Friday, January 16, 2009


Recently, I've made a pretty interesting discovery about myself when blogging, only applicable to none-images-loaded entries - seems like I am more capable and inspired to write when using Blogger's interface directly compared to doing it on notepad or word first, then do the cut and paste. Words flow like a peaceful stream when using the former while the latter frequently cause blockages and state of blankness in mind.

I think the number of drafts are quickly catching up with the total number of posts. Seriously. Wait just a minute, I am currently experiencing this sensation - the thought of having mentioned the prior sentence is now lingering at the back of my head, hhmmm...

Onwards to other stuff. Lately, I seem to be surrounded by sick people no matter where I am. In the office, most of my colleagues have fallen ill but refused to take MC due to workload hence spreading viruses around every nook and corner - sheesh. At home, the wife has been infected by flu and coughing over the past few days, doesn't seem to be getting any better.

Somehow, I have a feeling that my turn to fall sick will come pretty soon *but still touchwood first* please don't be so cruel to me since Chinese New Year is just around the corner, one more week only! I seriously do not wish to be prohibited from touching all those good food and snacks and all those junk food!

Summore everytime I 'lou sang' I wish for everyone to have good health all the time one leh!

Okay, gotta go, have a great weekend yah! Cheers! I think mine shall be pretty occupied with Luminous Arc 2 hohoho. Somebody's not gonna be totally unhappy bout this.