Tuesday, February 28, 2006

fuel price up yet a.g.a.i.n.

By nightfall yesterday, news stating a possible hike in fuel price were circulating around. I received numerous SMS and messages through IMs advising me to go for a full tank before 12am. By late night, the messages were getting heavier and it seems like this time, its inevitable. Since I had refuelled on Sat and usage was less than 60km, there was no point in refuelling and therefore I slept.

By now, the only confirmed news regarding the hike is from theedgedaily; stating and increase of a whopping RM0.30. Walauweh, 30 cents eh!!! Meaning that your refuelling cost will be hiked by close to 20%!!! Some statistical figures to help you understand better:

Price per litre: rm1.62
Refuelling cost: rm50
Total litres: 30-31
Monthly cost: rm200

New Cost
Price per litre: rm1.92
Refuelling cost: rm59 -60
Total litres: 30-31
Monthly cost: rm236-240
Increase of a whopping 20%!!! OhMyGawd!!!

I do not wish to count further as it will be causing me major insomnia; the increase will be causing a further strain in my already empty-ing wallet. Do not forget that an increase in fuel price will affect all other industries; therefore, in a short run, we will be seeing increment in most items. The next thing I know, the economy mixed rice will not be that economical anymore.

I shall therefore be required to postpone my kahwin plans further due to this sharp increase. Sorry ah munyee, not that I wanted to, but the government has pushed me too hard, nguahahahaha!!!

At norm, statements such as "Even after the increase, the price of petrol is still relative low compared to other ASEAN countries, blah. blah. blah...". Suck my ****!!! MY ASS!!! Sounds comforting, but why not compare other stuff? Food? Cloth? Gadgets? ETC? Our standard of living is actually very high compared to OTHER ASEAN countries, proving that its just another gimmicky statement produced to cheat us feel better. Moreover, the massive congestion happening every day, every hour, every minute and every second is making our vehicle consume more than required amount of fuel!!!

So, hopefully, the government put the retracted subsidy(which is billions btw, close to a billion per month) to good use. They should perhaps use it to build more federal roads and instead of another fucking highway+intolerable costly toll for the helpless rakyat to save by not wasting fuel on congestions. In the long run, there will be major benefits because:

Reduced congestion = reduced pollution
Reduced congestion = reduced fuel consumption
Reduced congestion = reduced individuals suffering from high blood pressure
Reduced congestion = reduced accidents
Reduced congestion = reduced need for police to control traffice, can allocate more manpower to fight crime

So many darn benefits and I can think of more; however, that is unlikely to happen. The next thing we know, there might be air-conditioning in all NS camps... HAHAHAHAHA!!!


Anonymous said...

since gov has pushed us so hard, i gotta continue with my breaddy lunch :(