Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fool.

Nothing happened, nothing at all.

I did not prank nor was I pranked - not even by the wife, surprisingly. It was just like any other weekday, calm and peaceful even though loaded with work.

The only incident that came pretty close to a pranking, totally based on my own assumption, was a circular from one of the colleagues requesting everyone to be in formal wear the following day, just for fun, no special occasion.

Yeap, the company where I work does not practice formal attire during work, don't be jealous alright?

And I don't feel like doing one here either, so nothing but a simple greeting of Happy April Fool's Day from me then.


ahlost said...

Hahahaha.. I've been wearing casual to work for yearssss... don't be jealous *LOL*

Jed said...

lols. cause u are tauke leong (wife to the tauke) ah?