Friday, May 16, 2008

The Hunter Hunted.

Few weeks back, I was actively searching for job opportunities through all mediums possible, newspapers, headhunters, online job sites, references through friends and such. Out of the many applications that I've sent out, I only heard from a few of them, inclusive of those who called to inform that they no longer have vacancies or my application was unsuccessful. Truth to be told, it was pretty demoralizing and had me totally worried.

Now that I'm no longer searching for jobs, I have companies and hunters calling me on and off, sometimes a few calls per day, requesting my presence for interviews. I've even received calls from different agents of the same organization before, ish. So frequent that it's starting to become annoying.

Funny how things turn out to be at times, no there when you're desperately seeking, everywhere when you're not looking.


SilverIsle said...

It's always like that, isn't it? Even when I was young, I could never find my lost stuffs when I was searching for it, but when I've finally gave up, it would just appear out of nowhere in a corner of my house.

@Li3N a.k.a Jo@nN3 said...

Yea, I encounter the same thing as well. When you're desperately looking for a job, none. When you have found one, they will come flooding you with plenty of choice.

Even things in life are the same, sometimes!

Jed said...

[SilverIsle] Happens quite often, things happen or appear when least expected. Perhaps when we're anxious, we always look at all the wrong places?

[@Li3N] Lols, you tooks the words right out of my mouth. Things in life? When got no boyfriend, no one kacau, but when got boyfriend already, all come and kacau ah? jk, jk.