Saturday, February 18, 2006

yet another d.a.y.

*this is a reconstructed post*
*happened because my pc gave up on me*
*and I was demotivated to re-write*

Finally, I was able to boot my PC (hurrah! hurrah!); some-how, it was able to boot, just like that. *snapz*. Previously, I tried including an alternative graphic cards, an alternative hard disk, an alternative CD-ROM (to run format/repair the current instance of XP; which failed), and an alternative RAM, but to no avail... It even stated that my BIOS is non-ACPI compliant (wtf!!!) and suddenly, it booted today. Reduced the possibility to a crashed hard dick disk, the worst case scenario to happen to any PC owner because:

hard disk crashed = lost of game saves & porn = lost of valuable resources = buy new storage = spend money = total loss!!!

Well, hopefully I might be able to salvage some remaining, accessible data and wares to minimize looses; else, I'll just head over to smash's place and rummage his PC for hardwares... nguahahaha!!!

No Warning! No spoilers ahead!
Went to watch 49 Days(starring Stephen Fung (yay!) & Gillian Chung (yer!)). Whilst collecting tickets, were allocated to side seats. The below conversation occured:

*Provided booking number and allocated side seats*

Watashi: Can I change the seats allocated?
Ticket-Man: Sorry, can't do that because the seats are assigned by system
Watashi: Ok, then I shall revoke my booking and buy the tickets instead.
Ticket-Man: The seats are assigned by the system already.
Watashi: I mean I will buy the tickets instead.
Ticket-Man: Blah blah blah (no good seats; assigned by the system).

I gave up and took the side seats anyway, which is a wise choice as there were no alternative seats and the Ticket-Man is probably an android programmed to repeat the greatness of GSC online booking system (seats are allocated...)

The movie, finally
1. General Viewing rating (Untuk tontonan Umum)
2. Predictable story line
3. Not horrifying
4. Bad acting by Gillian Chung (Ah Kiu from Twins)
5. Poor portrayal of characters
6. Not horrifying

v-day, part 2
Part two is dedicated to food; pricey but good food. As mentioned previously, dinner was consumed in T.G.I. Friday's, KL branch in Life Centre, Jalan Sultan Ismail. Actually, I never knew there was a branch there till the fateful day when I searched their site to get the most convenient location.

Never to be expected that our choices were only limited to valentine's sets (appetizer, dessert and a main course which have a choice of chicken or beef or chicken or fish). Dang! After bombarding the waiter with questions to have an understanding of what we're about to consume; we proceeded with the ordering;

1. Black peppered rib eye
2. Jack Daniel's something chicken
3. Nachos (with more chicken!)
4. Fried Calamari
5. Dessert consists of Choc Mud Pie
6. Ice Lemon Tea for 2 instead of some love potion recommended

The serving was quite huge, making me stuffed, too stuffed for dessert. And never in my life have I tasted anything so rich in Chocolate, that I beh tahan. Luckily for me, the Ice Lemon Tea helped me through with the mud pie.

Fried Calamari

*More pictures will come later as I am rushing to finish Angels and Demons, Dan Brown*