Thursday, July 02, 2009

PC Kaput.

So, the trusted old PC that has been with me since Uni and has also gone through multiple upgrades (hardware and software) decided to throw a fit at me again. Nothing that I've tried so far produced any encouraging results and all the "symptoms" are directing towards the possibility of a crashed hard disk.

I'm starting to get really worried, there's tonnes of images stored and losing them would be utterly devastating. The thing is, although I've backed them up, I just can't seem to find the CDs and that's as good as no backups. And I'm not gonna fork out THAT amount of money just to rescue the data, no-no.

So I shall pray for a miracle now that when I push the POWER button the next time, everything will resume as it is. Just so you know, the 14" NEC CRT monitor that I am currently using came with my first PC (back when I was 15/16), very lasting eh?