Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2wards 2009.

I am chewing on a few Dentyne White Peppermint flavoured gum, looking out to the fluffy clouds gliding slowly accross the vast blue skies and listening to Jeff Chang's Ai Qing Yu Wei playing softly through the earphones, while typing this entry - the last for 2008.

I have been switching screens, typing and backspacing for the past hour, nothing complete is coming out of my mind nor sentences. In actual fact, I'm not actually sure what I wanted to do with this post here - on one side, I feel reviewing the life of Jed in 2008 but at the same time, I'm not really driven nor initiated to do that.

Its like you feel like eating Klang Bak Kut Teh but is lazy to drive there.

Well, I guess I'll just make it simple then. So, in brief, 2008 has been quite good year with lots of big changes though, like working night shifts, moving back to KL, job change (2008 best decision made), spending money like there's no tomorrow, renovations, marital status change, trips and all that.

Moving on to 2009.

A brand new year, a brand new start! New challenges and new opportunities ahead! New obstacles and new challenges to overcome! Same old person posting entries inconsistently in this blog HAHAHA! Anyway, let's wish for nothing but the best in 2009 amid all the not so positive thing that is occuring throughout the world.

Monday, December 29, 2008

HeHe HeHeHe.

Cerita dari sana bersambung di sini.

HaHa HaHaHa. HoHo HoHoHo. Anyway, setelah bosan berfikir lebar panjang, saya dengan tekad sekuat besi telah membuat keputusan untuk membeli 580EX II terlebih dahulu. Ini disebabkan saya rasa itu penembak cahaya perlukan masa yang lebih lama untuk dimahiri - saya mungkin salah tapi sekarang sudah terlambat untuk menukar keputusan. Mulai hari ini, tiap-tiap hari saya kena makan roti.

Gambar #1 yang ditangkap dengan menggunakan 580EX II. Cahaya terang-terang memang best sekali.

Gambar #2 yang ditangkap dengan menggunakan 580EX II. Macam ada sikit blur ataupun saya dizzy.

Banyaklah bacaan yang kena sebab saya hanya tahu guna itu konfigurasi yang semuanya automatik, yang ETTL itu pun tak berapa faham apa benda tu. Lagi ada sinkronasi tinggi, tembakan cahaya bertubi-tubi, jarak untuk zoom, konfigurasi manual dan macam-macam lagi. Adohai, teknologi memang merunsingkan.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Uniquely KL.

A collection of images from the phone taken here and there that is almost uniquely Kuala Lumpur, behold:

Parkings @ The Gardens - Seen here is a car parked in between 2 lots for the handicapped - well, there's the slightest chance that the owner of this vehicle has passengers with difficulties in moving around but I really doubt so. Too many a times have I seen perfectly fine individuals using these parking lots at their convenience.

Do you want some teh (tea with milk)? Its free and its in the most natural form with no additives or extra sugar you know?

Flooded with menus upon menus upon menus and spoilt with choices upon choices upon choices when dining in a restaurant where the face of Bosco Wong is practically everywhere - in this picture also got 3 liao, sigh - good table number though.

A very long queue for McD breakfast @ the Taman Muda branch - what happened to Nasi Lemak & Roti Canai & Dim Sum man? *We (Jac, Junn & I) were there because the Queen demanded it* Reason for the long queue? Only one counter was in operation.

Sit at your own risk @ Raju Restaurant. Beware of flying drumsticks and rice ball projectiles or curry flood and runaway crabs.

Nasi Bojari @ Madam Kwan YUMS - makes your cholesterol level go haywire.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Blanket Thief.

I awaken in the middle of the night,
Feeling chilled, feeling cold,
Looking around but it was nowhere in sight,
Oh no, where did my blanket go?

In darkness, in vain, I felt around,
Oh there it is, just a little to my right,
Strucked once again, without any sound,
Blanket pulled away, with all her might.

I sat and wonder, what can I do,
She let out a grunt, with even the slightest pull,
Already lack of space, I can't even move,
Now she hogs the blanket, tighter than glue.

Oh why, oh why, must this happen to me,
All I wanted is just to get some rest,
But no I can't, thanks to the Blanket Thief,
Guess I have no other choice, its for the best.

I'll just have to TURN OFF the air-conditioner hahahahaha! Just kidding lah.

But seriously I really have to find some kind of solution for this bed and blanket hogging since we would be sleeping together for a really, really long time and because its an unhealthy scenario - getting a good night rest is very important in case you didn't know.

Any suggestions?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Secret Santa 2008.

Before I start, let me just wish eveyone a VERY, BERRY, EXTREMELY HAPPY, MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008! A joyous occasion indeed with gifts given and received, food a plenty, christmas carols belted live or through the speakers within beautifully lighted christmas decorations (occasionally ruined by dung-dung here and chang-chang there).

Jac and I spent Christmas Eve watching The Day The Earth Stood Still @ Leisure Mall then headed home to rest - felt that I'm getting a little too old for those countdown celebrations at numerous venues (many which got rowdy as read from the papers) - I very much prefer peace and quiet, quality over quantity in a way I guess. Here are some christmas-ty pictures, lazy wanna insert them in here again.

After missing out on such a joyous occasion last year (not sure bout the year before though, were there any?), I was finally able to participate on my very first Secret Santa with the Siao Gang this year which was on Christmas Day itself yea-hoo! Should have bought a santa costume for the occasion (just had this thought) since the theme was either red or green and my size suits the role more than of a christmas elf or santarina (eewww!).

Anyway, I was a secret santa for Hiew88 (hope he likes it) manakala Ah Jen was my secret santa, kasihan her must have had a hard time thinking of what to get for me since I have this expressionless face and seldom-make-any-purchase syndrome. Well, the truth is, I love it and coincidentally, I was also planning to get one of similar thickness - she must be psychic - kucing hitam yang psikik.

Only managed a single picture that's actually not too decent as well due to the lighting and environment and also lack of skills a.k.a. a noob.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Truth Is.

Behold, my latest (actually very long already but then I did not make any other purchases after this one, so technically can still be considered as the latest) gadget related purchase:

The very affordable Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens - managed to purchase it for only RM280.

Behold, her latest gadget related purchase:

The Sony Cybershot DSC T-77 or better known as the Skinny-T with touchscreen and all that stuff - costing a whopping RM1150.

So, as you can see for yourself, the actual truth is, its not as perceived that guys would always be the ones who spent more gadgets or gadget related purchases. Though technically, she did not actually made the purchase, hhmmm... but in this scenario, its the intention and ownership that counts because its my blog and I say so wtf.

Anyway, let's see how long this one would last as she has this hidden ability to accelerate the expected lifespan of a gadget, be it unknowingly or accidentally. Or perhaps I should call it a curse, lols.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Lunch.

Or something like that - to be followed by gift exchange which is a little different over here because you will not get to know who got the gift(s) for you. Boss decided to have it on this day foreseeing that many would have leave plans starting the day after.

For me, the highlight of the lunch was not the gift exchange but rather the food simply because I never had ROASTED TURKEY neither on thanksgiving nor christmas before!!!!! I shall let the pictures (and captions) do the talking from here onwards.

So much food!!! Look at the size of the chicken, I mean turkey, man! If I'm not mistaken, this 5-6 KGs roasted bugger from Hilton cost about RM400++ and if divided by the number of individuals devouring it, one person would still need to pay around 18+ bucks. I think you can tell from the thin crust that the pizzas are from Domino's or perhaps you were able to recognize from the phone number lols.

Just bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling juice. Drunk employees = non-productive employees - very simple reasoning.

Aftermath of the turkey upon numerous slaughterings by non-professional knife wielders - one of them guilty being me. The cubes of grilled potatoes as seen above were addictively delicious.

That's all, end of story, I shall be compiling the gift(s) for another post. Before I forget and since this can be considered as a food post, comments on food @ The Spread, Gardens Hotel, as mentioned in the previous post. If I'm not taking the discount into consideration, I would give the rate as following:

Food - there is a significant difference between the choices of food here from the norm but its quite limited I would say. There were Japanese, Western and Local dishes, some of the more unique varieties would be toro sashimi (tuna belly), herbal chicken, stewed lam-yue lamb cubes, buttered vegetables and black sesame ice-cream.

Pretty average on the taste and quality of food, nothing too outstanding, nothing too bad either except one of the prawn dishes not being that fresh that day. I enjoyed the grilled squid and ikan bakar the most after recommendation from Boss. Oh, also, its a pity that I can't take beef on that very day, the roasted striploin was really tempting.

Environment - Just right for me, the temperature not being too warm nor too cold throughout the luncheon even though the number of people varies from time to time. Utensils, furnitures and decorative items are well maintained - forgot where the view was overlooking though. Can be a tad bit too noisy at times due to the presence of large groups but can't be help since its a buffet.

Service - Good. Very alert and responsive, always close by to cater to our needs - drink refills, change of plates and all that. When Boss beckoned on the freshness of the abovementioned prawn dish, my colleague mentioned that they changed that whole tray of prawns later. Only when it came to billing, it was a bit slow - might be technical issues though.

There you have it, a simple review of the restaurant. Frankly speaking, it would be kinda pricey to dine there without the discounts considering the many other choices that we have around KL for that same price. Not a place that would cross my mind for buffet meals unless the promotion is still on and I am able to gather a legion of diners with me.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Indecisiveness has struck once again at none other but myself, why am I not surprised. Seriously considering getting an 'upgrade' for the 400D before year 2008 ends but at the same time unable to decide on which item - between the 580EX II Speedlite or the EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Zoom Lens - even though I had been weighing both the options rigorously for the past few days.

I thinks I is needs somes helps srsly!

Well, the intention to get the lens came about when I was in Bali watching a stage performance and was unable to capture the elaborate details of dancers' costumes due to limitation in zooming. Similar difficulty experienced during sight-seeing around town and places of interest as well as when trying to capture the locals from afar or inside the car (as natural as possible mah) and all that. Oh the frustration!

And the Speedlite came about due to difficulties in capturing decent looking pictures quickly during wedding dinners or functions or all those in-door stuff events where the lighting can be a bitch at times. The built in one normally requires a few tries before getting the right one, could be either due to over-exposure-ness or shadowy background.

Or perhaps I'm just giving myself excuses to get one since the above can be partially solved by attaching a diffuser to the flash, I think.

Additionally, the lens would be much more affordable compared to the flash but then the flash would required more time to get accustomed to than the flash, dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. So, back to the question again, would it be the Zoom Lens or the Speedlite. Hopefully I can (or will) get an answer by the end of this week, hhmmm...

Had lunch here (@ Gardens Hotel) sometime back - they had this super, awesome, mega deal for lunch whereby a group of 10 person would get 50% discount on the total bill, not sure whether its still on though. Comment will come soon.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Kucing Hitam Said.

@2008-12-19 2:37 PM - lol. comment again. is time to review ur resolutions 2008 and renew them already wtf hahaha

Well, true enough, the end of the year is approaching faster than you can finish cooking a packet a maggi mee. Let's review my resolutions and excuses for not being able to achieve them for the year 2008 before setting a new list for 2009. Shall we?

Lose Weight
FAIL! FAIL! FAIL MISERABLY! Seems to fail without fail every single year. Yet, this will still be part of my resolutions for 2009 because I really, really, really wanna lose weight, like really. I think the cut-down-on-food practise is not working anymore hence, I think I have no other choice but to start exercising rigurously.

Weight maintained at 86KGs for 2008. By the end of 2009 die-die also must achieve 80KGs!!!

Spend Less
Like, so fail. Never in my life, NEVER, have I spent so much in a year before - even the combined sum from 1983 - 2007 cannot compare to how much have been spent - for the marriage and wedding and all that stuff.

Every end of the month, I had to go through the torment of witnessing my savings account being filled then drying up, then refill and dry up again. Vicious cycle it is.

Yet another impossible mission in 2009, with the completion of our home and the renovation, I shall be blowing dust and sand off my savings for a very long time.

Do Something Never Done Before
Well, I got married.

And experienced paintball. Job hopped more than once. Went to Krabi, then Bali which was totally self planned and damn last minute. Paid RM85 for a single refuel. Finally have a dream car. Canon PhotoMarathon.

Achieve Job Satisfaction
Can't really conclude anything as it'll be unfair since I just started this job not long ago but I'm pretty satisfied with what I'm doing and receiving at the end of 2008.

The short stint with company A was a memorable albeit challenging one, working with some of the most creative and dynamic peers I've come across in my working years. Wasn't really fond working with the clients and the 3rd party company, hence the jump.

Spending More Time With Family and Friends
I think I scored an A on this one, judging by the number of times I've appeared on their blogs LOLS. Managed to meet up with some primary, secondary, uni, ex-colleagues as well.

Mom was basically complaining of having more clothes to clean. Sis was complaining on the lack of chances to use the PC. Dad, cool as usual. So I guess I have been at home with them pretty regularly this year.

Blog Consistently
Well, I tried.

That's all for 2008 and since the new year is just around the corner, like Jalan Lancang turning into Jalan Payang wtf, behold, my resolutions for year 2009!

1. Exercise regularly & lose some weight. Don't care, roll your eyes 14729 times or say whatever you want, I still wanna lose some weight. 80KGs, here I come!!!

2. Save enough for the renovation. I want to make our, as in Jacklyn and I, home a really, really comfortable one. Hopefully, this sum would be enough for a LCD TV and a Wii as well.

3. Be the most awesome husband evah - so awesome that Jac will be the envy of all wives lols chee-sin.

4. Take kick-ass photographs.

5. Acquire a new skill. Currently I have this sudden urge to take up saxophone, hhmmm... must have been poisoned by Kaori Kobayashi.

Okay, I think I shall stop here, no point setting high expectations then unable to achieve them right? Will be adding more should I come across any, shall be updating the one on the right panel very soon. I'm currently thinking of setting up a bucket list as well, hhmmm...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Awan Cendawan.

Of Good and Evil.

I was actually just planning to capture the bright sun rays effect on the clouds (outside my house) but when I got my camera out, the dark clouds have already closed in resulting something like this, hence the caption. Do ignore the cacated font, the one I was using somehow disappeared from Jac's notebook, can't blame her though, pretty common for stuff to mysteriously go missing on Tingkaps OS.

Just recently found a good spot for clouds shooting somewhere within the housing estate, shall be making full use of this discovery, soon.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Went for a second badminton outing with colleagues yesterday although muscle aches from previous session still lingering around buttocks, thighs and right arm. During the 3rd or 4th game, my partner for the doubles game did a jump-smash and unfortunately I was in the shuttlecock's path (due to a failed retrieve attempt).


Kena telinga (ear).

The first image that crossed my mind was the section displaying the speed of the shuttlecock on your TV during a badminton tournament. Heat was quickly building up around 'ground zero', followed by a ringing sensation inside the ear canal then everything felt numb.


I continued playing. Movements felt a bit disoriented ala wee-wee wang-wang though hence losing that match. I think I'm getting more and more accident prone, must be due to the exponentially increased in time spent with Jac. Hhhmmm...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Because I'm a glutton and a sucker for free stuff, I followed the herd to get free Coffee of the Week from Starbucks, many thanks to D the all knowing (I still have no idea where he got the news) for informing us. Most surprisingly, there was no queue at all @ the Gardens' branch - not what we had expected at all - some of us even managed another cup for the others.

Perhaps its the absence of an accompaniment to the coffee such as a toast or a slice of cake or a croissant that caused the cold reception.

Nothing better than a cup of free coffee - albeit a little too bitter for my liking - to keep you up and running on a weekday's morning.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Expenses Plus.

Whenever I mention that I'm currently working in south tower of the Gardens, many responded by going ooohh and aaahh then something along the line of being jealous or how lucky I am and all that stuff.

Well, for one, I don't shop at all unless necessary, so it doesn't really affect me that much whether I work in business centres or office towers attached to shopping or some hidden shoplots in unknown lorongs. For example, I only buy new clothes when it comes to chinese new year, meaning, just once a year and I'll usually be done in 2 hours or less with the pants being the tricky part due to large belly.

But I have to admit that when it comes to time of emergency purchases - be it gifts or groceries or whatevers, it has been proven time and again to be a really convenient and fuss free affair.

Anyway, my point is, working here is not all that good - the parking rate of RM6 per day is still acceptable - the 'killer' being expenses on food. Though we can always opt for tele-lunch which averages to about RM5 per day but making this a daily affair would spell disaster. There's only so much of economical rice that one can take.

Hence, it boils down to hunting for food in MV or Gardens, driving out is not an option due to the dreadful congestion witnessed everyday. BTW, in case you didn't know, there's a new food court in Gardens next to Borders on the top floor of north court named Food Garden - not exactly that cheap but I think its lower than what you had to fork out in MV's food court.

Ever since working here, I think my expenses for lunch have almost doubled and slowly bordering towards tripled *gulps* And I used to think that RM4.50 for a humongous bowl of Pan Mee at Brickfields was a rip-off, sigh.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Weekend Lost.

Saturday (November 13, 2008)
KFC for brunch before driving all the way over to the bridal studio in Sunway only to be informed that only our actual day photographs are ready hhhmmm - learnt of some other astonishing news as well.

Headed over to Sunway Pyramid because Jac wanted to get a pair of jeans.

Headed back home in the evening to prepare for a wedding dinner later that night. Drove all the way to Bangi-Equatorial for the mentioned dinner - guide given by host really accurate, many thanks to her else would have ended up lost. Finally arrived home close to midnight.

Sunday (November 14, 2008)

Drove Mom to Old Klang Road to settle some prayer stuff before heading to OldTown for breakfast - bumped into MW for N times.

Headed to somewhere near One Utama to pay our friend and their firstborn a visit - fortunately paternal instinct did not kick in. Headed home around evening.

Drove over to parents-in-law's place before heading out to a restaurant in Gombak for dinner, due to some miscommunication only managed to reach there around 9pm OMG that must be one of the latest time I had dinner chee sin!

Drove all the way back to Cheras in Food Overdose mode, reaching home 30 minutes to midnight.

This is definitely not what I had expected life after marriage to be, I heard that its supposed to be filled with joy and laughter, breakfast together on bed, evening strolls around the housing estate and all that stuff. I shall hunt down whoever said that and shred him/her into pieces ROAR!

Friday, December 12, 2008


30 minutes of jogging on Wednesday evening

plus (+)

120 minutes of a 'smashing' badminton session on Thursday evening

equals (=)

muscle aches and stiff joints

I guess its just signs of old age getting more and more eminent, sigh... Or its a sign that I should exercise and work out more regularly! Or its a sign that I should sign up for a gym membership or yoga classes or dance lessons! Or a sign that I should purchase those machines that helps to lose weight for example uZap or something like that. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I just found out that Ah Junn was extremely bersemangat during the Yam Seng session on the night of our (as in Jac and I not Junn and I) wedding dinner. Seriously, everytime I look at one of the pictures with him in action, I can't help but to break into laughter. Behold.

YAAAAAM SEEEENG!!!!! In case you're wondering whois Junn, he's the one in between the guy looking at the camera and the guy recording video in the background.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Crush U.

I have a dream, an impossible dream - due to restrictions by law and all that shit. I dream to be able to drive an armed tank, any model, then crush all vehicles in the following scenarios, by running over them again and again and again until satisfaction is achieved. Behold.

Vehicles blocking my path due to double or illegal parking.

Especially if I parked and paid in ALLOCATED parking box and return to find YOU blocking my way out! Worst if I had to sound my horn for 274839185 minutes before you finally notice, I will make sure you see my very tulan face. Sorry my ass, I pancitkan all your tyres say sorry can or not tiewz - so what if I did it on purpose, you also purposely park there block me what!

Or your double/illegally parked car caused a massive congestion in a particular stretch/area. It doesn't kill to be just a little more considerate and find a spot that's less crowded to park illegally - this one, leaving such a narrow path that Kancil want to drive pass also susah sikit. With the tank, I will make sure that this vehicle ends up in tiny bits, shreds and pieces.

Driving 50 km/h on a fast lane with an empty stretch ahead.

Will consider forgiving if vehicle moves aside when flashed with high beam else its crushing time. Really, I seriously need someone to tell me what's the problem with them, which part of RIGHT LANE = FAST LANE do they not understand? And also those driving in between lanes. Even if that stretch of road is named after your father or grandfather or great-grandfather or ancestor, it doesn't give you the rights to HOG IT.

I dare you to do the same while I chase you down with my tank. Move aside lah tiewz!

Forcefully cut into another lane.

Worst is, you know some highways with multiple lanes, for example Loke Yew? Then you see vehicles zooming past on your left and cutting in at the exit section in front where 4 lanes are narrowed down to 2 (Cheras roundabout in front of Taman Pertama) as a method to escape the on-going congestion? TULAN!

No amount of excuses given would be able to save their sorry asses from being crushed by the tank! Golek sampai hancur musnah nipis macam roti canai!

Also those that never bothered to use side mirrors or left-right indicators when shifting lanes mother I tear out your side mirror whack on your head rapidly want? Then only crush your car.

Or those ah beng drivers cut in left left right up down down up left - normally if small CC I kasi tiong one but like yesterday the other day it was a BMW 5 series cannot catch up at all sigh, I want a fast tank can? Then can tiong and crush them at the same time, double the satisfation.

Drivers without distance estimation stops car in middle of juction due to traffic lights in the middle of rush hour.

With a tank, its so convenient, just run over them end of story no need to tire yourself sounding the horn or flashing the high beam because they are the champion of the champions, being able to spread the "joy" of being stuck in congestion to others as well.

Other miscellaneous scenarios that deserves crushing.

Inclusive of - using the emergency lanes, not abiding the one-way rule especially in the parking areas of shopping malls, abusing the handicapped parking space, using fog lights in non-raining conditions, fake xeon headlights, faulty brake lights (all), stopping a far distance from the car in front during congestion with enough space to fit a Camry.

Will include more when I can think of it - suggestions welcomed. Wah, I can feel the suppressed anger trying to burst out from within me while typing this post.

Monday, December 08, 2008

The Gabai Expedition.

I seriously think that we, as in the gang, enjoys torturing ourselves by organizing energy zapping, power draining, sleep depriving outdoor activities during public holidays.

Healthy bunch we are - even the comfort of being wrapped in blanket on a drizzling morning couldn't stop us from heading out for dim sum way too early then onwards to our destination, the Gabai Waterfalls somewhere in Hulu Langat.

The drive of a thousand miles to Gabai involved much swerving, pothole avoiding, narrow lanes navigating due to cars parked illegally on both sides of the road in front of mosques and all that. Not much to my surprise, we were the only ones there to brave the rain and trek the waterfall waseh chewah hulala bersemangats betul!

It was a relatively short journey up compared to that time at Gunung Ledang, the only difference is, we were already soaking wet even before getting into the mini pool area (I dunno what's the actual term) beneath part of the waterfall. The water was freaking cold but the gang jumped in (took a while and a lot of courage) anyway - I opted out due to my flu while Jac, I think she dislikes water related activities.

Here's some pictures, more to come later when I can find the time to edit them. I'm not being lazy, I'm just busy - honeymoon period's over, the workloads are coming in from all over the world ZOMG!

Air Terjun Gabai - Gabai Waterfalls. At the very beginning of it - the first pit stop.

Uncle Rames - I have totally no idea what he's pointing at but the pose looks pretty cool lols.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Of Grades & Interviews.

I have been approached with this question on quite a number of occasions before - how much role does good grades play when it comes to job interviews? Would it increase the chances in securing a much sought after opportunity due to, perhaps, better first impressions? We all know how important impressions are during these one-to-one or one-to-many sessions aight?

Well, before I begin, let me just stress that the following opinion is based solely on my perception as well as experience (limited to the IT industry) after having gone through numerous interviews but yet to be sitting on THE OTHER side thus, might not be entirely accurate. Phew, long sentence.

I will say that good grades might only matters when it comes to your FIRST EVER job interview - unless the next one comes very next month - and then hopping again the following month - and the month after... you get what I mean. Some companies made it very clear firsthand, you are welcomed to apply if academic qualifications is of certain level else don't bother, save some trees instead.

To be honest, with my below mediocre results - I dreamt of remaining unemployed for the longest time while looking at my coursemates securing jobs one after another constantly - I was scared shitless.

Good grades also leads to better first opportunities - I used to hear coursemates (those with good results) getting like 2.5K or 3K as starting pay while mine was only 1.8K - after minus loans and EPF and Jacklyn's expenses and all that shit, it was bread and butter for meals every month and needless to say, I was dead jealous. But not anymore, hehehe full-stop noktah dot.

Anyway, I mean, it makes sense what - freshie - zero working experience thus, good grades = higher chances unless your interviewer miang lah. Two on-par potential candidates, one single opening, definitely its the one with better grades having better chances end of story.

During my first interview, my academic transcripts and relevant certificates were studied through, questions were mainly targeted on FYP and technical projects. Subsequently, its ALL and EVERYTHING about previous work experience, these stuff are either quickly browsed or flipped through, can see that the interviewer is like totally uninterested in them.

There was once that I totally forgot about the academic transcript and the interviewer enquired about this missing piece. I casually replied, would it make a difference and she smiled, then answered not really, just wanted to know if I had really graduated from the mentioned university. I LOL-ed on the spot.

Well, not forgetting, all the above would not be applicable if you're unable to communicate with the interviewer, seriously. Was once involved in one of those candidate (freshies) filtering process - lots of yes/no ones, a handful stuttered madly, repetitive answers, talked too much on irrelevant stuff/diverting from questions and a few were even shaking/shivering in fear. Some, I repeat, some and not one, of these candidates have a CGPA of 4.0, grades that I can only dream of, lols. None of the abovementioned made it, ta dah! Its  a cruel world we live in.

So, I'm not saying that you should just flunk your papers like that - just, do your best loh. Maintain a healthy balance between play and study - don't just spend every night in the library burning the midnight oil (unless accompanied by hot chiq - nerds can only score chiqs during campus life) or convert your rented home into a cybercafe and DOTA everyday, like I did - kena poison by housemates, damn.

Anyway, my conclusion like not really relevant also, sorry for wasting your time reading this lols.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

LAM #1.

Life After Marriage - Lesson #1.

Always, always logout from Facebook when you're away from the machine. You'll never know what you're gonna get, seriously - no, I'm not gonna quote the much over-utilized phrase from Forrest Gump. Anyway, here's a perfect and no better example from real world scenario, as following:

It has happened to me - it can happen to you too, do not think you can escape from the clutches of the wife. Remember this and remember it well - before its too late. Sekian.

On a different note, I think I need a new PC because I think the current one is at its limit - can't really support further upgrades cause its from the AMD Athlon generation btw and one of the first motherboards that support DDR RAMs. Especially when running Facebook, everything feels, urm, draggy?

Yeah, a laptop would be great but getting one with the specs I have in mind - it would have the similar effect of a meteor ramming through my wallet and then my savings account. Sigh, I guess I would have to put this thought aside until the current DELL installment is done *wobbles*

Friday, December 05, 2008

Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.

Comments: I used to think it was fleas which didn't make any sense but never bothered to clarify.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Comments: I'm still quite impressed with the king's horses' attempt (and ability) in putting together an egg again.

Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run,
Dada da da da da da dada, dada da da da da da dada,
dada da da da da da dada, as three blind mice.

Comments: Till this day, that's how the Three Blind Mice sounds to me

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master, one for the dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

Comments: Why the little boy? Who gave permission to the sheep to pass its wool to the little boy? A talking sheep wow!

Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie,
When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing,
Wasn't that a lovely dish to set before the king?

The king was in his counting house, counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour, eating bread and honey,
The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

Comments: How come the blackbirds so strong one? Can survive baking and can peck off a human's nose waliao. Anyways, I ain't no want no pie with singing birds innit!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

More Pictures.

From the Goh Dai Lai - more details can be found here - Crikety Clickety Click

Stuff to be brought over to Jac's house - upon closer inspection, you would notice that all of the items inside the two red plastic basins have the 'xiong hei' sticker on it. And of course the dowry HUHUHU - nope I have yet to get over it after all this while - was in cheque form, siao meh bringing so much cash running around.

Lepaking with my aunt at Jac's place while waiting for her Dad Father-in-Law to return, surrounded by her relatives.

Some of the stuff to be used during the prayer and offering session - notice how in the modern days, even these stuff are sold pre-packaged.

This is me preparing for the praying and offering session - adjusting the candles because the images should be facing out for whatever reasons - that's Mum and Sis in the background.

This is still me - NO I am NOT goofing around - it was due to glare from the reflection of sunlight of a passing vehicle.

Jac's turn for the prayers - pretty sure that she has totally no idea on the what and why she's praying - notice the clueless expression lols.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Is the current price of petrol per liter (RON 97) after the latest round of price cut by the government, a further 10 cents reduction - even lower than before that initial massive hike. The rakyat are generally happy, of course, since its a move that, how should I put it... has a direct beneficial impact with immediate effect?

I went to refuel this morning and nope, I DID NOT purposely wait until after the announcement, its just purely coincidential that the indicator started blinking this morning during warm-up. Since my credit card hutang is almost at its limits *shudders and sighs* - I decided to use cash instead and not knowing how much - I just chucked RM 55.00 to petrol attendant - and that got me to almost full tank - 29++ liters.

Man, it was at least 30 bucks more back then.

That figure did temporarily drew a snigger, then a wicked smile which was wiped almost immediately off my face upon exiting the station - two words - TRAFFIC JAM. For the congestion to begin at this point of the route I usually take, the only possible reason that I can think of would be a rapid incremental burst in the amount of vehicles on the road.

I think a little tweak on AirAsia's tagline would best suit this phenomena, Now Everyone can Bloody Drive, again.

So, was it a good move? Sure, major hypermarts have announced price slashes *YAY* but even with these back-to-back reductions, the prices of everyday fast-moving-ready-to-consume goods which we spent on most did not seem to have budged - your plate of chicken rice or char kuey teow or curry mee or nasi lemak still cost that much. I ain't no seeing any ripple effects.

No loh, I did not study Business nor Economics. Perhaps that is why I do not understand why when the price of chicken, cucumbers and rice plus the costs of transportation drops, the figure on the price tag of my plate of chicken rice remains eaxctly the same but when hike occurs, even the slightest one, I can totally expect the figure to move upwards, a few folds at least.

Can't actually blame them lah when we're able to witness some rakyat whining endlessly or being engaged in heated discussions on the 41% price hike while sipping on a Grande Chocolate Frappucino in Starbucks back then. Or paying a ridiculously high price for a glass - not even a can - of Coke in restaurants when you can probably get two or three bottles of 1.5 liters at hypermarts. The ugly side of some Malaysians, not all, just some - tamau later kena flame for being not specific enough.

Anyway, bearing witness to the price of crude oil dropping almost a hundred dollars per barrel is scary stuff ay, together with all the recession and economic turmoil stuff - current estimation sets it around 75 dollars. If I'm not mistaken, in Malaysia, there are currently no mechanism that dictates what fuel price should be based against - there has been talks on setting a floor price - judging from the current dip, sure kena objection kaw-kaw one - as well as free floating it (based on market rates) - now happy lah, wait until the price hike again - then everyday got rakyat complain not enough to makan, government not doing enough for them, so on and so forth.

They say that there can be no policy that can satisfy everyone... how true, how true. Well, let's just hope that nothing drastic or extreme happens - in the short or long run, I just got married yo, there's still a long road ahead for me to walk on.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Images of Singapore.

cheh wah - the title like very canggih manggih like that but its actually just a small collection of pictures taken during the short trip down to Singapore back then. Well, you can treat this as a little breather from the back-to-back posts on the marriage or life after marriage or the moments before marriage or the hectic preparations or the honeymoon - actually hoh, the trip to Bali belum post cause the 400 plus pictures is currently still in the camera belum download lols.

Talking about pictures, sigh, before heading off to Bali I go and pandai-pandai purchase an additional 2GB CF card, takut not enough storage in case I went on a shutter-frenzy-mode. In the end, langsung didn't get to use that new card at all - lesson learnt, there is no law against taking many, many, many pictures. Come to think of it, I think I can get it at a much cheaper price from Low Yat- sigh again.

Enough of my sad stories, pictures as mentioned.

LEFT: Same old, same old Christmas Tree @ Taka - to which my SG friend told me, every year also same but every year also that many people taking pictures there. RIGHT: Jacklyn @ Orchard Road just finishing her expensive green tea ice-cream which I totally don't like due to its strong flavouring.

Our Room - There's a door connection to the other room which can be opened quite easily, hence the chair being placed there.

Teddy Bear Christmas true - cute - not something commonly seen.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way... Oh what fun, it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh HEY!

Them walking along Orchard Road during the night after dinner - JH, Jac and Denniz minus me.

Monday, December 01, 2008

I is a Husband.

Okay, before everything else - let me just clarify that the huge change that I was referring to, is not 'add new family member project' as many of you have speculated. ADOIS. Macam mana can predict one lah these things, even if its a one day three times routine during our honeymoon also cannot guarantee can kena one lah okie? And I am pretty sure you're all aware of that!

Anyway, we were actually thinking of + planning to create a new blog and merge our existing ones under one roof - that's the huge thing - disappointed ah lols - but after contemplating for the longest time, that's just me being me, I decided not to just yet - perhaps wait until the day when I finally decide to get my own domain. Too many blog address changes is just not good.

So, how's the whole ceremony and dinner thing? It was pretty hectic - sleeping late the night before, waking up way too early in the morning then only managing to finally call it a day way past midnight. There were some glitches here and there but in the end, everything ended pretty well I must say - much thanks to everyone who voluntarily helped out throughout the day - especially to Eddy and June - owe you guys a big one - for the favour as well as that glass of whatever it is! I'll do a proper post on the BIG day some time later okie?

The honeymoon was, how should I put it, much too relaxing. Dinner by the beach, shopping, spa, shopping, sight seeing, more shopping, makan-makan-makan, tv-watching. Well, you know its relaxing when Jac gets to sleep a total of 35 hours out of our 4 days 3 nights trip to Bali. Did I just hear you say WaLiao? Once again, I shall do a proper post on this one as well. Oh, the wife got a new camera - a purchase made in rush a few hours before boarding the plane - damn teruk one lah this person I tell you - early-early dun want buy, must last-last minute only happy one.

Life after marriage has not changed much, just facing a bit of difficulty re-addressing Jac's Dad and Mom with a different title after six years but so far, my record has been 100% error free - unlike her, lols. A little change in my financial structure as well - having less and less for myself after all the necessary deductions from the monthly salary. Soon enough, I shall end up only being able to afford bread or a packet of fried noodles for breakfast and lunch, sigh. =(

I shall end this post with an awesome picture of myself because even after married, I am still that tak malu one.

Things cannot get any more awesome than this, you have to agree.

Regular updates shall resume starting today - many backtracks shall occur as well - stay tuned! Shall need to spend some time replying to tagboard and comments now :P