Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still here.

I'm trying a different style of blogging, just experimenting with stuff. Wondering if anyone will be able to notice it.

Being quite free, I scanned through my archives. Surprised myself with the contents and style way back then, kinda bad. Gave me a feeling as though I was trying to imitate others instead of just being myself. Hopefully, it has improvised, the only way I would know is through the feedbacks from you who's reading this.

I guess reading loads of works by other bloggers have helped me much in shaping my own entries. Thanks everyone.

Initially, this blog was created serving as a platform to vent my anger and dissatisfaction on anything. Seems as though it revolved into a sanctuary where I share my thoughts and happenings with family, friends and others.

It never occured to me that I would be meeting so many great people, who eventually became friends. I've learnt much from them, be it directly or indirectly, and am eternally grateful. Thanks everyone.

I just realized that it sounds as though by the end of this entry, I will be calling the quits on blogging. No worries, it ain't happening. It's just that after going through my archives, looking at myself going through the phases, I got a bit emotional (in a positive way).

It got me wondering as well, how much longer will I be blogging... Another few months? Years? Or till I lost the ability to do so? How much more will I be able to share? I guess, I'll never know until it comes knocking on my front door. Time will tell.

Till then, I guess you'll be seeing more of me...

"The path we walk in life is built upon our own decisions"
jed 17:10:2006 1505


Anonymous said...

Dont quit Jed, we all need u to entertain us lol.

Ahaha, anyways great having u as our friend too hehe :D

Jed said...

you dedicated a post to me, I'm so touched that I decided not to quit. NOT! I where got say want to quit leh... aiyoyo!