Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Say Again?

Informed the security personnel manning the front desk politely that the elevator I was traveling in hit something on the 13th floor, resulting a loud bang, vibrated violently and then stopped for a few seconds before proceeding down again.

You know what he replied?

That he knew about it and that particular lift often have such issues. It's a norm, he had to add in.

Needless to say, I gave him a piece of my mind, one that intimidated him so much that he went onto his knees to beg for forgiveness.

Just kidding.

But I do hope that he really meant it when he mentioned that he'll bring the matter up to his superiors. Perhaps I should follow up with the management tomorrow, just to be sure.

So the next time you're taking a lift servicing Level G to Level 15 in the Gardens South Tower, just be reminded to say a quick prayer before getting into one. Lady Luck might just happened to be slightly occupied that day.

- Post entirely written and published using BlogPress from my iPhone