Saturday, January 14, 2006


Today Yesterday was F.r.i.d.a.y. the 13th (yes I know that you know that cause all the radio DJs has been desperately frantically trying to find out its origin so that they can scare the living shit out of you... *mebbe through goh-char calls...*

Hiss dot fm DJ: Hello, this is mr anderson from *tut*tut*tut* ... blah...b lah... can I speak to balh ... blah...
Never suspecting victim: speaking...
DJ: blah... blah... blah... (standard procedure to terrorize you...)
victim: trying the best to explain shit...
DJ: Since today is Friday the 13th, we will provide a walkaround if you imitate the sound of Jason hacking innocent people with a chainsaw...
victim: proceed with imitation... imitate Jason, imitate chainsaw, imitate ppl kena saw...
DJ: goh-char...


the journey to work today was surprisingly smooth; usually, at this hour, I would routinely be cursing and swearing to the extend that Earth tilt away from its orbit. I am a gentle, kind and civilised guy hunk; but when it comes to congestion; no more mr. nice guy...

office hours:
It was a quiet evening, so quiet that something does not seem right. Out of a sudden, the bell rang and there stood a man at door-step, partially hidden by the sheer size of the 'item' he was holding. The gate was opened, fumbling his way through as he carefully placed down the 'item' and left. Females awed at it, males ignore it. The bouquet of flower stood unclaimed by the sofa.

(L - R)
sweet, gentle voice: Hi, I'm kinky Rosy, kinkiest of them all...
confident, strong voice: Hi, I'm flirty Lily/Tulip, flirtiest of them all...
deep, musky voice: Hi I'm... I'm... what the fark am I suppose to be ?!?!?! siao...

attention geniuses,
please tell me if you know what that is... it's green, soft, hairy, hollow and emits a strong aura that causes its victim to have a strong desire to pop them...

still office hours:
the emptiness still surround the office and once again, a figure stood by the doorstep. This one was holding a package, with unknown content; package was received and the experts attended it. Part by part the packaging was removed and in the end, everyone was drooling onto the cake.

Oh scrumptious cake, grant me the permission to bite upon you...

I have no freaking idea what cake is this, but basically it consists of:
Starts with layer of nuts - yummy!
1 layer of coffee spongy filling - yummy!
1 layer of cheese filling - yummy! yummy! yummy!
Another layer of coffee spongy filling - yumuek...
Ends with sioft crust + nuts - yummy!

Basically, I dun go clubbing, I dun go binge drinking, I dun spend friday night at home... so, the next best thing in line will be 'yum char' session. As usual, the 'yum char' gang consists of me, munyee, ky and occasionaly catherine. This is due to the fact that Malaysia law dictates that any outdoor gathering consisting of more than 4 person will be considered illegal :P. We try our best to be applauded law abiding and co-operative citizens by keeping the gang small.

The lawful gathering was held at Steven's Corner Pandan Indah, and proceeded to a few rounds of pool after stuffing ourselves.

Kept myself occupied with the maggi goreng ayam = maggi fried chicken

roti kosong = empty bread, never look more kosong-ed

* * * *** * * *

Visit fooxion to indulge yourself in a huge variety of food ..... photograpshs... fooxion is a food community forum started by a few food enthusiats who find happiness in totally nothing else but food. There you will find food reviews, restaurant reviews and tons of hunks and chicks spreading food all over themselves to seduce you into the forum *okay, I made the last part out*.

Ensure you are well fed and ensure you do not enter with an empty stomach; just-in-case, place a napkin around you to prevent a saliva mess as you are guaranteed to drool endlessly...

shit... 0432 already, need to grab some doze before servicing my car tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

ur car sudah sepuluh ribu ka?

Anonymous said...

The cake really does sound amazing!

Anonymous said...

Damn cool man~ i like this blog... man, the waist aint a problem, look at me~ hahaha''

Jed said...

sudah 10ribu +++++ lor...

Anonymous said...

that 'roti canai' ain't nice at all! (prob only that nite) =( didn't even manage to finish it. sob sob...