Wednesday, February 08, 2006

not so great s.t.a.r.t. to a brand new year

I am a positive person (yeah right!!! Wait a minute, why am I contradicting with myself??? whatever...). The main reason for this entry title is because:
1. my phone cable gave up on me, meaning no internet!!!
2. when the cable was fixed, my PC gave up on me (suspected hard disk problem) - *sobs* my game saves... my porns prized possesions...
woe is me...
PC down = no Photoshop = no photo editing = ugly pics = no tag summore! After much consideration, I decided not to give a farking fcuk about it. So, for anyone out there missing my entries (hopefully there is), thousand apologies. For those who did not miss me, start doing so... hahaha!

CNY Part 2...

For me, the CNY week break left me more exhausted than heading to work every farking morning. Travelling is tiring, more so if you're driving, even more so if you're driving the whole day; ended up reaching home wee hours in the morning, having to head out early the next day. Oh! So! Tortorous!!! However, every moment of it is filled with joy! Maybe this is what the gurus mean by Pleasure through pain. Woo000o0ttTTTt!!! I've achieved Nirvana!

Lou Sang
Traditionally, ppl Lou Sang on the 7th Day of CNY, which is equivalent to 'Yan Yat' :: meaning everybody's bday. But in the modern world today, we Lou before CNY, Lou during CNY and even Lou after CNY. On average, an individual might have Lou-ed Sang at least 5 times during CNY (which lasts for 15 days).

It is also believed that the higher you 'Lou' :: toss, the better your future will be for you. Other than that, one has to ensure that none of the ingredients should fall out of the plate; to prevent loss of fortune. If so, what you are about to witness is truly disastrous. Behold:

Most Disastrous Lou Sang of the year :: even by looking at it will bring you misfortune

Sometimes, things can be so different that:

Even the keropok is different, gimme back the original keropok... *sob*sob* cos this one tak sedap!

Good news for skinny ppl (like eddy)
What's the good news??? CNY is a time for celebration, and for many, celebration = good food = higher consumption = gain weight. Coupled with indiscipline, lack of exercise and laziness (holidays mah), one is assured of gaining a few tonnes pounds. How can you resists the temptation of:

CNY Goodies... munch, munch, munch...

Duck, Chicken, Pork ... give it to me baby, ahah, ahah!

I shall sleep now!

Next episode: Gatherings, gatherings and more gatherings!!!


Anonymous said...

skinny people like mun yee should not resist good food too! eh, i think your mun yee is skinnier than eddy la.

But if you were to compare male to male, then yeah he's kinda skinny *ehehehehe*

Anonymous said...

oih I am not thin la.

my perut buncit like fark.

can store mun yee inside.

Jed said...

eddy: if your perut can store mun yee, mine can store you, june as well as mun yee leh wei...

june: mun yee is filter, i am DBKL-er

Anonymous said...

ewah ewah! stop tat k; am tryin so hard put on weight ya! been eatin non-stop til my voice was gone by e wind :p