Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Becareful what you wish for.

Remember what I hoped for when I was heading back to KL and there wasn't any single seaters available anymore on the coaches? Well, here's what happened.

Friday night, on the journey back to KL, as I waited and waited in the coach, and finally when it began departing, I realized that the "pretty girl" who's supposed to be seating next to me decided to abort her travelling plans to KL, hence, leaving me all alone.

If it happens once, its definitely a coincidence. If it happens twice, its kinda scary! On the journey back to Singapore last Sunday evening, I was left seating alone, again! And in the same seating arrangement, 8B! Not that I'm complaining, since I have more space, leg rooms and privacy but, but... its kinda, like, weird?

There are a few assumptions that came to my mind, being:
1. There's no such thing such as a pretty girl.
2. My criteria is either too broad or too difficult to fulfill *I'd prefer the latter*
3. I am destined to be travelling alone in coaches.
4. I prayed too hard, too much of a good thing never exist?
5. The girlfriend brought the other seat upon reading my wish.
6. Tough luck (a.k.a. Yong Sui) as commented by my colleagues.

So, what's your opinion? I have a feeling that most of you guys and gals will be opting for No.6... Remember, becareful of what you wish for, if it can happen to me, it might as well come to you.