Monday, March 06, 2006

missing p.o.s.t.

Something has somehow place my previous post somewhere else, very troublesome! Alrighty there, previously I posted an entry stating that I was preparing myself for exam, therefore will be missing from action for a few days. Post gone, simple as that. Maybe I was just too tired after the post that I fell asleep on the key board and my chin hit ALT while my nose hit F4... and yes, my face is THAT big...

Exam, what exam?!?!?!

I can practically hear that ringing through everyone's head. Well, in case any of you were interested and wondering, was just getting myself certified through Microsoft Testing programme. Yadah, yadah... I would not want to take it if not for the obligations; I mean, having to go through all the nightmares again is INDEED very torturing! But the amount of joy brought in through success is equivalent to the sufferings, given IF you are successful.

After all the required preparations, took the exam yesterday morning and passed!!! Yay! Come on everyone, congratulate moi!!! Well, I was quite astonished with the fact that I knew the results even before stepping out of the exam room; way cool right?!?!?!? It would be great if all my exams during Uni days were like that, and we can choose to actually re-take the spot if intended! Cool, right?

Process was farely simple, go online, register online, set appointment online, pay online, study online and walah! You're ready for the paper. On the day itself, present yourself to the testing center along with a confirmation print-out, fill in some freaking forms (mandatory) and click away!!!

Wait, I see someone making funny faces... Yeapz, I said typed it correctly... CLICK! Its computerized! Thats what it should be as we're supposed to be living in a paperLESS society, right? I was actually anticipating a room with tens of PCs where all the examinees take position at the assigned location and time; then begins the exam. Much to my surprise, I was lead to a corner slot with 3 PCs, assigned to 1 and tadah! My paper begins... Heck, I even get to start earlier!!! (Of course, ending at precisely 170 minutes later).

I was actually allocated a longer duration due to the fact that I am taking an English based paper in a non-english-country. Talk bout privileges!!! All in all, managed to finish the paper in time and passed, that's all that matters. Now, have to look farward to complete the set of papers I'm supposed to take to acquire the certification. Wish me luck, everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Searching for the keyword
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improve traffic

Anonymous said...

Congrats! am so proud of u :)