Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Letter to Seoni.

Dearest Seoni,

At this point, I think you've seen it coming and yeah, I've finally gathered enough courage to do this. Just wanted to let you know beforehand that I've actually given this a lot of thought, how to be polite yet direct, how to do this amicably so things won't turn sour, how just to put it nicely - and I think this is the best. So, here goes. 

I think we've been spending too much time together, so much that it's starting to drive me cuckoos. I've given you my week nights, my weekends, off days and even meal times but still, it wasn't enough for you. I think you did notice at times, I fell asleep right in front of you and yet, you pretended like nothing happened and went on. 

Trust me when I say I've even researched on how to speed things up but to no avail. This is really unhealthy for me and I'm seriously suffocating! This has to stop! I should be spending more time with my family and friends or even random gatherings - I need to take my mind of you.

Until we meet again, goodbye Seoni, and take good care of yourself.

Yours Truly, Jed.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running Man.

Thoughts of a man - yours truly to be precise - when running:

During first km: I can do this! Let's run the furthest and fastest today!

During second km: Still doing good, just a little more... pace down a little...

During third km: *puff*pant*puff* What am I doingggggggg?

Subsequent kms: wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf...

Wish me luck next weekend...