Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
I am typing this additional paragraph because about a minute ago, what I wrote suddenly vanished when I switched between the editing and the composing interface, and the autosave coincidentally saved right at that moment after failing numerous times earlier on. Kinda eerie if you asked me. Below is as recalled.
Been humming to the tune of the above verses from Dream a Little Dream of Me over and over again for the whole day, quite addictive if you asked me. Funny because I really don't recall listening or overhearing this song of late. And right at this moment, the addictiveness reminded me of the mandarin tune, I'm waiting for you to return home (wo deng zher ni huei lai) which is quite frequently used in horror movies *shivers* Oh shit, now I'm starting to hum to this tune, hhmmm, why do I feel like I'm scaring myself? Well, better stop with all these nonsense thoughts, don't wanna start recalling on other eerie stuff/tunes.
Still craving your kiss
I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
I am typing this additional paragraph because about a minute ago, what I wrote suddenly vanished when I switched between the editing and the composing interface, and the autosave coincidentally saved right at that moment after failing numerous times earlier on. Kinda eerie if you asked me. Below is as recalled.
Been humming to the tune of the above verses from Dream a Little Dream of Me over and over again for the whole day, quite addictive if you asked me. Funny because I really don't recall listening or overhearing this song of late. And right at this moment, the addictiveness reminded me of the mandarin tune, I'm waiting for you to return home (wo deng zher ni huei lai) which is quite frequently used in horror movies *shivers* Oh shit, now I'm starting to hum to this tune, hhmmm, why do I feel like I'm scaring myself? Well, better stop with all these nonsense thoughts, don't wanna start recalling on other eerie stuff/tunes.
Out of the blue, I rewatched The Terminal yesterday, still enjoyed the movie very much even after, I kinda lost count but I would put it around 20 times. Tom Hanks is absolutely brilliant, he's definitely one of my favourites. First got to know about him from Forrest Gump, I'm sure most of you out there have watched this one at least once and if not, surely you've come across the line "Life's like a box of chocolate" somewhere in your life. Then there's Sleepless in Seattle, Apollo 13, That Thing You Do, The Green Mile, Saving Private Ryan, Castaway, Catch Me If You Can, The Da Vinci Code, bits of Band of Brothers, voice for the Toy Story series, Cars, Polar Express, I think that's most of it, kinda impressed at myself as well.
Before I end this, let me just express the total disappointment towards myself for still being unable to find an effective solution to the issue that I am facing at work now. For this, as a form of motivation (or torture), should I not solve the issue by end of tomorrow, I shall abstain from eating my favourite mempelam (slightly raw mango I think) for the rest of the week but tomorrow afternoon still can eat okay? Power Up!!!
On Operation Daylight Robbery
Should anyone have noticed it in the beginning that is. Nothing more than Matt (who has forcefully discovered the existence of this little virtual dwelling) and I heading towards the OTHER level armed with a paper bag to replenish our ever declining supply of junk food and instance drinks, that's coffee for me. Operation was successful and should be able to last the few of us for this week and hopefully, the coming week as well.
On Operation Daylight Robbery
Should anyone have noticed it in the beginning that is. Nothing more than Matt (who has forcefully discovered the existence of this little virtual dwelling) and I heading towards the OTHER level armed with a paper bag to replenish our ever declining supply of junk food and instance drinks, that's coffee for me. Operation was successful and should be able to last the few of us for this week and hopefully, the coming week as well.
I'm going to say this out loud. If I hit the jackpot, there goes Jed. If not, so be it.
So be it.
If it makes you happier, technically, its half correct, lols. I shall say no more.
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