Saturday, February 11, 2006

i am so lost for t.i.t.l.e.s.

*yawns* just woke up and proceeded to blogging (gosh, am I addicted!?!?!). I spent nearly the whole previous night ~ morning editing photos for my previous entry; cos I was without Photoshop *curses* and had to resort to more low tech way to edit, MS Paint (&#)@_@$&!^$#()$_) ... In the mean time,or I suppose at that mean time, I did spend time trying to fix my PC, but somehow, things seem to got worse as I get tonnes of Blue Screen of Death (the actual blue cannot be reflected here) and now, I can't even boot BIOS... Fcuk x 1011189155 to the power of 5519811101.

Was driving home from work last night, at around 1930++ and was stuck in a jam. I have no freaking idea what caused the jam but it was horrendous as there is not supposed to be congestion after 1930! (if yes, minor ones). Who says that?!?!? I MIGHTILY FUCKING SAID!!! It practically started directly in front of my office till destination, took a friggin 80 minutes to reach munyee's house. On my journey, I encountered 1 stalled lorry, 3 stalled cars, 1 stalled garbage truck and 2 accidents. The dual accidents happened right in front of me, luckily no life lost.

I really wonder what happened as I was stuck in a jam (remember? NO?!?! shove your head into the toilet bowl to refresh yourself). There was no rain, roads were brightly lit, vehicles are moving, at most 20km/h and funny enough, the aunty in front of me bang into the car in front of her. Drivers alighted from vehicle to check on damage and talk (aunty seems to over-react since the damage was only minimal), in the right most lane in a middle of congestion. Can't you people just move aside first?!?!?

I resorted to move to the middle lane to proceed my journey home, and then BANG! another accident in the middle lane. Sort of like this:

D second accident was more damaging as the hood of the blue car was crushed. Some reasons why the second accident happened:
1. Sampat-ing accident 1, bang!, become topic of sampat
2. Trying to jot down number plates of cars involved in accident 1
3. Calling friends/family to tell them bout the accident
4. Negotiating the congestion to stop and get down from car to sampat the accident
Somehow, after accident 2 happened, vehicles from accident 1 dispersed and I had to renegotiate back to the right most lane to move... CCB!!!

Lessons to be learned:
When you witness an accident, please move on and do not slow down to look. Imagine yourself as a victim, would you like it if others slow down and look at you as though you're a monkey prancing in a cage in the zoo? Unless you are planning to provide assistance, please FUCKING drive on...

I am so pissed now that I shall post a picture of my damn lansi look, same picture that could not load in the previous post...