SmashpOp the Free is currently having a pimping pageant to see who among his not so loyal pOppers deserves his attention the most! Head over and join the fun in spamming his comment box until HaloScan contact him for mis-usage of service and ban him! Yeah!

Warning: Clicking on the picture will not redirect you anywhere, noob!
Congratulations to Jed (Come on everybody, cheer me on, clap ya hands for me!). What's the occasion that calls for the cheering? Let's find out ::
Hari Ini dalam Sejarah:
Pada hari ini, lima belas (15) haribulan Jun, dua ribu enam (2006) menandakan tempoh satu bulan Jed sudah tidak menyantap sebarang makanan segera, yanglebih diketahui sebagai "fast food".
Yeapz! I have not eaten any form of fast food for the past month; it's not that I do not want to, in fact, I hunger for it. Deep within me, the fire rages violently, urging and supressing my mind to head into the McD or KFC everytime I pass by, every freaking single day!!! It's just that the cost is too blardy, freaking expensive!!!! Imagine a KFC dinner plate costing somewhere close to $7.50 (if my mind did perceive correctly as it may be distorted by the alluring fragrance of fried chicken).
If I am earning Sing ($), a dollar to ringgit comparison will actually fall in favour of the dollar, as a KFC dinner plate in Malaysia costs close to RM9 (I think most people are aware that the standard of living in KL is actually higher than Singapore; for example, I can still get a place of mixed rice with meat + 2 non-meat side dishes for $2.50). Though I do have an allowance on top of my salary, but paying RM17 for fried chicken(s) is definitely out of the question Call me stingy, call me kam siap, call me whatever you want; but my conciousness always wins over my desire at the last bloody minute.
If you're currently in Singapore and felt pity for me, hear my plead and buy me a meal of fast food will ya? I will be forever grateful for your kindness and to repay you, I shall place your picture in my blog for others (as well as myself) to adore!
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