Monday, July 31, 2006


Ceupacs, conquered!

Protected and Preserved by the government

I'm referring to the hill treks in Ceupacs (remember not so long ago, there were four individuals who got lost in Ceupacs while hiking and ended up in Hulu Langat before being rescued??? Yeapz, that's the place!). On Friday night itself, as I was leaving, most of us agreed to hike the following morning. Mana tau all FFK (mun yee also sleep-in instead of joining me) and we were only left with Cath, my Sis and me... walauweh, lebih lar korang semua!

Cath and Sis in front

This one is way harder to trek compared to Bkt Gasing, which has a good balance of uphill, downhill and straight paths, or any other locations that I've been to so far. Most of the routes avaiable here require trekkers to scale a long way up, before climbing (sliding, literally) down endlessly, just to head up, then down again and again and again (repeat the cycle until you're worn)... Halfway through, I was totally owned and had to stop to catch my breath...

Thick forest everywhere, ray of light to give us hope against the darkness of fear

Much deeper into the forestation, during one of the descends, we, unfortunately lost our way, unable to keep track or locate the marked paths. Began to realize when the path were getting thicker with vegetation by the minute; however, we still manage to keep calm and came up with a feasible solution, that is to back-track to the previous marker. Much later, we were lost once again mainly due to the fact that everywhere just look oh-so-freaking rediculously familiar. A speck of fear envelopes me and at the same time, I began to feel a lil' nervous; I don't wish to appear on the headlines of tomorrow's papers... And I still need to head to KLCC for the blog meet leh!

Stream of crystal clear water, cool and refreshing... immeadiately rejuvenates one from fatigue and exhaustion *not recommended for drinking*

After a few unsuccessful attempts, we were in unfamiliar territory once again. Along the way, I have suffered cramps once and strained my muscles on another occasion. Negative aura began to surround us as we were getting more and more tired, restless and demotivated by the minute. Bumped into a rubber tapper later on and got some directions to work our way out, which later were discovered to be inaccurate. Back-tracked again and bumped into a female tapper this time around. Cath and Sis had a hard time communicating with her as she keeps on repeating the answer, "Go straight can already" to every single directions requested. Lady luck must be on our side that day as a few trekkers were heading towards us from the opposite direction. After a double confirmation from them, we set out once again to the unknown. Much much later, at the first sight of civilization once again, we shouted with joy. And I slipped yet again...

Sis managed to get a souvenir back home from Ceupacs...

Leech (no, am not referring to Lee Cheng) in shoe, feasting upon Sis's blood... who knows how long its been there

Oozing out blood sucked from Sis... maybe cause "It sucks?"

Once again, Ceupacs, not so-easy but still... conquered!!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

blog meet @ bk k.l.c.c.

Another feat achieved! I've finally been to my first ever bloggers' meet and am officially u.n.v.i.r.g.i.n.e.d. (in blog gatherings lar)!!! A big thanks to Jolene, Dr. Tan and Others involved for materializing this meet. I was there at about 3, and now that I come to think of it, the first blogger that I saw was Cheryl at the entrance of BK far ahead of me. Must be *ehem* fated *ehem*. To all who I managed to talk to, it was a pleasure meeting and talking to ya'll. To those who I missed, your loss lar, muahahaha I apologize... but no worries, there'll always be a next time.

Random words quoted *might be slightly different from the original* ::

Calvin + Cheryl :: We're observing from the higher grounds, very interesting...

Jolene :: You want papaya ah? There got... *points points*

Shaz :: Its not about the camera, its all about the person taking the picture...

A lot of people :: 1, 2, 3...

Albert :: You want buy clothes? *sorry dude, after heading to yvonne's only I understand what you were talking about...*

SmashPop :: Lazy want to take picture lah... (serious!!!!!)

Anonymous :: Huh? Dun want! I wish to remain anonymous...

ling :: I will take a picture of you taking a picture of him taking a picture of them...

Well, what's a gathering without pictures??? Whilst most were already trigger-happy since the beginning, I only got the urge to do so much later... so, here are a few from me... I will not be posting everything *Dun wanna kill your bandwidth mah*. So, if you happen to be looking for your pics with da puddy cat gurls, do drop me a note... I might just have them you horny bastard! For more pictures of the meet, just surf through everyone who was at the meet... plenty of surprises everywhere. I'll recommend you to start from Yee Hou's...

People getting to know and warming up to each other...

Nose bleed tak henti-henti...

And the guys, not wanting to lose out...

Some random pics

Cameras!!!!! Was taking this and ignoring the posers, muahahaha!!

And finally, the obligatory group photo...

Heer's a mini-clip that I recorded at the meet, which I hope did cover most of the ppl there...

My conclusion will be ::

Note to Cheryl ::
Hey babes, thousand apologies yah! I did not realizes the "so hot" part until I viewed the clip... feels as though I was ignoring you... *guilty look*... thousand apologies...

Friday, July 28, 2006


For the passed few hours, I have been staring blankly at the screen, talking to myself and wondering if I should be writing this, which has been bothering me since late afternoon today. It might send the wrong message, but a wrong message is better than no messages at all. It feels as though a raging battle between the yes and no faction is on-going in my subconciousness; both equivalent in power, fighting a never losing, never ending battle. But then I guess, since the words are beginning to spill out little-by-little, some diplomatic solution has been reached between the warring factions...

It has nothing to do with anyone here, just my random ramblings. It will only affect those who are meant to be affected. Here goes nothing ::

" Please, surely you're not expecting things to always go your way, or have your selfishness overcome your consiousness to function appropriately? I myself, like everything else, have a limit of tolerance (which is considerably high); once pushed over the borderline, the tension will be unbearable and everything will shatter. Too many a times has the tolerance been broken before; though mended, I absolutely have no idea when the damage will be too extensive that it becomes irrepairable.

So, please, before the situation becomes destructive, think before you say or act. As of current time, much of it can still be mended.

p/s: Though I enjoy taking pictures, seems like I myself is not one of the favoured subject... I could not find pictures of myself... dang!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I seriously feel that my creativity cells that's supposed to be swimming around in my pea-sized brain generating creative impulses have all been fried-dead due to constant exposure to the radiation from CRT monitors... I could not think of anything to blog!!! Help me please... My lack of creativity should also be heavily fueled by the fact that I have been working alone for the past few days (already close to a week) as my one and only colleague has headed down to Singapore for training. One and only colleague because the company is just setting up in Malaysia; anybody interested to work in the IT field???

When I said empty, I really mean it...

Anyhows, enough about me and my emptiness... I was running through my photo collections just now when I came across something which auto-magically sparked a mini plug in my brain that lit the light bulb (its like one of those cartoonish moments where the character was suddenly gifted with a splendid/not so bright idea, displayed to the audience by a bright light bulb on the head :: okay, so I watched a lot of cartoons, and am still watching... can?); partly inspired by Rosalyn a.k.a. coffe81's post for today as well... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you...

The infamous Ice Nuts (ais kacang) :: Night mode

Note :: The posting of this Ice Nuts picture is totally inspired by Rosalyn a.k.a. coffe81. So let's start a chain of Ice Nuts postings... nguahahaha!!!!! Everybody, post up an Ice Nut picture, or anything similar, and let's see how far/long it will lasts! Btw, this serving comes with lots of mango syrup, nata de coco and longans... yummy-licious...

While looping through, I also found a picture of my preciousssssssss (do the hiss sound until you go out of breath), which has been with me since Vday04. It actually came in a pair, one for me, one for the missus. Different from the other precious which was made of pure gold and embedded with some evil ancient manuscripts, my preciousssssssss is made of white gold and spots english embeddment. Moreover, I do not have to dump it into raging hot fire and wait for it to glow in bright red in order to read whats on it...

My preciousssssssss

And finally, I decided to post a picture of myself everyday to make sure that people will recognize me on this Saturday's meet so that I will not be mistaken as someone else and be kicked away, hahaha!!! So, admire and drool over me while it still lasts...

Look at me, look at me... project a picture of me in your memory...

An individual dropped by today. I really admire and enjoy this particular person's writing, the way she illustrates and portray her thoughts leaves me reading in awe every single time. One of my source of inspiration; such is the amount of effect her writing projects (at least to me). Thanks for dropping by Otto; it got me thrilled, excited and all... serious!!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

bDay g.u.r.l.s.

Night of 22nd...

Assorted flavours of Secret Recipe, all cheese based... Eat until I chee-seen

Attended a mini-bday-gathering held to celebrate J's & S's soon to be arriving big day. Location was shifted to WKCCT@LMall from Luna Bar because no one really knew how to get there (Ei, stop laughing ah!) And later on, the gathering adjourned to MT's house as we were up for some games...

One for the album (I should photoshop myself in...), the one taken by one of the employees were too blur

the gurls

All of those present were ex-Sabians from 5J and 5M (these two classes were combined for Agama & Moral lessons) except for mun yee :: the alien among us. As many were unable to make it, this meet-up was kinda small compared to the many others we had previously. Anyway, its good to see that everyone is doing fine.

me and MT, one of my sei dongs during High School days in SABKL

me and mun yee

Now for the grand introduction, the gay guys, MT and Vin :: both are still single. You might have notice Vin before from the Maybank advertisement which was aired ages ago... MT was just back from Scotland for about 2-3 weeks after completing his Pharmacy course there... They share a similar hobby, which is looking and commenting @ girls...

MT and Vin, sei dongs since don't know when...

Oh, why do I say that they're gay? Are they really gay? That's for you to find out... Final picture before I head back to my RoN : RoL, might be posting bout this soon...

I requested them to feed each other, but was refused because they said, "Shy lah"...

p/s :: Another 1 1/2 months has passed since then; might be due to the taunting and traumatization from his truly. The marathon shall be broken soon as I am beginning to develop a tiny bit of craving for them...

p/p/s :: No lar, they're not gay...

Friday, July 21, 2006

you must be kidding m.e.

Once upon a time, for some forgotten celebration, the High Council decided to have Japanese buffet for a change, due to persuasion from the Elven Princess :: my dearest sister. Given the fact that Matriach :: my dearest mummy ... do not fancy japanese food but wanted to try; the High Council voted to settle for something moderate first; and headed to I-chi-ban... I, the ArchMage, have never actually heard of this place before...

Irashaimase!!! Irashaimase!!!

Upon stepping into the premises, the ArchMage was greeted by a not so pleasant scent, not horrible, just unpleasant. [Ladies and gentlemen, do take note that when an individual enters an unknown premise, their senses will be extra alert :: the main three (3) things that will be affecting them first will be sight, smell and sound...]. Anyhow, the ArchMage went for a scout around the premises to devour anything that looks and smells good... much to his disappointment...

Clock-Wise from top-left: Miso Salty Soup, Green Tea, Chawanmushi, Some porridge that looks like consisting of blended leftovers

LAFF - Lots of Anonymously Fried Food

Well, for a Japanese Buffet restaurant, it does serve a wide variety of Asian Food, in fact, I can boldly say, overwhelming array... Kinda suit the Matriach's and Patriach's liking... I turn left, got Chinese food, I turn right got Malay food. Eh, where my Japanese food?

Eh, Japanese buffet restaurant... serve more Japanese food, can?

I can't even remember what these stuff are, more non-Japanese fried stuff perhaps...

If you had experienced badly served Sashimis, I can now show you the worst Sashimi servings... Please be mentally prepared for the following picture as it might affect your appetitte for the rest of the day... The warning has been placed, scroll down at your own risk...

Its looks sticky and mushy, sliced in uneven portion, in chunks!!! OMG, how can you serve Sashimi in chunks?!?!?! See also don't want eat already... FYI, I did not take those...

No matter how bad a restaurant is, there is sure to be some consolation items/food just to cool your anger and make you leave the place peacefully, and not irritated. In this case...

Ahhhh... Fresh Meat... The oysters were quite fresh, though they don't come out often; and once its out, its like bargain sale in the market...

The green one if my fav, nopez, not green tea but mint choc chip... had plenty of those

According to the Elven Princess, the quality of the food and environment in I-Chi-Ban has dropped trememndously compared to the previous time she was here (few years back). For me, I guess if there's no improvement in this place, I would never head back there ever again. I can get my own Min Choc Chip ice cream, thank you...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

animal a.l.e.r.t.


Those who have been following this morning's broadcast should be aware that approximately 50 cats and dogs will put down if they're not adopted by today :: hopefully the deadline will still be extended.

So, anyone of you guys and girls who're planning to get pets, do consider adopting them at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council’s (MPSJ) animal pound in Puchong :: the specific address being No 1, Jalan Utama, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Perdana (next to the Mariamman Hindu temple).

Spread it... many thanks...

Monday, July 17, 2006

I am i.l.l.

I hate being ill. Enough said.

Went to Bukit Gasing yet again on Saturday evening for another round of trekking. Did not go very far this time because we were late and the environment was hot and stuffy compared to the previous trip. Also, less trekkers were seen along the paths; Must be due to the ailing weather.

Trekking uphill in lush grenery within the bustling city...

Part of the yet to be demanding trek

Bright sunlight finding its way through the trees to give life to the minor vegetations on ground

Mostly, the paths or 'laluan' here are not difficult to trek due to its intact soil, thus, not requiring any special equipments or shoes. As compare to the treks near Ketumbar Heights which are quite dry, its a lot safer in Bukit Gasing, though more physically demanding and challenging.

Ropes to assist in moving through the more treacherous paths

Loooooooonnnnnngggggggg way down, that's mun yee down there...

The hanging bridge of Bukit Gasing...

No trolls under the wooden bridge

A map of Hutan Pendidikan Bukit Gasing on one of the entrance (not main)... reflection of me

Finally, I've completed watching Full House, I enjoyed the series except for the fact that its a little strecthed and the ending is not complete :: what happens to Min Hyukk and Hei Yong?!?!?! Aperler!

Friday, July 14, 2006

not a m.e.m.e.

Since I'm lazy + busy, I'll be doing this blog in point form... muahahahaha!!!

- Currently, I'm engrossed in Full House, a Korean miniseries with a cast consisting of Song Hye-kyo, Rain, Han Eun-jung, Kim Sung-su and many others. I know its an old series lah... and I'm currently at episode 6. BTW, anyonw knows that its actually based on a comic book series (1993)?

- While Full House occupies my nightlife, I'm listening to LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring during the day. Yeapz, l.i.s.t.e.n.i.n.g. Currently @ Disc 11, quite interesting and with lots and lots of singings... I can't imagine Virgo Mortensen singing in the movie...

- Tomorrow will be a hectic Saturday, I need to service my car, get a hair cut (already I can feel the weight on my head), buy shoe, buy sports sandals, head out to Bkt Gasing again... These are the few things that's on my MUST DO List currently... This will be 20K km service, the bill will definitely cause me to vomit blood...

- I have long wanted to watch Shutter (The Thai horror movie), but upon hearing the comments by other people, I kinda chickened out! Previously, I used to watch be forced to watch a lot of horrors, thanks to my freakish-horror-loving roommate... Now, who would be so honourable to accompany me to watch it? I did hear that lots of people don't dare to take any pictures after watching it... SmashpOp, wanna watch with me bo?

- Need to edit pictures and post some, its getting blank here. Will try to complete modding the skin this week...
- This weekend's F1 race will be in Magny-Cours, France :: home of Zizou, the infamous head-butter. Juan Pablo Montoya has called the quits from Formula1 and will be switching to NASCAR series. His seat will be filled by Pedro de la Rosa temp.

- Happy 51 months Anniversary munyee!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

of MyKads

Over-doing is never a good thing, you have to trust me on this one. As predicted, the work-out from the previous weekend was a bit too extensive; the aftermath, two aching legs + throbbing sensation, due to the stiffen muscles on both the hips and calves. Somehow, I just feel noobz...

The No-Brainer
On the other hand, those who have been following the dailies should be aware that the current highlight (since World Cup is over) will be the proposal of National Registration Department to impose RM3,000 - RM20,000 fine or a maximum of 3 years jail term for not being able to produce your MyKad upon request (by so called authorized personnel). Some atas people will never fail to amuse us, don't they? Since RM20,000 is not a small amount, the following might happen ::

1. Loan Sharks coming out with low interest rate Pay MyKad Fine scheme! It will be a big hit as there are no alternative channels to borrow money to pay for the fine. Outcome :: MCA Public Services and Complaints Department will have a longer than ever queue...

2. NRD offering interest free, 1 year installment plan to so-call help the rakyat in paying the fines...

3. At current time, quite a number of bogus cops and officials are already existing among us...
Outcome :: A sudden rise in the number of "cops and officials" requesting you to show your MyKad...

I do agree with the fact that Malaysians should be encouraged to carry along their MyKads at all times; while the card itself can be forged physically, messing with the chip itself requires a lot more effort that leads to higher forgery price; thus no purchasers (though the chips are claimed to be tamper proof). Since the information in the chips are genuine, MyKads will serve its purpose (that is to prove your identity and citizenship) thus weeding out illegal immigrants which who knows what they're doing here...

But RM20K fine or jail-term? There must be some screws that went loose somewhere...

The ripple effect
And not to be surprised, yesterday, the Home Affairs Ministry has proposed that the fines for losing MyKad will be increased 10 folds, bringing the amount up to a staggering RM100; RM200 and RM300 for subsequent losses. The costs to produce a single MyKad will be about RM30; so, what will happen to the remaining cash if the proposal is implemented is something that we will never know. If compared to abovementioned, the fines implemented by the Home Affairs Ministry are definitely more reasonable; it will definitely encourage Malaysians to take better care for their MyKads instead of being forced to do so...

Some leniency or exceptions should however be imposed along with these proposals; lost of MyKads due to theft, robbery, fire, natural disaster and events of such should be given exemptions. Children, special and senior citizens should not be forced to carry or pay such hefty fines as they might lack the ability or judgement to take care of their MyKads. Again, just my two cents...

However, one thing that's been boggling my mind since yesterday will be ::
Why is the increment being proposed after the proposal to slap a hefty fine for those who did not bring MyKads?

At current situation about 1K MyKads are reported missing daily, with 43% of Malaysians not carrying it along everywhere. If the proposals are materialized; therefore everyone will be forced to bring their MyKads in addition to the new fines which will encourage us be more careful, let's average the daily losses to 500...

Daily : 500 x 70(the extra cash which we will never know what happens to it) = 35,000
Monthly : 35,000 x 30 = 1,050,000
Annualy : 1,050,000 x 12 = 12,600,000

The RM12.6 million is just a raw figure, not taking into account the cases of 2nd and 3rd time losses. Who knows, in a few months time, we might be seeing extensive and superbly magnificent landscape in our neighbourhood NRD buildings...

So, what's next?

Peace out, Malaysia Boleh!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Exhausted for r.e.a.l.!.

Saturday - Trekking @ Bukit Gasing
Mum headed out to Camerons early in the morning @ about 5.50am, for her 2 days 1 night trip to escape the heat-wave that is sweeping through KL these few days. Lucky her!

We, consisting of me, munyee, my sis and her bf, were planning to trek Bukit Gasing as part of our intensive training this evening. But it rained. After a few phone calls, we decided to head there and plan later, due to everyone's indecisive minds. By then, the raining has stopped, fortunately. Therefore, at times, indecisiveness might not be a bad thing after all... We reached Bukit Gasing at about 4.15pm.

The trekking route was quite challenging at certain areas, consisting of streches of uphill climbing and steep down-slope trekking; where some slopes were equipped with with ropes to assist trekkers. munyee, clumsy as always, slipped quite a number of times. If not for me, being the hero on all occasions, she would have gg-ed!!! As I was planning to give my total focus on training, I did not bring along my camera, bad move. So, the only picture for this trip will be the casualty ::

My Nike GG-ed... KNNCCB!!!

2 hours and 15 minutes later, we headed for dinner. My backpack (carrying water and some junk stuff) caused some strain on my shoulders and my legs were aching badly. Pictures will probably come next week as I'm planning to head there once again. This time, I'll probably drag KY and Cath along... Anyone else keen on following?

Sunday - Onwards to Batu Caves
No, I'm not nuts! Thanks to mum's special chinese oilment Jing Kuat Sui, the pain from yesterday's trekking was sustained. This time, I was heading there with my family, minus mum (in Cameron mah) for another training regime; few of my uncles and cousins were there as well.

The ascend to the top requires one to climb a fleet stairs (which consists of approximately 288 steps :: although the steps were numbered, did not pay that much attention to them I guess) to reach to the top. Due to the casualty, I had to resort to my Nike (shucks!) sandals the climbs. To replicate the actual scenario, once again i brought my backpack along, stuffed with ample of bottled water and some junk stuff to add the weight.

Shortly after 5 rounds of ascending and decending, I was completely exhausted!!! I never realize climbing stairs were that demanding and decided to take a short break, rather than continue to overwork myself. 15 minutes later, rejuvenated, I headed for another 4 rounds of ascending and decending; many thanks to the reduced weight of my backpack and my Zen which kept me going.

By that time, throngs of tourists were already there, packing and crowding the place, that's when me and my sis (she did 11 rounds... wicked!) decided to call it a day. I was actually quite proud of myself for being able to make it quite a number of times. Bravo! Definitely will be coming back next week!

For now, I'll be preparing myself mentally to bear the aching that will envelope my legs this coming few days...

Batu Caves :: picture courtesy of Ben van Wijnen,

Dependency on Machines is never good
The washing machine in my home broke down. Had to resort to hand-washing a truckload of clothes with my sister. Dang!!!

Me trying to fix the washing machine, didn't work...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yo p.e.e.p.s

Its good to be back!

Currently, I'm working in Plaza Sentral, where by, there's only 3 person in the office currently. One of us moves around frequently, therefore, at any given time, there'll be only 2 individuals in the office. Nyamuk fly by also can hear man! Damn sienz I tell you! I was in the office on Sunday itself to do some set-up and attend the praying for the opening (pooja). Practically there's lots of chanting and burning; in the end, there was a layer of smoke-screen in the office, making it possible to play war games! GoGoGO!!! Hopefully, things will get better as the current environment really lacks an actual producive, working environment :: fingers crossed.

Cash has been flowing out of my savings lately due to all the bills accumulated when I was away. I have been paying phone bills, credit card bills, repaying loans, pay this, pay that for the past few days that I might go crazy soon. I have decided to register for a PayPal account and requests for kind donations from whoever/whatever that drops by here.

Something's wrong with my tag board... sienz. Might be revamping my blog soon... stay tuned. Hehehe... Dang, I need more time!!! I have yet to finish clearing my luggages... aaarrrggghhh!!!