Friday, December 15, 2006

Home Sweet Home.

Suddenly it hit my mind. Ever since graduating from secondary education, I've been living away from home quite frequently. Upon successful enrollment in MMU, I spent my foundation year in Malacca. [ah beng mode] You ask why MMU ah? I tell you lah. Cause hoh, my SPM results hoh, cannot make it lah. Serious loh. So I mah no choice lah. [ah beng mode ends].

Next, the degree was done in Cyberjaya campus and since I couldn't afford my own ride back then, I had to resort to living off-campus. Couldn't bear the thought of travelling to campus daily from KL, at least 4-5 hours will be wasted daily. Which is also equivalent to me leaving the house by 6am, the latest, if I have classes at 8am. wtf! -_-"

After my degree where luckily for me, I managed to graduate, my first job had no requirements for a small fry like me to travel. Close to a year of pampering later, I hopped and landed on my current job, where I spent and am still spending the latter half of 2006 in Singapore. So, as you can see, I don't seem to have the fate staying home for long.

I guess campus life was quite good, you have friends, housemates and coursemates around all the time. You participate in endless streams of club activities on or off campus, keeping yourself so occupied that there's always not enough time for everything. The same couldn't be said when you're working, overseas. Yes, you have colleagues, but they're mostly local, and married! Need not me to elaborate any further, right?

I do have to say that its not totally bad living overseas, as you get to experience a different lifestyle (though its only Singapore), but after a while, you tend to begin missing all the little things you go through everything back home. For instance, driving in congestions, home-cooked food, catching up with friends, meeting with the girlfriend after work, etc. etc. Things that you tend to take for granted cause it happens everyday, becoming more and more like a daily routine.

Missing home...

Sad things aside, I took a very short trip back home on the 1st, which I mentioned previously. Part of the routine by Grassland (the vibrating coach I took) on the Singapore - KL journey was a long stop at some restover in Yong Peng, Johore, where everything is so freaking expensive! Must be a plot between the coach companies and the shop owners there. Anyway, I noticed that the place underwent refurbishment, it looked more commercialized this time around.

Da bus. If you felt that it looked pretty good, its because I take marvellous pictures. =P

Looking left, stalls in view selling snacks and drinks.

Looking right, actual food stalls.

Initially, I wanted to order the fried lobak thingy that I saw @ Cherrie's blog but it was no where to be seen. Either I'm shit blur, or that was somewhere else. Left with not much choice, I decided to settle for something light only to realize later that things are light in amount but heavy in price. For the price I pay here for eating some junk, I could even afford a not so decent but filling meal in Singapore.

Snacks I ordered, costs a bomb! 2 eggs and 2 egg tarts, rm5.60. wtf!

Like kena con like that. Dem tulan, potong steam!