CNY gang equals to a bunch of my secondary school gang. We make it a habit to gather during CNY every year and terrorize each and every individual's house to collect ang pauS [definitely with the capital S]. Its also a good time to catch up with 'long time no see' friends; and once again, none of us are married/getting married yet. It is also a great time to earn some extra cash through
Well, this year, we started late and ended the terrorizing the following day (waliao, I also dunno how we all can tahan).
House 1: Uncle Lim
House 2: Uncle Alex
House 3: Uncle Chan
Break for food!!! Due to miscommunication, half of us were in McDs, while another half was in KFC...
House 4: Handsome, Hunky, FuckingLicious, Strong, Sexy, Macho Me
I'm busy hosting that I ain't got no time to take piccies, muahahaha!!! My house brought me good luck, I won, I won!!! Good Luck x 3817601331689317Give it to me baby, aha aha!
House 5: Uncle Kua
House 6: Uncle Hubert
House 7: Auntie Chik
House 8: SmashPop
Break time again: Finally had our dinner at close to 10 pm.
After dinner, only about 50% of the gang was left...
House 9: Auntie Choy
Aunty Choy's dog keep barking at me... Since its year of the dog, I shall be forgiving...House 10: Auntie Adrianne
Reach Aunty Adrianne's house at about 11.30pm, ta da!!! The survival of the fittest consists of: Me (definitely), Auntie Adrianne (her house mah), Auntie Choy, Auntie Chik, Uncle Hubert, Uncle Cheong (too late liao to visit his house), Uncle Kua, Auntie Michelle (i think still got)...And all of us departed by 1 something in the morning (should have gone for karaoke and dim sum session)...
No pictures were taken after dinner as I was too lazy, hahaha.
- C - N - Y -
A big thanks to SmashPop for making me the tag for my piccies. This proves that he's great to all guys and gals. So, bachelorettes out there, make a move before its too late. Group Hugs Smash!!!
I am so happy that I shall therefore reveal my face for your viewing pleasure. Be warned that you will immediately fall in love with me when you see the following picture, so take the upmost caution. Turn away before its too late...
~ edited on 110206 1044 ~
picture of me somehow cannot be loaded here... must be to ugly, scroll up to the next post to view...
muahahahah this post rox@@@ cos:
1. got my face..
2. got my house..
3. got my links..
4. got my fren jed's face
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