Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Poon Choi.

At some Chinese Restaurant with a name so typically common that I totally fail to recall it now. All I can remember is peeking at the restaurant's signboard under the scorching heat and let out an Ohhh... It was my first time (having Poon Choi) and probably my last time as well, for a few days following this meal, the plain sight of meat gave me the shudders. More information of the dish in Wikipedia.

The beginning, when all looks good and everyone was excited. Most appetizing, can't wait to dig in.

Halfway there. Getting sick of meat and started looking for greens. The bottom layer was slightly revealed.

The end. Even with 3 individuals with the appetite of giants seated at our table, this was the best we could do. The final layer which consisted mainly of radish and braised pork knuckles (fatty food alert) was just too much (and jelak) to handle.