Wednesday, August 23, 2006

MMU 7th Convo...

About two weeks back was Multimedia University's (MMU) 7th Convocation which was held in the Cyberjaya varsity as opposed to year 2005, which had me travelling all the way down to some multipurpose hall in Malacca. I think the main reason behind this change of venue is to show-off the newly completed multipurpose hall, constructed with our forever so expensive tuition fees. And to think that I have not the privilege to make use of this new facility. *emo*

As expected, overwhelming quantity of cars. This is where the benefits of being an ex-mmuian comes in; the secret back-door passage. I suddenly feel damn atas. Anyway, upon reaching somewhere near the hall, I could see that the graduates were just heading out of the hall, what perfect timing. Oh, before that, I nearly fainted looking at the amount of people around. Could hardly breath at a normal rhythm. That was when I decided never will I attend another convocation unless its a close buddy of mine; else it would be my children's.

Left side got so many people...

Right side also got a lot of people, damn 7 crowded siut...

Look far far away still can see crowds of human

Initially, the weather was kinda nice, breezy with some clouds. But then, suddenly it began to drizzle. Damn potong steam! It lasted for about 15-20 minutes and then stopped, leaving a humid environment with sticky people everywhere. Eeewww! After some search-and-snaps, few of us decided to call it a day and headed out for yum cha since there'll be another convo session tomorrow (which I did not attend cause tiba-tiba sick liao... sorry peeps!). Unfortunately, there were some juniors and pals that I was unable to contact, sedihnya...

KY-not-that-jelly finally graduating... congrats!

Jason, look who I found... I also saw garfui, chik munyee and wei mun

*I suddenly realize that munyee has met all of my ex-partners... wah liao...*


Anonymous said...

yes, i knew tat u hav more than 1 partner ....

Jed said...

*runs and hides*