Thursday, March 30, 2006

g.e.n.t.i.n.g. trip

Second entry to Short Trip in Genting :: Day 1 second half and Day 2 first half

Moving on... We were kinda spoiled for choices to makan-makan; it was actually causing us headache to decide where to have our dinner. First World has been so commercialized since the last time we were here; the place resembles a shopping complex more than a hotel anytime, anywhere you look.

note: According to an anonymous source, come of the brands there had their stock flown in directly from HK; therefore, the items on sale are actually more unique/limited/newer than those sold elsewhere (KL for example). Pay attention when shopping next time.

In the end, we judged the food by its decoration and decided to eat here:

Which was a bad move; either we ordered the wrong dishes or everything's like that (its like that, yo!) or maybe it's just us. Both the Hainanese Chicken Rice and the Nanyang Fried Rice taste ... erm ... eeehhh ... plain?

Hainanese Chicken Rice :: you serious?!?!?

Frice rice with funny keropok and slices of cold fried egg... eeewww

As you might have guessed, the unsatisfactory meal + cold weather = find other food lor; within an hour or two or so, we headed for another eatery to compensate for the previous torture. We went to flavours and ate light (supper time nia)...

I took a Iced Sea Coconut + Longan
She took a Hot Black Sesame Gluitonious Ball (something like that lar) also ordered a Thai styled tauhu thingy (hot, sour and salty + spicy != NanoNano)

aaaahhhhhhhh... stuff are much, much better as displayed by mun yee

Supper + Sleep = Next Morning

a view from bed to window

After a hearty although not fulfilling but what to do cause its free breakfast, we headed for a short walk towards the outdoor theme park. To our amazement, it was raining again...

damn cold, misty and wet out there

never failing to take a picture first, bbbrrr...freaking cold...

As opposed to the comment posted by SmashpOp that I was afraid to take theme park rides; it was an action by people of the higher level that prevented me from doing so... and I have no choice but to abide, cheh wah!

Instead, we headed for shopping and aimed rested & relaxed until lupa want to makan lunch! At about 1600, we decided to have a light snack due to the fact that we were tad bit hungry and dinner was soon. Snacking soon turned into a full fledge meal as the pictures in the menu was irresistable (Food do look nicer when we're hungry...)

Our so-called snacking location

Kai See Hor Fun :: Chicken Floss Noodle Soup

Soya Duck with Wantan Mee

MMMmmmMMMmmmMMMmmm...yummy, yummy, yummy...

That's all for now folks, stay tuned for the second half of second day and first half of the final day!

= = = = =

Was almost calar-ed by an express bus on my way home... stupid express bus driver, forcing its way into other lanes at a corner summore! Was so damn freaking close that I can draw a pig clearly on the side of the bus using a marker pen! I shall file a complaint! I shall!


Anonymous said...


means which one first..

"sudah ke belum?"



Anonymous said...

Hey man, im looking forward for "the next episode" ^_^