Thursday, January 26, 2006

b.u.t. then...

I enjoy driving, I really do! I mean, what beats travelling around, enjoying the scenery (given there is any) breezing pass, having the car in your control whether to move ahead or to cruise along. Ahhhh, what better than having everything in your control and enjoying every minute of it.
But, that then, the paragraph denotes is applicable if and only if you're driving out of KL in locations WITHOUT traffic congestion!!! I fcuking hate driving in KL (minus holiday seasons)!!! I mean, even if an individual (moi for example) leaves the office at 8 something, still there's very bad congestion. Seriously, I dunno what's wrong?!?!? 8 plus at night, after all the initial private sector jam, government jam, school jam, everybody rush home for dinner jam... maybe I should name it as "Those who leave office late to avoid jam punya jam". Good name huh?
Sometimes, you just have no freaking idea what's wrong. One minute you're going on 20km/h, next thing you know, you're over the speed limit you're driving on par with the speed limit.
At times, in bad congestion, very bad... as though it is not bad enough, some featherbrains just have to make hell out of living for you (and all the other law abiding, handsomes and pretties citizen!!! Some of these idiots' contributions are:

1. Cutting Queues...
These are faggots that never learn the fact that in Malaysia, you have to QUEUE for EVERYTHING!!! Includes paying the government money, paying the government money and paying the government money!!! Pratically, the same concept applies when an individual is driving. When there's a traffic light, you queue BEHIND the car in front of you who is also waiting, not BESIDE, DIMWIT! Hey, everyone's rushing. I'm rushing home to watch Baywatch, how bout you???

Suggested Solution:
Install extendable sharp object on the left and right side of your vehicle. Once these non-queuers show up, upon activation, these sharp objects will extend and punture their vehicle tyres.
Possible outcome:
Illegal racers adds some excitement to their competition.

2. Emergency Lanes Abusers...
Classic get out of the jam quickly Arses. Anytime, anywhere you will be seeing these donkeys, using these lanes to supposingly escape the jam and causing more congestion. Usually, upon being caught, the standard lame answer would be :: "I'm rushing lar, got emergency because _______________ (fill in the blank). Omg, as if others are so free to get themselves stuck in the congestion. Hello?!?!? Are you still sleeping???
I just love it when I see drivers getting summonses for abusing these lanes. Nothing will make my morning better (Deem me evil, I dun care...muahahahahaha).

Suggested Solution:
Install extendable sharpnel strips that punctures all the cars abusing the lane; exception for emergency vehicles.
Possible outcome:
Booming business of tyre shops and mechanics and car towing services.

3. VIPs coming through...
I do not understand, why must they halt the whole traffic flow so that they can go faster? I am a Malaysian, he/she is a Malaysian. I pay tax, he/she pays tax as well. So, why the special treatment? If there are delegates from other countries for international events, understandable lar... but local ministers only mah. Jam with us lar, mebbe along the way, they can discuss rakyat issues with other drivers, which in turn benefits the government as they understand us better? Rakyat will know their leaders better too! Its a two-way benefit!

Suggested Solution:
Everyone should jam together, no VIP treatment.
Possible Outcome:
Making a better country together in the spirit of Malaysia Boleh!!! Kan Bagus???

4. And the worst of all will be :: Accident onlookers who are driving. I mean, drive, at most take a glance and move!!! Hey, if you're not planning to help, what the fuck are you slowing down for??? Taking a look at the misery of other people? Trying to get the plate number so that you can fucking buy 4D numbers?!?! Hey, slowing down impromptuly to get the number might end up getting yourself in the spotlight as well (as everyone is looking at the accident scene, who's looking front??? nyahaha).

Suggested Solution:
Use the mobile dividers (similar to some hospital which uses it to divide the beds) and surround the accident scene, so there will be 'nothing' to see...
Possible Outcome:
Nothing to see lar!!!

So, any other comments and suggestions?

* * * *** * * *

Points to ponder :: Do you realize that when taking a lift, most individuals tend to stare at the level indicator (the mechanism that indicates which level you are currently in) the whole journey up/down? If you station yourself at the opposite corner of the indicator, and take a good look at everyone, it looks as though they are waiting for some miracle to happen. If indeed something happens, I reckon everyone will go 'wwwaaaaahhhhhhh....' 0_o"


Anonymous said...

omg, i cant agreeeeeeeeeee more! i fcking hate QUEUE CUTTERS!!!!!! and ppl who uses emergency lanes just to ... CUT MORE QUEUES! and vips all, okay la, i'm just being envious! and ppl who slow down due to accidents... erm, yea, it's annoying! :)