The following is based on a true story that occured late last night.

It was 12 minutes past 11 and because deliveries would take at least an hour to arrive upon ordering, I decided to just head home and grab something from the 7-11 nearby.

It was half past 11 when I stepped into the shop.

It was 5 minutes past midnight when I stepped out. Now, before you start wtf-ing me, the thing is, I only took about a minute to grab the sandwich and cup noodle, then head to the counter for payment.

I think most of you would have already guessed what happened in between the paying and the exiting by now, the aunty manning the cashier decided to share her 420480 hours worth of life story with me.

No signs, no warnings, nothing. It all started with a simple question, was I buying dinner or supper and my answer, a single dinner. Then it proceeded to the reason for me eating that late, deliveries, fast food, her horrifying working experience in McDs and 7-11...

And she just went on and on and on.

Each time she paused, I tried to inch a little further and take my leave but to no avail, she'll start again faster than you can say goodnight. Leaving just like that would seem disrespectful but at the same time, I was really, really tired not to mention, hungry.

What seems to be hours later, the bells tingled and that could only mean one thing. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can hear the angels sing. The saviour has arrived in the form of, yes, another customer.

I have never been this happy and glad for a long, long time. I wished her a pleasant night and made my way out as fast as possible.

And that was the story of my 7-11 Break. I have this theory that I only look friendly and approachable to the elderly because the above scenario has occured countless times. How come no leng luis approach and talk to me one?

First time encountering an individual more talkative than Jacklyn OOoPppSsss...

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Frenzy Mode, again.

I headed for home around 4 something Saturday morning, headed to client place at 8 something in the morning and worked for 14 hours straight after that before heading home again around 10 something. Quite champion hoh?

I thank Coke for keeping me alive and sane.

Before heading back to Singapore again, my parents treated us to lunch at Unique Fisherman after failing to agree on other choices. Mom and Dad were in total support of this restaurant while Sis and I objected as we felt it would cost a bomb and Jacklyn was in total silence.

Smart move actually considering she's not officially part of the family yet, LOLS. I'm totally gonna get skinned alive for this.

The restaurant has been around for a while but I have yet dined there mainly due to hearing lots of comments about the food being slightly more expensive.

Anyway, upon going through the menu, Dad went into his frenzy ordering mode again this time, worst as Mom gave her full support O_O" you might think now that there's nothing wrong with ordering and extra dish or two, just wait till you see all the stuff that Dad ordered. Just below.

Supposed to be shark's fin soup but the colour and texture is totally different from what I had before. Additionally, they have this 'Fa Gau' thing which is supposed to be really good for health but also burns a hole in your wallet.

Beancurd with minced meat, this one is quite yummy because the salty meat toppings blended well with the blandness of the fried beancurd.

I totally forgot what dish this is. Some pork knuckles thing.

TeoChew style steamed fish. I know that's a fresh water fish but I just can't recall the name, signs of getting old.

Stir Fried Vegetables, in cantonese, this dish is called 'Sei Tai Tin Wong' which tranlates to the Four Heavenly Kings. If I'm not mistaken that is, hahaha.

Some seafood claypot thing. Why did it not cross my mind to take the receipt along at that time? ish, benci!

Chicken. Since its not herbal, most probably is 'Yip Ham Kai' - Chicken marinated with Salt then Steamed to perfection.

For only 5 person (4 and a half actually since Jacklyn eats only a little) lunch, is that a lot or what? I still remember the first time someone joined my family for dinner, she was totally shocked by the sheer amount of food presented on the dining table. Right?

The bill came to around 200++, mainly due to the two mini-bowls of shark fin Dad ordered, just to try things out, the way he put it. Hence, taking those off the list, I would say it wasn't as expensive as I've expected it to be, perhaps just somewhere between average and slightly costly.

Oh, and my stomach nearly exploded from all those food.